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[考试辅导] ConfiscatingCounterfeitNotes没收假钞

发表于 2012-8-16 08:17:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  I’d like to deposit 5,000 RMB yuan in my account.1 d( j- q9 i1 H' q
  B:Please give me your money with the passbook.
( Q: C9 n9 Q% D8 h9 A  A:All right.Here you are.  B9 j# H% ^: m
  B:Oh,we find it is a counterfeit note.
9 z2 [* }( c5 \  A:Really?I don’t remember where I got it from.Please return it to me.
2 J+ L1 `" U7 K8 U  {( D2 C& e7 b  W9 V  B:Well,according to the regulation,a counterfeit note should be confiscated.
5 \# x0 c+ H5 c  s+ a: S# r+ d* n  A:Then I’ll loss a note of 100 RMB yuan.
" Z- W1 y: M( }5 Q: Z  B:It’s the only way we could do,but we’ll issue a receipt to you that shows the note you presented to us has been proved counterfeit and has been confiscated by our bank.
& f' O7 b; d; l* W& R  [9 r5 ~3 a  A:Oh,I see .And I’ll give you another note for 100 RMB yuan.5 J7 U2 o8 D+ Z$ P, e, w9 ^5 j
  B:Here is your passbook and the confiscation receipt for you.Please check it.0 u5 u% L% _1 g
  A:It’s right.I am sorry to bring you so much trouble.% }: ?0 t* Y1 v$ \
  A:That’s all right. A:我想在我的账户上存5,000元人民币。
2 S% }  z4 u4 x/ y3 q+ l  B:请把您的钱和存折递过来。
$ ?  ]; f8 T. X' K  A:好,给您。
( k! t  r5 L( R+ L5 r0 S  B:噢,我们发现这是一张假钞。
7 h: E8 k7 _- o  A:是真的吗?我记不起是从哪儿得来的。请退还给我吧。- d/ l* f( v4 t1 A6 x
  B:嗯,根据规定,假钞须没收。# T0 q3 M4 y6 @. f  @
  A:那我就要损失100元人民币。2 {2 `1 M2 x6 z6 H3 X
: H1 R+ J* E0 h  ^% W  A:我明白了。那我给您补100元人民币。
# K6 \3 \: ^0 r  B:这是您的存折,没收收据,请核对。' i; W+ a' A7 n) ]; A* P
+ v# m/ n8 l9 y  B:一点都不麻烦。

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