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[考试辅导] 金融英语口语辅导:WTO英语900句5

发表于 2012-8-16 08:17:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  He is in charge of financial matters.
, W  I2 V1 l; {$ i- F. [+ t  他负责财务。3 z1 X' ^5 w0 p: a/ Y, S  F6 ]
  Could you tell me who is in charge of personnel, please?' v) C6 Q8 Y. Z2 B. H' h0 W" J" G
  请问谁负责人事?4 z5 @& s8 N4 T/ W9 x
  I'm sorry, I don‘t know.
$ u" A: _5 s' `( _  h  抱歉,我不知道。- t# p$ `* n" [! i5 }; G$ ?4 z' r
  Let me find out for you.& s5 w+ r$ ~9 t5 [) S$ T
  我来查一查。, U, u) x* p' j7 b
  I'm not sure.
+ _+ u2 g, C# i! Y6 _* j, W5 b' k  我不太清楚。# a$ q& W1 g$ |7 b4 C
  What are the company's annual sales figures?- z9 y* P2 h2 ~9 N# {) o# y; S$ t
/ {/ U3 S- M3 u! F4 i6 I  Who is the head of sales and marketing?9 [; x. H8 A3 l1 p
  谁是销售和市场部主管?- o- A: U  b* p* C
  Mr Gong is the head of sales and marketing.' {% Q, \/ D& @8 F
  宫先生是销售和市场部主管。- }" n* ]# C% N: `) t
  What does he do exactly?
) X4 \8 O0 n& R' R7 c1 p! x  他主要做什么工作?
, B5 b% d2 w1 x3 K. _3 K  He is responsible for selling and marketing products.
0 V/ i: o3 v- M: [/ j# R7 A  他负责销售和推销产品。" N$ j& c6 w/ G! s9 k
  I'm a manager.
! F/ [) z. }& G6 l3 w5 }  我是经理。
6 {' |, T2 d  e" p9 C9 |9 I4 L6 \  We make/produce drugs.
. }2 O6 v. V5 e; E, e5 \3 p  我们生产药品。
1 o4 U- Q2 s: N3 p) Y0 ]# x! ^  How many people do you employ?/How many people does the company employ?: G! _! P0 s: T! W8 @  W& Z
  你雇了多少人?/你们公司雇佣了多少人?5 o; u7 z4 w2 W' b" Z# ~
  We employ 2,000 people.
0 D% I$ Y2 g0 T1 f% |  我们雇佣了两千人。$ ^5 s; s4 `6 A
  We have 200 people working for us.: \# O& c  h( w" b( p
3 F9 o) h) F0 {* p  What do you do, Mr Li?
$ p' m+ R- S2 D- m  李先生,你是做什么工作的?( o- {: X  p$ r: ^" R& n
  I'm in computers. I‘m a computer programmer.
$ p9 I$ }( a. f0 w+ Y3 E  我是做电脑的。我是电脑程序员。. t& P9 W$ V7 s! ]1 C* h2 u
  in: indicating sb's occupation, activity, etc 表示某人的职业、 活动等):
5 R# I  h, O  K  *in the army/navy/air force 在陆军[海军/空军]服役. s3 B2 i, P, s( X- r
  * in business, insurance, computers, journalism, etc 从事商业、 保险业、 计算机业、 新闻业等), U% O' [7 f2 q8 F/ T$ D
  Who are you with?- C4 ~, p3 A  p4 z- h1 n
  你为谁效力?# H/ E# U2 ^' R1 ~# j3 J
  with : (as) an employee or client of (an organization) (作为)(一组织)的雇员或委托人:$ A, L1 F6 {6 B
  * I hear he's with ICI now. 我听说他现在在帝国化学工业公司工作。
5 k5 n2 n4 G  |8 k) P  * She acted with a repertory company for three years. 她在一个轮演剧目剧团里演出三年。
' x  t* I/ l* Z' Q  * We're with the same bank. 我们是同一个银行的客户。)
4 M4 j+ l* f: s2 o  I'm with the Motorola. Our head office is in US. And what about you?0 f7 w2 `  Q; {& |( i+ t
2 A- L9 A5 F  R; Q. ]; F' y2 y  What do you do?/What does the company do?
8 e( n2 [$ S' e! [2 p1 e8 m  你是做什么的?/你的公司是做什么的?& Z. L3 C# ?+ E  _8 K$ ]# q% N
  Lovely/Terrible weather today.7 l; C  g5 A3 n+ m
  多好的/多糟糕的天气。5 P# _3 u8 h) `+ }) o
  Yes, it's really beautiful/terrible.
% I, c# g  T/ z. A  J  对,真好/糟糕。
9 N! f0 Y. }$ ?0 U, p3 {  How is your wife?/son?/daughter?. ~, i# L; k9 _9 ~. \. T$ b
% y9 s& u2 z; |  My wife/son/daughter is very well, thank you.
