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[考试辅导] 金融英语考试:常用语地道翻译2

发表于 2012-8-16 08:17:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
41. 商业信贷原则: the principles for commercial credit   / ?/ Z; H& U0 T! E6 H" k' k5 [
42. 社会保险机构: social security institution   + |0 Q, H3 P6 a( a8 Z
43. 失业保险金: unemployment     e: R. a: q* u0 X  B8 j
insurance benefits   5 f% p! h: F' D
44. 偷税、骗税、逃税、抗税: tax evasion, tax fraud and refusal to pay taxes   
3 O5 K; h/ l* `. e: W. v45. 外汇收支: foreign exchange revenue and spending   * n; w& r5 B8 H6 M5 z
46. 安居工程: housing project for low-income urban residents   
  [* V5 v" ?1 r3 C47. 信息化: information-based; informationization   $ W8 V; }5 M$ ^. m0 S
48. 智力密集型: concentration of brain power; knowledge-intensive   
; d8 m! _9 J4 v" y3 V49. 外资企业: overseas-funded enterprises   / C; k" y: @9 b. z
50. 下岗职工: laid-off workers   0 l7 C1 ?1 `" a9 X9 V$ E' y
51. 分流: reposition of redundant personnel   
5 I6 }0 r# v) ?1 |# r: q52. 素质教育: education for all-round development   / R( X# a# P* ^
53. 豆腐渣工程: jerry-built projects   
3 `$ p7 _7 P8 Q# S54. 社会治安情况: law-and-order situation   
2 O8 `: _" P, Z9 S9 ^5 n+ b55. 民族国家: nation state   ' _" s+ @7 p! \1 [: ]
56. “台独”: "independence of Taiwan"   
+ x& v& D6 X; Q$ L57. 台湾当局: Taiwan authorities   2 W3 [/ @6 t5 n# r% `( R- _
58. 台湾同胞 : Taiwan compatriots   
- f& R. \+ e/ Z3 J$ L59. 台湾是中国领土不可分割的一部分:Taiwan is an inalienable part of the Chinese territory.   
. K& A5 w0 y' X2 ?2 ]& H$ ~60. 西部大开发 : Development of the West Regions   
  Z: @( @8 W/ }1 e4 u61. 可持续性发展: sustainable development   / ?2 P- [+ G: m) h. ]# T1 a
62. 风险投资 : risk investment   - Z4 M3 U% ^- D) @" y
63. 通货紧缩 : deflation   
* V. D3 T0 x  @6 J' R; k/ k64. 扩大内需 : to expand domestic demand   
) f" c2 b% h: J65. 计算机辅助教学: computer-assisted instruction ( CAI )

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