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[考试辅导] CustomsandManners风俗习惯与礼节-1

发表于 2012-8-16 08:17:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  About Festivals
5 y& v* r5 Y: o* @" u/ T  Spring Festival marks the beginning of spring.
1 r2 B8 d: e5 L  Spring Festival is time for family reunion and feasts.0 o/ e* H& L# J' ^  I) _7 Z9 F+ e
  Spring Festival is set either in late January or in early February.
. I$ n" n0 A. g3 d  B  Soon after the festival ,the weather gets warmer and the spring farming begins.8 ]) f$ z' E& O( [9 ~, v6 a
  People celebrate the occasion all over the country for it’s the most important festival.
, S. g/ {5 T$ c  We call on our friends and relatives, and wish one another happy new year.
( P( }0 k1 u/ V: h  Besides Spring Festival, there’s still some other traditional festivals, such as the Mid-autumn Festival, the Dragon-boat Festival, the Double Ninth Festival, and so on.# z- Y+ E8 [  l& a8 @, L/ K6 h
  It’s interesting that people may have different customs and traditions, but you can always find something in common.
: C: K% ~; K3 B8 @( [  We want to see the old year out and welcome the near year in.4 G& H4 `9 C1 T7 f" q9 ]4 W
  I’m going to set off firecrackers and hang out lanterns.4 n3 }, B+ t& a: d
  Our national minorities also have their own festivals.
+ O9 g3 y$ D# x! {2 v7 d  We’ve got a lot refreshments ready for visitors.
( l, |( Z4 i/ N! y' W% R$ `' G6 @  Many families still honour their ancestors with traditional ceremories.
( V9 u- N- ]( @4 R$ D  Most holidays and festivals are now commercialized, Christmas for example.; _* d) k: H$ S( Z- u
  Christmas is the most celebrated festival in my country .It’s also the time we buy goods at the sales. 节日
" U& N/ L: z7 [2 E) F) M  d1 k& @  春节标志着春天的到来。8 ]. `$ v4 W/ b+ p2 L! F& }, ^
* X$ h, l' G8 v( Q8 B  春节有时在1月底,有时在2月初。
- D/ F3 x; v+ `( i  春节一过,天气转暖,春耕就要开始了。7 Q; z- ^0 l% e7 Z% W% M
  全国普天同庆这一重要的节日。% K& K9 {! H% x+ V" N3 x' G6 a
  我们走亲访友,互相恭贺新年。$ @0 ^; \- h; f2 g% w  u$ E  Y/ z/ L7 B
  除了春节,还有其他一些传统节日,比如说,中秋节、端午节、重阳节,等等。& O2 i7 i  R$ l: I4 ^
0 i: r) _3 Q9 ^7 a$ ~7 R4 s  我们要辞旧岁迎新年。
, F) \) K. W/ U' w( a  我要放鞭炮,挂彩灯。
8 V' n" ^2 ~! p9 I" Z) \0 D  我国的少数民族还有各自的传统节目。- r: f) G. w, R; ~
  我们准备了许多好吃的招待前来串们的客人。: k& k1 N' @" t- m5 {, v
  许多人家仍以传统方式祭祖。/ s% _; @8 E' |; A( E- T
  现在许多节假日都商业化了,圣诞节就是一例。. t1 F! O. I, t( _- P3 A

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