9 a+ k1 M; c5 J8 ~! T  z  我的妻子/儿子/女儿很好,谢谢。
/ Y" Z. w0 `) g, k6 q; g5 X  New York is very busy./crowded./beautiful.7 g/ ]# V! F6 I6 U" N" |7 m
' R& U' i, i" {* \  How do you do, Mr Wang?# c$ V) b% W. H- P* S/ X' y& q2 t
  你好,王先生。% A2 E/ t# z# G
  How do you do?3 D5 B" n$ z% t& f$ s* J
  你好。7 [9 O; K- V# _0 E6 h
  Here's my card.1 w9 O$ s% J8 I3 g
  这是我的名片。 ( card / name card / calling card )
& m  b9 \$ i) L) w! o5 v) Z! m  OK. I'll be in touch.
9 ^. p, m; n3 a: C  好,我会跟你联系。/ a( N+ L3 w  G1 c! {
  Nice to meet you, goodbye.  u0 a  @; c7 g! Q+ v" i
& }6 L8 O  y9 [0 ^) ~8 C5 p  Fine, thank you, and you?5 @! L, X) E" `. q/ g3 v
  好,谢谢。你好吗?$ t1 |, M5 W& Q2 c) t
  Fine, thank you.# S5 a& u' `1 ~7 a1 v9 ^; w
  好,谢谢。, `! `. h& v9 ]5 \8 q. S/ \
  I'd like you to meet Mr Wang.3 F1 X6 D/ [% L- |* H0 J8 D
* z1 I. ^8 v* `) A! o% x6 Z2 _+ W  This is Mr Wang." j/ |5 \% N( Y3 ^1 n
2 ?; O) G( }" \8 n1 h8 `6 V  He's from Hongkong.
( q! J( B* t+ A* m& l; {7 `7 J  他来自香港。
# H* z3 ?2 H; P, c5 G7 Y, E  f. P' u  How do you do?; w% |0 z% `# O3 }  }# O( d7 F
! D; P! q* s0 i/ o( \% ~, ^  How do you do?- y& ^$ N) H: F1 N6 ^) [
6 Q8 q1 Y7 g9 Y6 T3 k0 c  Pleased to meet you.
9 J9 O3 A" Q& r2 G7 y! s  见到你很高兴。& L" {' M% V- Y2 t) O# \5 Y
  Pleased to meet you, too.5 H- k  b8 M' u3 ~+ \5 Q  Z/ B
% p  k1 l; U% d8 O" g" ]  How are you?
! a) {+ b/ n2 N: ~1 c  你好。
8 h5 h/ X+ f; _  L) B/ k' \9 Q* w  I know a bit about shoes and I can see the quality in the shaping and stitching.
7 b9 V$ j0 S+ J# R& L1 E. n( s  我对制鞋是了解一些的,从鞋样和针脚上我能看出质量的高低。
& W# b3 K4 p3 K* m9 y  We take pride in our craftsmanship.
; D3 m1 M+ i$ t  我们为自己的手艺感到自豪。
( [& T/ B% ?' L7 ]  They seem to be mass produced by machines.
2 s8 f' p2 _, d& O- J5 w2 H! _  这些鞋看上去是用机器大批量生产的。5 |0 A/ o! w" L/ x
  mass-pro`duce: v [Tn] manufacture (identical articles) in very large quantities by mechanical processes0 q3 r) i8 s2 f+ q2 i8 h
. x1 t( A/ y% g$ t- \0 [7 r2 l  * mass-produced cars, fridges, etc 大量生产的汽车、 冰箱等。
% d! E3 R) ~. d2 u# S1 R: m  *,mass pro`duction: manufacturing in this way 大量生产。
2 N! _3 d7 C3 Q  We use machines for certain jobs, but they are mainly handmade.
+ e0 `% b- k$ G) T$ ?2 O  某些工序是用机器完成的,但主要是手工制作的。
2 N+ j1 g% ^( a2 x6 h4 s  Mm…The vamp material is superb.
. T) z. @; ^) r' k& T  嗯,鞋的面料很不错。/ [1 R/ G3 H% G, g
  vamp / vAmp; vAmp/ n upper front part of a boot or shoe 靴面或鞋面的前部。
& n2 L" {9 v1 I" T- B1 [  superb / su:“pэ:b; also, in aritish use, 英读 sju:-; su`pэb/ adj excellent; splendid 卓越的; 杰出的; 极好的:+ p* o5 m7 X+ R( ~
  * a superb player, painting, view 极好的运动员、 画、 景色
" Q# W$ z: _+ O( h, {5 e, a/ t( a  * The sports facilities are superb. 运动设施是第一流的。

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