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[考试辅导] 金融英语:[银行英语口语]取款、结余

发表于 2012-8-16 08:17:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  I'd like to know if I could draw on my account for payment of things I buy in Tianjin.
) C" m8 r- W- Z. p$ Q) ?' I  我想知道一下我是否能提取存款来支付天津购物的费用。0 y, Q# P1 S2 W! [* L! i" [- ^6 d
  I want to withdraw 200 dollars from my deposit account.; R; Z/ s$ U% ~' v  I
  我要从我的定期存款中支取200美元。- i- O% B, K/ {, j4 W5 [& R9 I8 A; L
  I want to close my account with you.
: @5 b$ n' f+ c; Y3 b1 a+ Z8 V  我想结束在你们这儿的帐户。
4 A: R; i+ z' c( `; |  I'd like to draw 100 yuan against this letter of credit.* s, M  r% A6 K3 `5 t, o9 O
  我想从这份信用证上提款100元。1 D. c# l7 A! Y3 i& t% U& [, ^
  May I draw money against the letter of credit here?
2 D" v1 j6 a+ }/ d& f  我可以在这儿用这份信用证取钱吗?6 ~1 h, n/ h6 h( e  X
  Could you tell me my balance?! K, B; a& d) J6 R/ [
# _! a  L" A4 K% Z5 L$ I/ N' O. V  Please let me know my balance.
" L- i3 Z" k0 O& X4 P  请告诉我结余金额。; M) p; W9 d# U+ f8 O5 I7 b
  I think you can draw on this account by cheque in payment of goods.
8 F( H) u% N( U' N- ~  我以为你可用支票提款支付购物费用。
6 [/ s7 u' N9 z+ O5 ^- A4 Z. w  Your balance at the bank is 300 yuan.
" O- ~; n* i5 h2 c9 A2 R; y  你在本行的结余是300元。+ N) Q0 U, Z' O# \; m8 W
  Your deposit is exhausted.- q3 h, |  Y; ?
  你的存款支净了。- r+ u. E$ }# }4 \/ y+ t* `' k
  Your letter of credit is used up.
6 o, L  \/ w$ }; \7 P+ z$ q  你的信用证用完了。
9 n: G7 i+ X+ L  Please tell me how you wish to draw your money.3 ]9 q; M$ \8 L9 \4 d! g) R5 `
  请告诉我你希望怎样支款。" w! {- ^& y1 @
  Fill our withdrawal form, please.5 C/ P3 r2 P  o9 n( Q
  请填写取款单。' r- p" J7 }. m: l
  The letter of credit is exhausted.( N1 W6 Y+ Z8 u$ _: J
  信用证上的款子已提清。2 i, J3 `/ l# \* W2 q
  The letter at Counter 6 will pay you against your number slip.
, j; [: r0 {" a( E2 r  六号柜台的出纳员将根据你的号码牌付给你钱。
/ v1 t5 C9 `) [5 H& F- q  Useful Words and Phrases
5 O! [4 [: Y+ I/ y3 a7 r' b  to close an account, to clear an account 结清
3 E- ?7 j+ U, {: ]$ ~) e( f  to draw money 取款
' }% ]+ \' f6 w' g) [0 G" T7 P+ X  drawing-out slip 取款单# f! c3 s3 w' T
  the number slip 号码牌
% g+ H: t" o/ P# w6 }6 H  a withdrawal form 取款单+ L" V$ g* w- Z: s5 R' ~7 h
  to fill in the receipt in duplicate 一式两份填这张收据( W6 b# P# [: M2 p  ~
  teller, cashier 出纳员
- o) z1 ]5 }, }5 ^  

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