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[考试辅导] 资产负债表相关介绍(英)(2)

发表于 2012-8-16 08:17:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  重要概念* @8 v: g4 P! b$ _
  Current Assets: those assets which mature into cash in one year or less (CA).( w! K7 B) J3 Y( ^) }
  Accounts Receivable: dollars due from customers as a result of selling inventory or services on terms which allow for delivery prior to the payment of cash. The transaction exists as a receivable on the balance sheet until cash is collected from the customer (A/R).! m! Q7 ^! O" N5 Q/ y5 z
  Inventory: the goods and materials a company sells to make a profit. Inventory exists in three forms: raw materials, work in progress, and finished goods. In the process of selling inventory, either cash is received or an account receivable is created (INV).( C0 o/ W  T( U  W, L* R- @5 n" u
  Prepaid Expenses: when cash is used to purchase a good or service, the benefits of which will be realized or received within the current year (12 months).  ]* A  V: I! |1 b; r
  Fixed Assets: physical assets which have life in excess of one year. This includes land, buildings, machinery, equipment, furniture/fixtures, and leasehold improvements (FA).5 G; u" U# K  r% Q
  Net Fixed Assets: Also known as the book value, the net fixed asset is calculated as the purchase price of the asset (gross fixed asset) less the accumulated depreciation (the sum of the annual amounts charged for the "wearing out" of the asset) (NFA).8 l  C2 t. v3 q  ~& m
  Notes Receivable: a loan made by the company which is evidenced by a promissory note (N/R).6 K% z8 @# q3 U- g4 Z% K0 K
  Intangibles: assets which have no physical properties or "set" values. Examples of intangibles include patents, research and development, and goodwill (INT).; ?9 ~( h( G: G( h' v% _) S
  Current Liabilities: what the company "owes" which must be paid within one year (CL).
0 D  b* m& g, Z1 f- y  Note Payable Bank: obligations evidenced by a promissory note from the bank which have maturity dates of less than one year (N/P).
; F& }0 t3 U5 k  Accounts Payable: amounts due to suppliers who have provided inventory to the company (A/P).2 v: `3 x4 z5 p2 n
  Accruals: obligations owed but not yet billed (ACCR).
7 v' l* a' |2 m" S" j  Current Portion of Long-Term Debt: the portion of a long-term loan (principal only) which is due within the next 12 months (CDTD).
6 h! d1 j( j2 k+ a  Long Term Debt: the portion of a term loan which does not have to be paid within the next year.
- D+ O5 H# q6 [' y$ H* `  Subordinated Officer Debt: Cash the officers have invested in the company which is subordinated to any bank financing the company has received.
4 D6 u$ p* U. ?" \  Net Worth: The owner's investment or "equity" in the company which may be either "purchased" or "earned." Purchased equity consists of preferred stock, common stock, and capital surplus. Simply put, the net worth is the difference between the assets and liabilities of a company (NW)." H7 |; j) J5 g/ s+ r2 j
  Retained Earnings: another term for earned equity; represents the profits of a company which have been reinvested within the business.
3 z! w3 q9 e" p& A: q& a  Treasury Stock: This is created when the company purchases its own stock from a stockholder.

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