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[考试辅导] 金融口语:约见MakingAnAppointment

发表于 2012-8-16 08:17:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  LAURA: Excuse me, can you tell me which is Bob Rice's office?
0 h9 u0 w4 M; s  ANDREA: Sure. It's the third office down this hall. Are you looking for Bob?6 C6 ?4 m- k; {* k/ v4 [7 l5 u; x
  LAURA: Yes. He told me to come by this morning.
- A% ?% O; ^2 T1 P' b+ c" _  ANDREA: I'm sorry, but he’s not in the office now. Do you have an appointment?
3 Q8 V- D" J( \& @. O2 e; C: ~  LAURA: An appointment?
( q7 n/ ]2 E: {9 P  ANDREA: Yes. What time did he expect you?
! N( `) ~& r! B7 B& `/ t4 P) C  LAURA: He said I should come by this morning. He didn't give me a time.
  k3 `  u7 y2 p: u  He said I could come any time before noon.
) h) c6 z" w. N1 f9 [- f  ANDREA: I see. He's usually here on Tuesday mornings……
- I  F) y# f( g: g5 L/ Z: I" v+ X9 \  LAURA: Today is Tuesday.. k9 B% ^9 ]. }$ R  L7 s
  ANDREA: I know. He's usually here, but today he went out to a site on the east side.# O- ]- W+ P6 g- t/ [  M# ]
  LAURA: That's too bad. I need to discuss these plans with him.) K/ a3 t' P/ r; D: @2 c
  ANDREA: Why don't you make an appointment for later in the week?
! V; e3 j) T* \; @5 T  LAURA: Alright.
7 C7 g/ u2 M% V% [4 H  ANDREA: He's here on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays. What day did you want to see him?
7 P; g& p! W) ~( k- d4 }# W  LAURA: Friday is good.
+ z; S* |+ P+ l4 \8 [5 B8 u8 Z  ANDREA: Morning or afternoon?" U6 V1 j/ c$ x
  LAURA: Morning.
! b$ G4 i2 ]. q3 H) I  ANDREA: I can put you down for ten o'clock. Is that alright?
* Y' f+ l/ I: @, k1 ?* l5 R  LAURA: Yes. My name is Laura Wills.
9 o6 ~7 s" x' \, B  ANDREA: Alright. I have you down for ten AM this Friday.( j# X9 j+ k0 B4 b' ^1 O& b
  LAURA: Thank you.
+ P1 W: E; v5 k( D9 Q8 B! W: @  ANDREA: You are welcome.
+ O, i2 n2 _4 q2 _- _" I  罗拉:打扰,你能告诉我哪一个是鲍勃。瑞斯的办公室吗?
) \$ N1 n! K# U1 v4 e( M  安琪拉:当然。在这条走道的第三间。你找鲍勃吗?
1 G0 k8 Z  v# S7 d7 w& @: r. H  罗拉:是的。他要我今天早上来。8 ^6 d# z4 H" p4 y% ^) J8 v. l. t
6 _; }; U) ^6 L$ v! E  罗拉:预约?
3 u9 f/ ^% z) e* B6 b+ j# [  安琪拉:是的。他预计什么时候见你?
) [% q* _) N# {  罗拉:他叫我早上过来。他没有告诉我一个时间。
8 p3 V3 Z9 g. B$ F# _6 d, o$ v  他说我可以在中午以前过来。( P0 Y8 y( p  {, _
  安琪拉:是的。他通常星期二早上都在这边。  S) F; \5 T( t" \! Z
4 A! H# \/ S. f: |  安琪拉:我知道。他通常都在,但今天他到东边的部门去了。& w. C  C4 P1 N/ ?! z* q, u* @6 J, Z
  罗拉:那太糟糕了。我需要与他讨论这些计划。/ }' n) X5 N' x6 [& A
  安琪拉:你何不在这个星期再约一个时间呢?) T+ V5 i, ?5 u& k/ K+ O
# m# _4 h2 R# C$ o% i  安琪拉:好的。他星期二,星期四和星期五都会在这里。哪一天你想见他?: Q0 h6 J* A3 Q6 g) d1 G
1 E) ?0 J% m2 z7 s, s- f  安琪拉:早上或是下午?; R& d5 K% N3 s  V, r8 w+ J. ^
8 x% w6 g5 U; q2 ~  安琪拉:我帮你记下十点钟。可以吗?5 d" y. A- N, @
8 G: ~( b/ m/ S) A' u  安琪拉:好的。我帮你记下星期五早上十点钟。
( n: P7 U! i4 }2 D. k, A& m( c  罗拉:谢谢你。
9 ^9 t# T0 G4 c- c+ X  安琪拉:不客气。

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