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[考试辅导] 金融英语口语辅导:WTO英语900句8

发表于 2012-8-16 08:17:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  Good morning, Mr.Smith. Sightseeing is our agenda today.
, J' F3 p4 y2 G  早上好,史密斯先生。我们今天的日程安排是游览。. R  J, x" J2 i  N( j: i9 _
  agenda (list of) matters of business to be discussed at a meeting, etc 在会议上要讨论的事项(单);议事单; 议程表:
2 [  z% |7 N4 c: F% y% E  * What is the next item on the agenda? 议程表上的下一项是什么?6 H' |7 }0 \  L- }
  * The agenda for the meeting is as follows…… 这次会议的议程如下……
* y8 R! c( o$ _& k  Wonderful! I've been told that Qingdao is a great tourist attraction.
' [6 Z+ i' g5 K7 J" H3 j/ o$ B  太好了,我听说青岛是个旅游胜地。9 V7 `5 q6 }7 S3 S; r) S6 ?
  Yes, it is. Is this your first visit here?8 Y% {' c) _+ m1 D+ s
* w7 a( E7 l0 g" J5 y  I'm surprised you haven’t. Our net profits were over 1 million yuan last year, you know.9 [& W! {3 c7 s( B6 L5 ]# F
  我很惊讶您没听说过。我们去年的净利就超过1百多万元。6 Z6 T4 ^" C+ m. U
  That's very impressive. Please tell me more about your company.
) E4 p6 ^4 }& ]' u( H  真令人敬佩。请多介绍一点。
8 ], x3 g6 k7 ?! J( h  Our company consists of three major organizations: they are OD, R&D and T&A.
" O; {$ I9 x% V+ D; u5 a5 k# ~7 [  我们公司由组织开发部,研究开发部及技术援助部三大部门所组成。' m0 m$ R- O. f6 G, C% p
  Sounds like you have the organizations we need.( }% ?8 h5 K$ g" l- k
  听起来好象都是我们所需要的部门。+ C2 k9 }! t* z+ n# @  o, _$ E# a
  Yes, and we have eight branches and two plants scattered throughout China.& @+ I8 D1 ]5 ]8 I
  是的,我们在全国有八个分公司及两个工厂。, ~, [- P; J" E" Z& X- L* t
  Excellent. That should suit our needs perfectly.
. X/ {- _7 h- l2 x, l$ p0 R' q1 X  好极了。那完全能满足我们的需要。
& I% e/ ^( n9 o- t* M5 t3 b  Shall we move on?% v# L( t& c) @4 |' w
  我们继续参观好吗?1 G) U, K' w8 T& J9 I, r
  What is it your company does again?) G4 W2 F3 P: G/ o
, \/ l* a& H+ [/ h5 I- D1 |  It makes electronic equipment.% n6 e) R; O$ n3 c1 n
/ @" c2 @+ y; D# k5 A  Well, then why haven't I heard of it before?
1 ?$ y( n0 X% k& A' J  那么为什么我没有听说过呢?5 t: _) z4 }8 z8 @3 o9 f1 k% I
  Our factory floor is about 5,000 square meters.
, C2 l8 p# f- v8 O2 ]* W. [/ p) Y  i  我们工厂占地约5,000平方米" q9 v2 M* t6 l1 d7 H& f
  And what's that building outside the window?; V- }' A8 w9 f2 }
& }& M- i; d) n% @8 P/ {- X% n# G5 A  It's mainly for shipping and storage. This one is for assembly.4 z) z# I/ i/ p& Y. K
  那一栋主要做储运室。这一栋是装配用的。9 v& G6 L) e) P4 g% u7 O( Y
  Is your unit capacity up to our demands?
: I  q+ k! ~$ {: m; H6 J2 j) }  你们的单位生产能力能满足我们的要求吗?
/ f( s5 I; ~' C7 v8 a5 y" J  I should think so. This plant can turn out 5,000 units per month.# Q3 Z# h# G! Z: k8 A
! X, N  ]. H. W6 p0 U" d" B  turn out: produce sb/sth. 培养出某人,生产或制造某物
6 w5 P3 u( T* m9 W% O9 n  *The factory turns out 5,000 cars a week.$ {5 `2 G- q8 f! o$ G' H& c2 i
  *The school has turned out some first-rate scholars.6 O. b: }# A+ i& w! |
  Would you like to have a look around our factory?' u) V, g% a! t: ]$ f
  请问您要不要到工厂参观一下? ( Would you like to go through our factory ? )
8 E% u& J4 c. O3 ^" s  Yes, we'd like to. Lead on please.
9 `: V: o* x* S* a% w( ]  好,请带路吧。+ V! h  K$ W7 _9 B9 [: E5 G* }
  May I show you our brochure?# v" V( x& _, T# S0 u, u( K
  请看一下我们的宣传册好吗?; l$ R9 u2 |: h2 x9 s
  Oh, thank you.1 F8 Z9 D- i: ^6 c) S
  哦,谢谢您。' i9 N1 [# H, N0 x1 f/ t' T5 U

