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[考试辅导] 金融英语—利润表(英)

发表于 2012-8-16 08:17:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  [Your Company Name]# j3 L& j1 s+ s  e9 X# |  ]5 b9 j0 i+ E
  Income Statement
! q4 G- W8 |( A5 d$ h  For the Year Ended [Mmmm Dd, 200X]
9 m' X* C  U6 S8 d) |  Revenue:
2 t& R% ]% q( _" }1 t+ o  Gross Sales           $0.00
4 V9 Q9 J2 i: m% A2 M  Less:  Sales Returns and Allowances           $0.00
2 s: g1 u: R( a  Net Sales           $0.005 y( a& P' R4 J5 y! \6 _3 B. r
  Cost of Goods Sold:3 q9 v1 O) u7 s- D
  Beginning Inventory     $0.00. ?) y9 J) v6 t- J' U; g
  Add:  Purchases     $0.008 e0 p" ^% Q5 ~9 r4 j5 T
  Freight-in     $0.00
0 \# F3 `* R" m% s5 N  h1 f! v( u7 I  Direct Labor     $0.00. k2 P& _* p/ @! A; E+ n
  Indirect Expenses     $0.00
: @4 a8 ?- I/ |7 {% m  $0.00
  b3 B- i* q/ n5 }' k) c# _  Less:  Ending Inventory     $0.00, _. w8 U- A, H
  Cost of Goods Sold           $0.009 ?1 k3 p' \1 d
  Gross Profit (Loss)           $0.00: _) K+ ]2 w% z/ D- T) o$ O
  @5 ?4 Z/ c6 ]  Advertising     $0.00  _  \0 }2 C0 g4 q# y3 s/ |
  Amortization     $0.00
- ^' W; u) C3 Z  B: o% E  Bad Debts     $0.00
& U, @9 c& u+ s7 y. u1 |1 ^% G; w  Bank Charges     $0.00( O, d' N) J* e' ~- g
  Charitable Contributions     $0.00
* ]2 Q( P, }8 ^) D  Commissions     $0.00
+ w/ e4 g/ h/ s! \4 T9 H5 g, @8 a  Contract Labor     $0.00
0 _/ U5 d; F1 x( n; l+ K8 i# G2 N  Credit Card Fees     $0.00
$ ]6 l8 m' d. o; M% m: h/ i& b  Delivery Expenses     $0.00
' ?4 T$ D  x+ ~5 F! @# N/ O4 l  Depreciation     $0.00
! n- N. k3 P- p/ L7 L7 S  Dues and Subscriptions     $0.00- q4 [' r4 p" Q3 q: G9 \, r
  Insurance     $0.00
. q; g5 I4 O; b2 |  Interest     $0.00
! G1 O7 Q7 T' A! l  Maintenance     $0.00
3 w( o0 g! Y: r  @5 f4 J( _/ M  Miscellaneous     $0.007 X: B; m& X& S% [2 g# m" ]0 F
  Office Expenses     $0.003 J1 ?4 l! v+ G7 N+ K4 S
  Operating Supplies     $0.00
* V8 E& P/ c( K6 U8 s  Payroll Taxes     $0.003 }# B5 x2 i$ a, u& b1 ^& ~
  Permits and Licenses     $0.00' ^/ Z  |2 @' s2 m& u3 e" c
  Postage     $0.00. W4 k- b0 G( X. ?- \. R
  Professional Fees     $0.00( [; i9 L' h( ?" j
  Property Taxes     $0.00, J3 ]. @/ o) k% f$ s
  Rent        $0.00, X, N( n! \& G6 a9 }. {$ I+ _+ ]
  Repairs     $0.00
& Y) W5 K* U7 J: C% H' N6 o  Telephone     $0.001 x0 U% O' s! o. n
  Travel        $0.00
8 g% ^' |. b: y' ~. _  Utilities     $0.00+ }0 l% E9 v" ]/ r; T1 p# t1 X. X
  Vehicle Expenses     $0.00
- A7 H5 }7 ~0 F! S& D' t3 r; b  Wages     $0.004 O$ K( O5 v( T  ?5 e
  Total Expenses           $0.00
8 P" r* A% K8 U/ g6 V! j  Net Operating Income           $0.00
) Y; R( m. I" F4 d: {4 ?  Other Income:
- _7 y8 d" @: [  |3 e. S' q: a  Gain (Loss) on Sale of Assets     $0.00
/ l& X8 e% z: ?* e  _9 c  Interest Income     $0.00. g+ G& G6 ^, V  ~
  Total Other Income           $0.00
; ]8 b: E( @# t8 E, H6 R6 S  L  Net Income (Loss)           $0.00

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