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[考试辅导] 金融英语:挑战银行英语口语(14)

发表于 2012-8-16 08:17:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  credit union 合作银行4 m& \- q8 Y0 |! i: g/ N
  credit bureau 商业兴信所3 m8 y3 v" D% W0 S' X' \
  self-service bank 无人银行
' Z, e* _+ C5 ^+ q  land bank 土地银行
' {; v. v- K- g2 p( f- S- }& w  construction bank 建设银行/ f/ R5 H* n! v, {3 R: D* ^
  industrial and commercial bank 工商银行
* t, r" V( o9 }( F! v3 o  bank of communications 交通银行8 C; r; x4 J2 D" [- X( Q( R
  mutual savings bank 互助储蓄银行4 `( h% N, V, M+ J( V) |
  post office savings bank 邮局储蓄银行
) U- B0 R6 y' U' N4 Z5 v6 f  j  mortgage bank, building society 抵押银行
6 |- U0 [  @  P: Q! E# f8 [1 o  industrial bank 实业银行" ]; F( i2 R! s8 V
  home loan bank 家宅贷款银行
- k0 s( ]: _- E, M' O% e  reserve bank 准备银行
. J% h! b6 n; N  chartered bank 特许银行
* O% c8 a* f; B, q2 w7 X1 y) x  corresponding bank 往来银行
7 m9 D- O. w( \6 s$ d' s  merchant bank, accepting bank 承兑银行
/ d2 f! X3 f& c+ J1 M  investment bank 投资银行
# b: m$ p* s- S  import and export bank (EXIMBANK) 进出口银行
, o9 c( f% z: n8 @" H  joint venture bank 合资银行
; y- ]+ x9 o1 }0 T$ Q: }  money shop, native bank 钱庄! w8 ~. c2 d: v/ O
  credit cooperatives 信用社0 Z7 C, o2 q+ y. G5 C+ e
  clearing house 票据交换所# v/ G) ^( r, f
  public accounting 公共会计
, j1 s9 W: _* }& ]& M  business accounting 商业会计* K1 |; b. W) Q8 Q! a4 M+ t
  cost accounting 成本会计& ~% V: n( A0 D% @" R1 w
  depreciation accounting 折旧会计
4 L) }) S( \1 U/ H) ^" O; k. _  computerized accounting 电脑化会计6 l1 }% g! E, q$ E
  general ledger 总帐
% U% I/ n2 l' {$ _: j+ s# A  subsidiary ledger 分户帐
; `+ s" V. x5 E  b5 ^6 C& }& e2 c( @  cash book 现金出纳帐- L7 `) a/ ~" \0 T
  cash account 现金帐* f) z% C# s9 ]! Y, R+ V5 t
  journal, day-book 日记帐,流水帐
" s: Z7 S$ n' F! j/ g6 J- o  bad debts 坏帐& U9 E$ _' |9 }3 [
  investment 投资+ M3 J+ b0 ^/ E1 X- j
  surplus 结余
" e8 h! r3 A! Q  Q+ b# h" ~# D  idle capital 游资/ V; D5 q, [( H% q/ h
  economic cycle 经济周期
/ {9 j+ O$ J: Y* x. N  economic boom 经济繁荣* d5 h( `; _" r3 Q. g+ x" L
  economic recession 经济衰退
5 p8 n1 ]: v9 X  `+ g  economic depression 经济萧条

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