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[考试辅导] 金融英语口语:储蓄柜面常用英语4

发表于 2012-8-16 08:17:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  31.Exchange U.S.dollars for Renminbi& F+ W& Y8 c* N$ o6 f' B1 \
  32.What can I do for you?
# u; S; R9 j9 ]! m# m/ G& ]6 b. \  33.May I help you?1 i; ~8 E  l4 e3 v9 |$ z
  34.We are open for business form 8:00 a.m to 6:00 p.m with no break at noon1 Y1 a5 P  ^/ \; U6 p. u0 x" L
  35.We are open for business all week including Saturday and Sunday5 {" d+ w" P+ C$ r4 o/ |; C
  36.I’d like to deposit(withdraw)1 Q' I. f) a. j" L$ P( i( f' H/ \/ x
  37.Which type of deposit do you prefer,time deposit or current deposit?
) c9 I+ K9 g( j+ c% s  38.I prefer time deposit(current deposit)
3 F4 {, g2 A) `  39.Is it your first time to deposit here?I am going to open an account for you.
. ~+ p; c& B: c+ a2 z  40.How long would you like to deposit for?
4 p! o& _  f/ q; O! g  U  31.美元兑换人民币4 f" V' c" P. ^; ?1 X& M* N5 k
- o8 W# x1 n/ z7 O  33.您需要我为您提供什么服务?
3 X7 x1 u6 ~: z" }9 ^  34.我们的营业时间是上午8点至下午6点,中午不休息。
- R1 W0 I  ~% X- N/ O' \  35.我们星期六、星期日照常营业。- X4 y, v3 U% `- m  l2 {
  36.我想存款(取款)。( q. ^. K; @) e6 r- V- _8 R3 Y
* t5 I. A% O6 k" X  38.我想存定期(活期)。
- m% G2 t. I) E4 i, t0 |  39.您是第一次来这里存款吗?我给您开一个新的帐户。
& G; k% ^$ c! m( e; Z  40.定期几年?

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