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[考试辅导] CustomsandManners风俗习惯与礼节-2

发表于 2012-8-16 08:17:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  Customs and Manners
# \' B4 V" @8 b1 q! O" P8 E- l4 [* P% C# v  Do as the Romans do.
2 X" Z) w( U; g& L+ m8 a  Try to follow the custom and you’ll get used to it.4 d8 i* N& ]5 m9 |9 f: t
  Making yourself clear is a polite thing to do.8 O$ O& O3 F  ^' X* Y
  It’s always a  bit difficult to get things started.
, m: ^, y: o2 y8 a. m& C+ g7 x8 p  Once you get started you’ll find it much easier to do.6 s/ R8 P' @# i0 Y
  The safe way to do things is to watch what people do and do the same.# i& i( D+ {4 a2 x/ A; P
  You just have be westernized, but you’ve got to learn to enjoy our things while you’re here.
7 e0 T# _7 Q0 s  You’ll appreciate our views more when you get to know us better.
$ Q- [0 N9 A# f- T. t* m' \  You’ve got to make friends if you want to get better acquainted with things here.! R' Y0 w! v6 @0 R
  Living in a strange land is always hard at the beginning, but you’ll get over it.. S, j) ?& [; u! L- U0 q0 Z8 t
  You don’t have to go with it, but what you need to do is to understand it.
8 Y* c3 V8 L, M  That’s what makes us Americans
. `  E6 Q' \7 e) |  By our custom it’s not acceptable.1 I7 G: G& h5 |" ^9 @; c
  I think you’ll have to change your habit a little bit.
: D5 H- |% F2 }7 v2 o  Stick to it ,no matter what people say.. ?0 @1 F" T+ Y( T' `
  You’ll overcome the culture shock in no time.
6 ?  x/ W% r2 X! g6 P2 u  It’ll help you broaden your viewpoints that you live with people from different backgrounds.
& E( T1 v; a# h$ F  This is what a lot people thought of us Americans when they first come here.1 Y" g. z/ o5 v* ?$ Q/ G
  I found people here seem always on the run.
, x  W1 _3 r. B! n$ |5 a9 }4 l! E  People have always mistakenly thought we Chinese people lack a sense of time and are slow in response to the outside world. But it’s just not true any more.
! v! V/ `) C0 S  Although they’ve tried in every way to make friends with me, it still doesn’t work. I think part of the problem is the language, and part of it the cultural differences.$ l. n2 x$ C; O2 f: Y
  It’ll help us to understand the problem better.
, r" T0 e* z1 W: H) X  We seldom eat our vegetables raw back home.5 v( p4 N4 `" o; T5 j; d( B+ {
  Is that a Chinese custom?4 Z9 d' S# p! P; F4 k2 x2 ^
  I found your eating habits a bit strange. For example, it amazed me when I first saw you drink milk cold.
) o- {1 W! L5 Y2 L1 G& ]8 L# ?  We still try to keep Chinese customs.
3 ]7 @# t; Q& M& d  F' K) `  We Chinese are friendly, generally speaking.
% u: @3 k6 r6 \  It’s too much Americanized, I’m afraid.& l/ u! @6 K. k  H6 {& M  u& n
  We eat a lot of fast food nowadays.5 c4 L3 w( l2 A- t- X' i
  You don’t have to be very formal when you come to me place.
( F4 V! G9 ~) K/ n! r+ T, V) J* c, e  You really don’t have to bring gifts every time you got to a friend’s house.) z" `& @; A! m7 ^/ h" q
  The western people do not ask about the ages and salaries of others.
/ p) k4 Q1 r$ h( S5 @; j- g3 |  Ages, salaries and so on are privacy.
  `3 \) i5 _8 I" S  f  If you ask an American about his religion or marriage, usually won’t get an answer.) T6 c( h7 [' T$ @' o! o1 _
  Keep in mind you should be in time when you’re invited to dinner.
3 W8 N& J: n* _5 f" e3 m  `  You may go with a gift or not.: E* h. G5 S8 W& d) U' F3 W
  Remember to make an appointment any time you want to call on somebody.
5 G* S5 ~& x/ C. R$ M% C& \" \  Don’t try to shake hand with a woman unless she puts out her hand first.8 F  `2 i/ V8 A; a6 J# d7 X
  You can talk about weather to anybody at any time.
7 d6 C2 {2 ]% k) o  Weather is a good topic to begin a conversation.
1 A; p9 N, ]6 v8 v5 x' G* Z* I  Americans consider it more friendly to invite a person to one’s home than to take him to a restaurant.( z' B4 f2 R/ B
  You should arrive at the time you were invited for, or within five or ten minutes after that time.: e7 ^( K, G  y; S
  If you are unable to thank the hostess before you leave, it’s a good idea to write her a note of thanks or telephone her the next day.; Q/ R+ y; Z  W& h  h# W, Q
  If you’re going to be an overnight or weekend guest, it is customary to bring the hostess a small present.
& W( Z# u, G; o# K0 m  Men usually open doors for women, and women generally walk ahead of men into a room or restaurant.
5 a: v" p# I( g" D: p8 u, Z. O; J  Usually, if a man asks a woman out to dinner, he will pay for the dinner.
! `' }9 P7 E8 l9 w# [% c- C( `0 `+ B  Although there is much informality in the United States, it is important not to create a false impression regarding your feelings for another person.  风俗习惯与礼节
+ H' y2 k+ i. F& |/ K: _  入乡随俗。
/ T& h8 n# S- {5 K' B  入乡随俗慢慢会习惯的。
6 Q, c5 R* E- r  有话直说是礼貌的举动。9 e3 r8 k" m7 F5 v; c/ Y3 ?
" i4 r; H. y7 q1 G  什么事一旦开了头,就会比较容易多了。% ^3 E, z  a( f) b* s* l
2 D3 O+ q5 R, i5 U, Y8 v  您不必西化,但是在这儿就得学会这儿的生活方式。7 ~% O) |3 ?3 [7 t1 u
0 |. u2 \% ]- p* T) V  想要更好的了解这儿的事物,您必须多交朋友。# N) e4 T$ U$ `" |( p
& E- I# [6 r+ v9 a  有些事情您不必都学,只须理解就可以了。  Y: p% P* }0 v& O2 r; u
7 H: ~! @  l; I+ Q9 Q8 l  按照我们的习惯,这是不能接受的。
7 b' t0 C5 c/ A9 T2 M) Y  我觉得您得改一改您的习惯才行。
2 n' Z& ?: j3 V- X- M/ O! f7 a  您干您的,甭管别人怎么说您。! H% J4 V# P7 O