) V$ d- p, V3 s7 H6 O# j! B. \  It's time for supper, Mr. Smith. Shall we have dinner together this evening?
4 a+ p, _+ s' w4 U  是晚饭时间了,史密斯先生,我们共进晚餐好吗?1 p% L6 ~+ c, h
  That's very kind of you, Miss Zhang. I hear Chinese restaurants serve very good food.
! K5 U' G' X4 i$ I! Z+ h' z/ L  谢谢您,张小姐。我听说中餐馆的饭菜非常好吃。
$ O2 I% }. g( J8 ]& i1 C  Quite. China is a country with a splendid catering culture.2 {4 c  O) c) t" N( Z
* n8 ^+ D6 V8 `4 V" t  @" e# @  I'm glad to hear that. I’d like to make an appointment with you, if I may, Mr.Wilson.. ?7 M& {% J8 l- J8 c4 c) C
  您这么说我很高兴。威尔逊先生,如果可以的话我想跟您订个约会。% ?+ u( X% D: B
8 x" J, h" ?6 l; E: u5 [2 N  当然可以。
: A; V8 J, t+ C2 F) q4 f  Our managing director will host a reception banquet in your honor tonight. Would that be convenient?
" U% Z2 y# w8 l* c; F$ u  今晚公司经理将为您举办一个晚宴。不知是否方便?4 u* I# C4 i7 c) H4 i
  in honour of sb/sth; in sb's/sth’s honour : out of respect for sb/sth 出于对某人[某事物]的敬意:+ X- b+ [7 w7 J7 G! E5 U. F9 h
  * a ceremony in honour of those killed in battle 为纪念阵亡将士而举行的仪式。
8 w/ _$ _; E& P! @, O! q  Yes, that's fine. Thank you for your kind hospitality. I look forward to meeting your General Manager.' e/ f7 [$ }9 m: n- ^
" U2 d7 Y1 h7 Y" ?0 S9 H* j* Q  Let's make it seven o’clock then, and I'll pick you up at 6:45. Is that all right?  H1 H) w3 }! W1 h9 k" b
  那就定在七点,六点四十五分我来接您,行吗?/ E5 o5 G9 ?& v8 L) h' A2 j& m
  Yes, sure. Thank you for calling. Good-bye.) k& k7 m' g2 K; t' ]
8 Z" L. i- ^( [2 F  Good-bye.
' K6 W, \9 w" {7 F  再见。
- w6 o$ Z- Y8 `: k' B  Mr. Smith, I wonder if you have any particular preferences?- K& {. z1 e# z1 q+ a( F
  史密斯先生,不知您有什么特别的口味?: ]* F9 }8 k- R% X, d  c* I
  preference: (a) [U, sing] ~ (for sth) liking for sth (more than sth else) (与他物相较之)喜爱; 偏爱:# b) B- X" v% T( n( @
  *There is milk and cream do you have a preference? 有牛奶也有奶油——你喜欢哪样?

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-16 08:17:43 | 显示全部楼层


  * It's entirely a matter of preference. 这完全是个见仁见智的问题。
3 y8 W  R9 Z5 H; a: ?  * She has a preference for blue. 她特别喜欢蓝色。
0 i: L/ r5 M6 K  n0 |  (b) [C] thing that is liked better or best 偏爱的事物; 特别爱好的事物:. Z" g* V8 }5 i0 i$ H- y
  *What are your preferences? 你最喜欢什么?
' V3 J8 p' b% t  When in Rome, do as the Romans do. I only want to taste real Chinese food.( Q9 j+ C5 B7 ]& \5 F8 h/ k
0 ?# f) n$ J4 g. ~0 Z; d  This is a Beijing restaurant, specializing in Beijing cuisine.( B) }4 x! Z! V9 e
  这是一家北京餐馆,专做京菜。  _: C+ P) A& H$ o* d
  Would you like to try some Chinese drinks?/ M+ q3 y2 Z! W7 Y4 S
  要不要尝点中国酒?% s  u# [+ r" m! S- @
  Yes, I'd love to. I’ve heard Maotai is very popular in China. Could we try some?
" m$ H9 h: |7 y  好的。我听说茅台在中国很受欢迎。咱们尝尝好吗?
, P, T. ]7 B3 ]/ y  Yes, of course. Maotai is the best Chinese wine. It would be a pity if you left without tasting it.
; [/ L( h2 {& o0 w9 m  不错,茅台是中国最好的酒。你要是不品尝一下就走,那将是一大憾事。</p>
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