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[考试辅导] 金融英语口语:代理保险业务(下)

发表于 2012-8-16 08:17:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  A:Excuse me,can I transact Bank-Insurance Link business in your bank?$ u# b0 Y( ^+ H- g! I& c5 L
  B:Yes,you can.- b& b# i& E5 x2 S2 V0 C6 L
  A:How can I buy an insurance policy?% G/ l; ^- r4 F. w$ R
  B:You should make choice of the insurance companies,the insured amount and the insurance period by yourself.) m" v$ r2 ^) o
  A:I prefer a policy of Bonus-for-Thousand-Happiness of Ping An Insurance Company.+ K* @4 [4 H, \& ]
  B:All right.Have you got a current account in our bank?6 D$ M! J2 S3 m! T( M' M- T; t  ~% ]
  A:Yes,I have got a “Current One-for-All” passbook.Here you are.  b, f4 M; K2 q7 b
  B:Please fill out the application form of insurance with the amount and period on it.Write your ID card number clearly.8 r+ X1 H7 P1 u
  A:I will….Is that so?. L* {; H5 e4 w( @/ D
  B:Pass me your ID card,please.I’ll check them up., A  G& H7 W/ ?) z9 Q8 v. K9 e
  A:Here it is.* g6 J: v& G* O. p% Z1 u& E$ U5 V1 e
  B:(After a while)No prolem.Here is your insurance document and your card.  You will receive a policy from Ping An Insurance Company next month.
2 D7 T4 Y4 L/ `  A:Thank you very much.& m' j8 M: Q6 S9 M
  B:You are welcome.A:请问我在贵行可以办理“银保通”业务吗?
1 P5 L/ I% m+ _" d# u  B:可以。
; {+ o8 J9 J* T. J6 p' [5 U: C; a  A:如何办理呢?; |/ M. X% N# f% D
  B:您自己选择哪家保险公司的产品,保险金额、保险期限。' B: f% b$ y& k' L/ I
  A:我想买平安保险公司的“千禧红”保险。% D8 M3 m( S* x" @
  B:好。您在我行有活期账户吗?; I+ S' w, G' h
( _/ `. ~5 n8 ]; ?7 X- Z& B; Q  B:请填写投保单,金额和期限。把身份证号码写清楚。
. o0 a# Z7 B9 {6 e  A:我会的…。这样填写,行吗?
6 k0 _- D+ ~& c  B:请把身份证递给我,我要核对一下。7 Y$ N. L0 @( D
  A:给您。# P* e* ]& M( L: e$ P
  B:(过了一会儿)没问题。这是您的保险单据,身份证。下个月您会收到平安保险公司的保险单。1 Z; j% J6 m2 ]! I# W, P  \2 p: M
  A:非常感谢。: V# L$ }0 q5 o( L

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