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[考试辅导] 金融英语口语:Get-together聚会-1

发表于 2012-8-16 08:17:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Preparations We are giving a farewell party in our place. We will have to do a lot of preparation.     Will you provide drinks? Here’s the list.     I will need some 40 plates and dessert knives and forks.     Can you bring us a dozen dishes of this size?    I would like to borrow your large tablecloth.    I am here to order some flowers.     Send me a big bouquet of assorted flowers before 10:00 next Saturday.     I need someday to help me with preparation.      I have been in such a tizzy these last few days getting ready for the Brown Going-Away party.      We have got 34 persons on the list so far, but I am sure it will be up in the forties before we have finished.   I would never have thought we could have done so many things in two weeks.   I would like to have food for 60 people at 10 dollars per head.   Please tell me Tony to get more food ready.   Do we have enough cigarettes and cigars for the whole party?   We will have a lot of drinks to start with.   Could you run to the market and get some nice fresh fruit?    Tell Mr. Smith we will start to serve as soon as President Houseman arrives.   We will have some Chinese and American music alternatively.   My wife needs some help in the kitchen.   Can you help me attend the guests in that sections?     Please help to serve drinks.   We will finish up with the Chinese dessert.   Please bring in some more beer to that section.   If you need anything .ask my wife .I will have to attend those VIPs over there.   I am going to receive guests at the gate.   You will be in charge of the supervision.

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-16 08:17:43 | 显示全部楼层


准备 我们打算在住处举行一个告别聚会,要准备不少工作。 您们能提供饮料吗?这是清单。 我大约需要40个盘子和点心刀叉。  您能带一打这么大的盘子来吗?  我想借用您的大桌布。  我来此想订些花。   请在下星期六上午10点以前给我送一大束什锦话花。   我需要有人帮我准备   我这些天心情激动,忙着准备布朗一家的告别聚会。 目前为止我们已邀请了34人,不过我敢保证到时来宾会达到40人。 真没想到,这么大一摊事情两个星期就忙完了。 我想订60人用的饭菜,每人10美元。  请通知托尼多准备些吃的。 聚会用的香烟和雪茄够吗? 开始时得多准备些饮料。 您能不能马上去市场买些好的新鲜水果? 告诉史密斯先生,豪斯曼校长一到我们就开始上菜。 席间将轮流播放中美两国音乐。 我妻子在厨房里需要一些帮手。 您能帮我照料那边的客人吗?   请帮忙上酒。 最后上中国点心。 请给那边再送些啤酒。 需要什么请问我妻子。我得去那边照料几位贵客。 我得去大门口迎客人。 您负责总管
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