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[考试辅导] UponReceiptofCard领卡

发表于 2012-8-16 08:17:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  Hello!May I speak to John Smith?* W; M0 g/ ^- `; g
  B:This is John Smith speaking.9 G2 H0 r4 Y, c( b8 f" p! t/ F
  A:I’m Xiao Li of the Peony Credit Card Department of ICBC.$ A8 [; _3 t2 C+ ~+ y2 i
  B:Hello!I just want to call on you for my card.7 v$ h- q; I. C! z- j
  A:Ah,I call you up just for this matter.We have made your card out. Please come and get it back when you’re free.  m! O8 a8 \: g  U- X5 i
  B:Thank you.I will.
$ F4 W5 }; R8 I  O  A:By the way,I’d like to tell you what you should notice upon receipt of your card.5 W# D  n  a7 f
  B:Is that a must?0 a; z* t0 P+ X; k- Q! Y7 u. t0 {) D
  A:Yes.You’d better read carefully the Terms and Conditions of the Peony International Credit Card and the Using Agreement of Peony Credit Card, and make sure of your rights and obligations.2 x+ h5 y9 E& i* g/ u
  B:Yes,I will.
2 d0 K. d( O3 S7 u- G  A:If there is anything unclear,you should inquire to avoid the injury of your rights and interests.
6 k) y0 P& w; H: ^+ ?$ i2 W  B:Sure. See you at your office tomorrow afternoon.
, w: m8 p# p% z  A:See you tomorrow. A:喂!请约翰·史密斯接电话?
5 A$ d5 P' r" r  B:我就是约翰·史密斯。; l5 L2 B2 T! Y8 p  W/ T
, m: K; r; T1 _" q! ]* Q2 ^  B:您好!我正要为牡丹卡的事去找您。" Z4 G2 {+ M' N" r  u
  A:噢,我打电话给您正为此事。您的卡已办好,有空请过来拿。9 i9 _! }5 e/ G3 [
' _- X/ V; t6 f* F4 t2 z& W  A:顺便提醒一下,我想告诉您取卡之后需注意的问题。
3 y' b# D) C. V" [& f) j4 l  B:有必要吗?
1 `  W9 p* \: \- m. M  A:有必要。您最好仔细看看“牡丹国际卡章程”和“牡丹信用卡领用合同”,弄清您的权利和义务。/ f9 d3 Y1 V: U& u1 y
1 P$ _( K& h5 E8 n) M+ P: U  A:如果有什么不清楚的地方,您应该问清楚,以免您的权益受到损害。
, Q2 Q9 H9 ^" N4 Q0 p$ q  B:一定。明天下午去找您。& Q& G) u7 A! Q

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