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[考试辅导] 金融英语口语辅导:WTO英语900句21

发表于 2012-8-16 08:17:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  It is said that you are now beginning to accept both private and government-to-government loans. Is that so?' r, Q2 `# H) }& i( S# ]; I: h% W" K
, x/ q7 w$ z/ C' {8 L  The policy in our construction is to rely mainly on our own efforts, so the accumulation of funds is socialistic.
2 w4 m5 Q1 k; F) F. H* H  我们的建设方针是以自力更生为主,资金积累是社会主义性质的。
2 T9 |5 m& g: ^% B- }# V  socialistic / .sэu∫э'listik; .so∫э`listik/ adj
9 X* {: }( Y/ V4 ?, z1 _# B  characterized by or supporting some of the features of socialism  有社会主义特点的; 拥护社会主义主张的: * * Some of her views are rather socialistic. 她的观点颇有一些社会主义倾向。6 J+ _6 u3 z' D8 O/ N& `
  social : sociable 好交际的; 友好的; 合群的: (infml 口) He's not a very social person. 他不很合群。6 L8 R: I& Y/ D! Z
  social  (US also sociable / 'sэu∫эbl; `so∫эbl/) n informal meeting or party organized by a group or club  社交聚会; 联欢会: * a church social 教友联谊会。# P) l3 g& B; K' ]0 [, {6 P6 I$ S# u
  The principle that we are insisting on is to take into consideration our ability to pay when we import goods.' r8 p0 ^/ y8 i
  我们坚持的原则是,我国进口必须根据我国的支付能力。# x% h! ~% g2 X. t' N1 G5 [8 r7 ~" @
  take sth into consideration take account of sth; make allowances for sth 考虑某事物; 体谅某事物:
( @' y) [6 A  u& p  * I always take fuel consumption into consideration when buying a car.' S' \' c6 u2 O) f
8 T; W' W1 V, l7 v2 }  I wonder whether you need a loan.. |8 h! n( R4 U8 b. a1 ]& R
* C$ N" q- X, ?& J  We may take into consideration accepting government-to-government or non-government loans only if the conditions permit.
, M' o6 h# k7 z9 y  只要条件合适,我们可以考虑接受政府间贷款或非政府间贷款。
8 g8 C* z. d( X6 {  if only / only if
5 H" T+ i( D  Q+ H2 X& @  if `only
* d( p) `+ L/ w- n  (a) (used to express a wish with reference to present or future time 用以表示对现时或未来的愿望): (b) * If only I were rich. 但愿我很富。
- l5 K& b9 W$ ~- A" _* E" i  * If only I could swim. 要是我会游泳该多好。
% q4 I, G# r6 \- m: D) Q8 V- q  * If only I knew her name. 我要是知道她的名字就好了。
1 r2 Z" v9 c& a& J# R5 o- R2 }  * If only it would stop raining. 真希望雨能停。/ N2 ]( {2 }1 o0 X; G
  * If only they would tell me what they've decided. 但愿他们能把决定告诉我。, v6 W! ~: ]: d  v+ k; \
  (b) (used to express a wish that past events had been different 用以表示与过去事实相反的愿望):
3 V( |/ c" m8 Q8 n8 d' U  * If only he'd remembered to buy some fruit. 他当时要是记得买些水果来该多好。
/ I9 A# a9 r! o$ L  * If only I had gone by taxi. 假若我是乘计程车去的就好了。( h! s+ @9 c1 G2 G/ {, ?9 e
  only if  (when used at the beginning of a sentence, making the v in the following clause precede its subject  用于句首, 后接从句主谓倒装) only on condition that 只要; 只有:4 w, x# I5 ^5 A0 f
  * Only if a teacher has given permission is a student allowed to enter this room.; J+ z: E$ S8 ]! C4 e. V, G5 v
  只有得到教师的允许, 学生才可以进这间屋。
/ x  s" G" D& w+ y  * Only if the red light comes on is there any danger to employees. 只要红灯一亮, 就表示有危及职工的险情。
% l7 r3 v6 i  ]- S5 f. s$ K7 ?( T2 [( g/ X  t
  If there is any need, we'd like to supply you with a loan at the most favourable rate.
9 |) f! D. Y5 P! V  如果需要的话,我们愿按最优惠的利率向您提供贷款。
) q8 w2 q5 |1 l( T" Q6 o  supply/ sэ'plai; sэ`plai/ v (pt, pp supplied)9 `& Y$ p& |/ d" |. D) L: Y
  1 ~ sth (to sb); ~ sb (with sth) give sb sth that is needed or useful; provide sb with sth 供给或供应某人所需或可用的物品; 向某人提供某物:5 ?* _) p2 K, Z' Z- q& d# i
  * a company supplying heating oil (to homes) (向住户)供应燃油的公司
. r7 g) W# K! y2 R( l( H  r  * supply consumers with gas, electricity, etc 向消费者提供煤气、 电力等
" t: u- h6 Z3 R) @( Q" ?$ z$ B  * He kept me well supplied with cups of coffee while I wrote the report.% V' |$ l$ h  C5 U. J+ A# H. M8 @
  我写报告时, 他一直不停地给我一杯杯续咖啡。
- J9 R! V2 b7 K  b  2 provide enough  (of sth) for (a need); fulfil 提供足够的(某物)以满足(需要): 3 * Will the new power- station be able to supply our cheap energy requirements?8 R, Q4 f( i+ _0 _( [
  新建的发电厂能够满足我们对廉价能源的需求吗?8 E( o2 ~1 g4 b3 P) {* e" y, C
  You've made some readjustment in your import and export business, haven’t you?0 M7 I$ T# O& ]; u
  你们的进出口贸易有了一些调整,是吗?8 Y" V$ `' f) m5 _! ?/ Y
  I wonder whether you'll go on importing this kind of equipment?3 J& V* \3 Y  J$ n$ V7 v& \* \
3 N9 @1 D* p9 f: ~1 [- r/ {6 J$ L  The principle to introduce advanced technology with foreign capital on the basis of self-reliance will remain unchanged.
6 e) g- q. n5 q! y& ^  我们在自力更生的基础上,利用外资,引进先进技术的方针是不变的。
5 i8 Z5 x# ^6 E# B  x  If you hope to introduce some advanced technology and complete plants, we'd like to offer you our help.
- ?2 Q; }9 Z; b  你方如果希望引进一些先进技术和成套设备,我们公司可以尽力。

