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[考试辅导] 金融英语口语:准备汇报(1)

发表于 2012-8-16 08:17:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  CHRISTINA: Liz, do you have a minute?
! L" a7 f9 _9 k4 V% ~( P6 g+ u  LIZ: Yes, of course. What is it?
6 A9 u& U1 G2 P, [6 W  CHRISTINA: I need you to help me set up for my presentation Thursday morning.7 t9 @+ l! H* G2 u  `
  LIZ: Okay, what should I do?3 r. {2 e! T  `: I3 K
  CHRISTINA: Well, it isn't at this office. It’s over at the Dayton Street office.Have you been there before?
0 V0 F8 \( ]7 C* D; s  LIZ: Yes, of course. I have to go there every Tuesday.
2 ]& T6 Q; h: |  CHRISTINA: Good. So you will have no trouble finding it.
9 u% l, D6 B9 y7 M/ L" a1 h7 }  LIZ: What's the presentation about?
* H8 z& o( ?  h9 B2 B: J  CHRISTINA: I will talk about developing sales through our website.All the branch heads will be there, and most of the staff.: _3 N2 \- Q0 I2 {4 n8 r
  LIZ: Will you need anything special for the presentation?- [# l0 b! I' T2 K; i& u! w. u; Y
  CHRISTINA: Well, I need the display monitor.But Tom can set that up for me on Wednesday.I will need you to help with everything else.$ t4 y9 _- b  S. W4 `  u
  LIZ: I suppose you need the whiteboard set up.8 u( u/ n6 l' \& F, B
  CHRISTINA: I need the whiteboard, and pens.I don't know if they have pens over there. So you have to bring pens. And an eraser.
# t1 J/ ^. t- |0 y7 ]9 y# U: Z  LIZ: Alright. That's no problem. I will bring pens. Anything else?/ f& Q1 l" ~1 D* n; R
  CHRISTINA: Well, I'm afraid it will be troublesome, Liz.You know what that office is like.You will have to move some of the desks around to make enough space.There will be at least twenty people.
. F6 L- d1 |( _2 {# Q; ^% t  LIZ: So you need me to set up fold-out chairs too.I can do that no problem.I will call Mary over there and ask her to make sure they have enough chairs.) R6 H5 ^( a: n: a6 s9 {' t
  CHRISTINA: Thank you. I know they have that storage room there.There are chairs in the storage room.
$ x: A- N+ k) r8 z  LIZ: But I don't know if there are twenty chairs. I might have to bring some from here.
+ V6 R' @* D1 a1 j: ?1 ]  CHRISTINA: And we need coffee too.Coffee and some pastries maybe. The presentation is at ten AM.
$ ?& w# Y" @9 P( i- u. r  LIZ: I can go over there first thing in the morning.Do you want me to serve instant coffee, or should I get it catered?4 u' q; k3 d0 U1 V8 P* B
  CHRISTINA: Catered?
( |( |5 r' [: p1 k# _  LIZ: You know. Get it from Starbucks.I can have Starbucks make me a big thermos of hot coffee.And I can get the pastries there too. It's easy. I can pick it all up in the morning.
6 F! v5 i* _+ P- P& ^  CHRISTINA: You are a genius, Liz. I never thought of that.If you can do that for me, I will be grateful.+ h* o9 w5 P% |2 E% J
  LIZ: It's no problem. I just think it’s much better than instant coffee.And if we need pastries too, it's easy to stop there.2 k$ f& E& y# H0 @( e' K
  CHRISTINA: Do you think you could get it all set up before ten?
8 D  \+ G3 q4 s4 w& a6 Q" q  LIZ: Of course. We need the display monitor, twenty chairs, the whiteboard, pens,an eraser, and coffee and pastries. Anything else?* m/ |3 T0 V  Q0 W8 S
  CHRISTINA: I can't think of anything right now.You've set my mind at ease, Liz. I appreciate it.

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