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-16 08:17:43 | 显示全部楼层


$ |. l* }6 }" J& m  许多刚来美国时就是这么看我们美国人的。2 k* t; v# O/ z: A# j! V! _
  我发现这儿的人好像。/ d) s" b0 v6 }' {: C9 w
+ A' n% m9 _1 I  m  尽管他们千方百计地对我们友好,可我总觉得跟他们合不来。我想这里既有语言问题,也有文化方面的差异。
) v7 E4 Z; ^# P2 Z  H# z  它将有助于我们更好地理解这个问题。, X. K& a+ i! f8 A1 R( a/ K
  我们在国内很少生吃蔬菜。. }" f8 t8 d( n8 L
) N. x/ ]: A) C8 v3 C) `7 k  我发现您们的饮食习惯有点怪,比如我头一次看您喝凉奶时,就觉得很奇怪。' Y' F3 u) `1 W1 w; p+ U' Y2 c
8 @6 P& n4 H* Q9 K  一般来说,我们中国人是比较友好的。7 t. f7 c  |/ q$ F' u: H$ v1 v
2 ^& U/ g# V2 L  T( M2 e: B6 N- n  现在我们常吃快餐。0 m* q' j7 H& G9 \9 P
( G: g7 t5 |. `  @3 Z: o  去朋友家做客,您不必每次都带礼物。: b1 ]5 C+ `5 d. O3 Z3 u! ?& _/ L/ S
* w- s2 M. v5 S. t$ ]& G  年龄,收入都属于个人隐私。% ^. ~/ E) h1 z" o6 o+ x7 Q
/ C' j; t% n" \! u( Y  去别人家做客一定要准时。. \: `$ A. H0 u) @
  带不带礼物都可以。7 y8 r* d! A! N: ]0 Y5 S7 j6 _
  去拜访前一定要约好时间。& i/ A3 R" H6 @$ j
0 ~: ~+ c2 d( d  w* i  您可以随时和别人谈天气。5 l# ?7 S: {$ U) G; c. s9 y
0 Y3 z3 \0 R2 f  美国人认为把客人请到家里,比在餐馆里请客更友好。
( V* U4 m' @) \  有人邀请您,应该准时到达,或在比约定时间晚5到10分钟内到达。
) M/ P% ]& i; }& x5 o9 ~; t  假如您在告辞前不方便向女主人道谢,那么最还在第二天写封信或打个电话表示谢意。2 B: p, o9 i' X6 Z3 |+ Q9 G, B
  如果您是到别人家住一晚或度周末,习惯上要给女主人带点小礼物。9 l: |; U8 N( \3 _4 Z
  男士通常替女士开门,走进房间或餐馆时,一般仍是女士在前,男士随后。4 V1 u# _# c/ U  y0 g
7 a2 h* C, d8 I. k! O- q' m  虽然美国非常不拘小节,但您不能在对他人的感情问题上,给热以错误的印象,这一点是很重要的。
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