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[考试辅导] 金融口语:参加展销会AttendingATradeShow

发表于 2012-8-16 08:17:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  SCOTT: This facility is great, don't you think?
0 [! M: r' y/ Z3 q  ANDREW: Yes, it is better than last year. They have done a very good job this time.
. K* v1 V5 s( \7 D% Y0 F$ Y0 K! J  SCOTT: I'm glad our booth is on the first floor. More people can see our display.
" e" _8 [1 A1 x! Y% |; K2 [  ANDREW: If someone wants to find us, they can look at this floor plan.# x$ N: C2 |; z. [+ K
  It shows where all the companies have their booths.
6 b$ W: A5 s% u  j9 Z  SCOTT: Let me see that. I didn't get one when I came in.
/ S. V1 X$ j3 v3 H* w) |: L% a  ANDREW: Really? They didn't give you one with your ticket?
  M" a3 }" r3 E  SCOTT: No.
0 e$ ?( Y) h- U  ANDREW: That's strange.* _+ ~6 u$ f" b, F: \
  SCOTT: Where do you go for lunch around here?
  {( i) h  C1 ?+ }* p  ANDREW: Are you hungry?
1 i" R% P+ X. G4 C  v9 Z8 p  SCOTT: Not too bad. But I will be soon.
; j$ \9 P* _5 D3 Z0 v3 G  ANDREW: I went across the street. There is a good Chinese restaurant next to the hotel.
# W& C) n) a+ q. ^% [! M  SCOTT: I can't see Comtex on this floor plan. Don’t they have a booth here?% F/ Q1 I4 G) o: S  _) R
  ANDREW: They must. Let me look at that.
$ ]* @6 G5 ?6 Y2 Q) {3 c  Here it is. Comtex. It's on the second floor, next to the Rolly booth.3 T' |8 ^( t$ y9 ~3 P
  SCOTT: Oh, that will be uncomfortable for them.6 S  G( B! D! U; T6 x3 P- n
  ANDREW: For whom? Comtex?' D9 I) N; r0 F7 x4 H4 J% F) n0 D
  SCOTT: Yes. Comtex just stole Darren McDowell from Rolly.
( ?2 A- A  _/ q' p0 p# }5 f  And probably Darren will be here.
9 O3 Z( m+ S9 y! p4 h  So he will have to spend the whole show standing next to his old Comtex coworkers.
! p9 H7 o' g3 D& s8 L  ANDREW: I've never met Darren.
1 Y: ?" o8 _& A+ w4 u0 A  But you're right. That would probably be uncomfortable.
: q1 _4 q( D( P; b  SCOTT: When you reserve a booth, you should check who your neighbors will be.
! I" u/ ~8 t9 Z" _& o  r8 [4 ~  Don't you think?. E5 x" q5 J3 T' m% U
  ANDREW: Yes, maybe. If you're Darren McDowell, you should probably check.1 o+ n' Q' y7 U; a% J
  SCOTT: Yes. Well, I think I'll go get lunch. Will you join me?% c3 U5 q7 S% }# |* S2 n6 I
  ANDREW: No, I'll stay here at the booth.8 _9 ~- c  C* }
  I ate earlier. Are you going to the Chinese restaurant?
" |# x1 |7 D) ]  D3 E' u  SCOTT: Maybe. I will look around.
6 k) g; j6 M7 T8 t5 m- z% N  史考特:这个设备真好,你认为呢?0 n. ]5 B* c; `3 O; L: S6 m
" \2 h* f- Q9 X/ [7 Y9 S  史考特:我很高兴我们的摊位在一楼,有更多人可以看到我们的展示。8 _0 j# y. ?( t& |! o0 h# }. Y
2 d- p0 o- ^% p$ n7 i/ c6 p  它清楚地标示所有公司的摊位所在。
# L: l+ [% i- B6 B, M/ @  史考特:让我看一下,我进来的时候我没有拿到。1 `9 \; H+ T1 E
  安卓鲁:是吗?他们没有把它附在你的门票中吗?  u8 u3 C4 u* u& L
  史考特:没有。% ~2 v, y% @: k: _* r
  安卓鲁:真奇怪。9 ]6 k. s% W& S! X8 D) c+ Z
  史考特:你在附近那儿吃午餐?+ M' \1 b+ ~% N4 p
  安卓鲁:你饿了吗?. [/ u  D3 i6 I$ C$ M  S
8 V! ~( O" @0 b. C' a' x. w  安卓鲁:我到对街去。靠近旅馆有一间不错的中国餐厅。
  `4 f6 I: A( F' O5 a  史考特:我没有在场地图看到 Comtex.他们应该有摊位吧?4 J5 t* r6 @* ]7 z8 o& }6 G, g! u
" z5 k" g! I% l  在这儿,Comtex.在二楼,Rolly 摊位隔壁。# _/ ?, S, E( J8 N% z' m' B
2 j. i1 f3 @" m* E% `0 c7 m: M  安卓鲁:对谁?对 Comtex?
# i$ F9 }! }  j+ X4 z1 a* U  史考特:是的。Comtex 才刚从 Rolly 那儿挖走迪凌?麦克当沃。1 o# }* v. Z. [. B3 s* b
; h2 c5 h6 T) X. g+ }3 H9 Q  他整个展销期间要对着他Comtex的老同事。
/ `4 N1 [4 p* i9 a3 H  安卓鲁:我从未见过迪凌。0 Q9 p$ w$ c3 @" h/ H! \& p
0 D& v; I3 n, [  R8 [  史考特:当你要订一个摊位,你需要察看一下谁是你的邻居。
$ Z& y. \  u% c  你不怎么认为吗?
1 ]2 e8 O9 L4 d0 T% V$ h2 N  安卓鲁:是的,或许是吧。如果你是迪凌?麦克当沃,你是应该要察看一下。0 Q9 N1 ]1 Z+ ~% B0 \* L
  史考特:是的。嗯,我想要吃午餐了。你要跟我一起吗?9 t& e7 q* ]; h# [
& R' B$ V5 M- u3 D$ Z  我先前吃过了。你要去中国餐厅吗?' u/ D% D" Z8 E/ s: _& r

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