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[考试辅导] 金融英语口语辅导:WTO英语900句15

发表于 2012-8-16 08:17:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
You don't mean to say you want cash, do you?  您不是在说您想要现金吧?
4 c9 F, o# Q" D4 t  d  Actually, that's just what I wanted to say.# A/ x( C( u* _
; l( ^! f; p4 [( E9 f( [  Don't you think a letter of credit is just as good as cash? And you can discount it at any time, if you like." V" l( Z% M0 ?% ^4 F
  您不认为信用证跟现金差不多吗? 而且如果您愿意,什么时候都是可以贴现的。+ F4 C5 X/ M4 \, V, P2 Q
  The problem, you see, is that we are now at the turn of the century. We're worried about the millennium bug. To be on the safe side, I think cash is the only thing we can accept.
2 w1 w7 S0 u) o$ ?' E& x( R2 _  您知道,问题是我们正处在世纪之交,千年虫让我们担忧。所以为保险起见,我们只接受现金。
9 G; q: \7 Q+ V+ O9 E  Will you still ask for cash in the future, I mean, after we enter the new century?
( @% w, _8 [- W, q; m  将来,我是说进入新世纪以后,你们仍然要现金吗?0 ]# K" G) v9 G2 l1 g
  I'm sorry. I have to think it over. As you are probably aware, the international money market is not so stable nowadays.
* O4 O% G! `8 p& R  很抱歉,我得好好考虑考虑。您可能有所警觉,当前国际货币市场不太稳定。/ ^  P) \: h, g0 J3 I! k
  Don't you trust me? I believe that our pleasant cooperation over the years has proved us trustworthy partners.
6 y' q0 e- Y) T; P  您难道不相信我吗?我相信过去几年的愉快合作已经证明,我们都是值得信赖的业务伙伴。6 d9 u, K; c9 w, j( J
  Yes, I know it. But I'm not worrying about your reliability …
( N) r, G2 l7 O3 U0 P& x  这我知道,但我担心的不是你的信誉……* h0 a* E1 c4 R% O
  reliability : state or quality of being reliable 可靠(性); 可信(性)" ^: u1 y; J0 n9 t1 o' y+ ]
  Let's consider another way, say, letter of credit. Do you think that’s acceptable?0 b* m3 I( y/ U" P
7 D- t! J% O% Q7 f2 d. \  A letter of credit should have been all right. But as you know, interest rates are changing from minute to minute. And we can not be assured that …( @; ~! G' }& F
  信用证本来是可以的。但您知道,利率时刻都在变化,不能保证我们…3 G# Q% h4 L% R8 \4 @' J
  Then when is the earliest shipment we can expect?: {2 A) h# o/ W/ B) `! ]
  那么最早什么时候可以装运呢?- B( ~. V& E2 n7 N4 \& N
  By the middle of October, I think.
+ Z3 i- g+ d4 A" g# G' e  我想要到十月中旬。$ v. y4 _$ F- {: u2 T, Q$ `: |
  It's too late. You see, November is the season for this commodity in our market, and our Customs formalities are rather complicated.; S0 H$ v- b1 S2 H0 w& k
  那太迟了。你知道,在我们那儿十一月是这个商品上市季节,另外我们的海关手续相当复杂。6 x  R5 j0 N% J% O
  I understand.
; \# `4 U4 X" d- H  我明白。
* G# y" B' l% L' I- i* _  In terms of payment, would you like to accept D/P?
8 U/ f/ D0 f$ C  付款方式方面,您愿意接受付款交单吗?
6 d% F5 E% G4 T4 g% i  As I just said, it's a long-distance transportation. I really don’t want to take any chances.! G- Z) m9 p6 v- G
4 w  k' f: `  ^& i! `  You need have no fears about that.# e& \# c& T) M' f
  你不用担心。& y) G. v6 E  t- n$ H
  Well, I suppose there is no other choice.5 x# m+ T7 U4 j$ S
; a  Q6 F. [9 Y. g  Now that we've settled the terms of payment, is it possible to effect shipment during September?3 x  c) v" w. ~- P( d  i7 B. }& F! R
7 R: {+ y+ G' Z6 ?  N1 X, U2 u  now conj ~ (that)…… because of the fact (that)…… 由于……; 既然……:
6 ?, B. \- Z, ]& r, @  * Now (that) you mention it, I do remember the incident. 经你一提, 我想起那件事了。
* B7 i) k0 z  ?% G5 S# a1 z- k  O  * Now you've passed your test you can drive on your own. 你驾驶考试既已合格, 就可以独自开车了。
; A: y, h: K% j" I  I don't think we can.
# Q1 k& C/ R) _; z& v4 f4 i  我看不行。/ Z0 d  C% P8 B6 ^; p  I8 E
  But we're only talking about shirts. They’re not fragile goods. Besides, cartons are light and easy to handle.: r# D2 }  w. R$ r, e
$ g4 E2 Z& K$ k: X4 j3 W  fragile: / 'frжd3ail; US -d3l; `frжd3эl/
( ]# b, q! }( O, r0 n8 m8 }& r2 h  Well, I just mean they're easily breakable.; Z7 O/ }  Q6 `" M2 N3 [
+ D) u. D  j- x  There's no need to worry. We can reinforce the cartons with straps.
, c0 J: _  q6 R1 ]% G8 _* P  这个不用担心。我们可以用条带加固。
0 A0 I8 [  e" e/ J# H  reinforce : make (sth) stronger by adding material, etc (以添加材料等)加固(某物):) p4 o* H2 j5 D1 Y5 t
  * reinforce the sleeves of a jumper, eg with elbow patches 在套头毛衣肘部加补钉, z; O4 @2 Q7 H$ e+ j6 {
  * reinforce a wall, bridge, dyke, etc 把墙、 桥、 堤坝等加固。/ C% n) K) C: K/ g) e' P! x4 P7 j5 n
  Look, these goods will have to go a long way before they arrive at our port. What if dampness gets into the package?
9 e- d9 m# C3 |! e) D" R  但这些货物必须经过长途运输才能抵达我港。包装受潮怎么办?
$ t3 O  J% ?1 }8 G1 b0 a  damp :adj (-er, -est) not completely dry; slightly wet 不完全乾燥的; 潮湿的:
  T6 Q: Q' v6 @3 w# ~  @+ F7 w  * damp clothes 潮湿的衣服 * a damp surface 潮湿的表面
7 Y* M  f8 P+ @: @5 ?5 ]) i5 ?
& U: k8 g. L. G. i  y  * Don't sleep between damp sheets. 睡觉时不要用潮湿的被褥。

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-16 08:17:43 | 显示全部楼层


  All the cartons are lined with plastic sheets, so they're absolutely water-proof, I can assure you.
$ A$ ]" ^2 y/ u$ e. c  所有纸箱都内衬塑料袋,我可以保证绝对防水。</p>
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