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-16 08:17:43 | 显示全部楼层


  plant:% ]: K+ y* N" N. q, k) \0 U
  (a) [U] machinery, equipment, etc used in an industrial or a manufacturing process (用于工业生产中的)机器、 设备等:
; B2 @' z4 _' l5 v& @- Z  * The firm has made a huge investment in new plant. 该公司投入巨资购置新设备。2 y7 _! C6 k6 c9 r/ w/ `1 L
  * [attrib 作定语] `plant hire, ie renting of machines or equipment 机器租赁。: Y( b9 c. e  n) d
  (b) [C] piece of machinery or equipment 机器; 设备:
& O+ _. w+ z6 ^* z: u" s6 g* O+ Z  * The farm has its own `power plant. 这家农场自己有发电设备。
% m6 f( s! C' R% v0 @3 H2 H) z$ G( ~! A+ C  Our corporation is willing to give its help to your economic construction.
' S. T4 k, m3 U  我们公司愿为贵国的经济建设尽一些力量。
6 K+ U8 n; V* b. H  Do you still insist on your price?' {0 d7 u( T( h+ y
5 v. R, a2 s5 U7 H5 d& ?  We readjust our price according to the international market.+ J# h0 y; `# z( E) v0 k" x* v: Q1 A
  我们是根据世界市场的行情来调整价格的。% t4 P0 A6 h; k* b1 x; W
  May I know what particular line you are interested in this time?</p>
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