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[考试辅导] 金融英语口语:储蓄柜面常用英语10

发表于 2012-8-16 08:17:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  91.I’m sorry I have no small change.7 i8 X0 C1 t! _7 q
  92.You can convert the unused RMB back into foreign currency.
: ~5 Q8 L! X- s% m5 w/ }2 e, j  93.You’ll receive the money in a moment .  v' A4 J: f) F3 }/ S( z8 o8 N
  94.Sorry, we don’t handle drafts and telegraphic transfers.+ r* {  a3 N9 m" t
  95.Sorry, we handle savings deposit business only.) T# O, t- A$ m2 G% K. B
  96.Please go to the international Department of ICBC Beijing Branch.
% }+ h( F! ~- t8 `/ p7 h  97. Sorry, these two one hundred dollar bills are counterfeit
. Q" I2 C, r3 A! @# u# i  98.According to our regulations and international practice, forged notes must be confiscated so we can’t return them to you.
1 Q# p$ R. Z1 Z. c* y; f0 h  99.We may issue you a confiscation receipt.
' j4 E/ c0 U; C5 E  100.We have safe custody service and can keep precious metals such as gold and silver, and securities for you.) A9 ]& [% F& R
  91.对不起,现在没有零钱。# L2 U) H5 {  k& W, O
  92.您可以把没有用完的人民币兑换成外币。5 E* C) n# ]$ ?
  93.请等一会,您就能拿到钱。4 @& m5 Y" m8 f
  94.对不起,我所不办理汇兑业务。& Z' J1 g- B7 V
4 z! V3 n2 ~; J& G! D/ Y6 c- u( ]  96.请到工商银行北京分行国际业务部办理此项业务。
, o8 h% q/ A3 U$ |, f6 N  97. 对不起,这两张百元美钞是伪造的。
  H6 j+ K8 C' a9 d2 y3 W# X  98.按我国的规定和国际惯例,假币应予没收,请您合作。
( {( Z9 p; c6 u. p' b  99.我们给您开一张没收单据。
: r4 o9 T% I4 V" Z2 j4 m  100.我们开办了代保管业务,能为您保管金银等贵重物品及有价证券。

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