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[考试辅导] 金融英语口语:SocialFormality社交活动-4

发表于 2012-8-16 08:17:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  Declining Invitation8 ~" @' O& M: y# t: {4 m& w
  I am not quite sure whether I am free.
+ i0 I8 @% _) R* y  I am not sure.1 D0 J) d, F3 Y$ y. Q
  It depends.
! _) Y( @" F: P8 Z/ A% J  Maybe. Maybe not.4 P2 L# Y4 T- b
  It looks as if I am not free tonight.4 x7 i! }. D5 B2 M: s: f
  I am not free at all.& F% Q5 r% \- `. |& f9 Z
  I am just remember that I have got another appointment.
+ |- e1 J8 Y" q2 P  Sorry .I am afraid I can not go to the theatre tonight.
( j. O; j+ o/ U1 y7 D  I am away tonight.
% g3 ^7 n# R* J  Sorry I can not .I have got a terrible toothache now.
9 F0 h! d. P+ v7 O  I am really a little bit busy for the next few weeks., a9 f$ K0 \4 V* w0 O0 I; x& U. C
  I will give you a ring one of these days .
) l' h8 Z% k1 L' N  I would love to ,but I am afraid I will be quite busy then.2 Q2 u4 S% m1 _  y* C
  I will come round to other place.
$ U+ _. [$ X: B  I am afraid I am busy on Sunday.: y% Q& g$ }2 W. m1 ^* X
  It might be a little early.9 q( b' ]) ~7 A- c1 o: W8 d
  That is difficult for me.9 N% L3 r9 l3 g0 B& y$ C3 J1 y
  I have to visit  a friend tonight.
, C0 N% a: F1 g: n; [9 Y  Thanks for the offer, but I am afraid I have an essay to finish.
8 m, H1 ?0 w) a) ]. b4 @  It is very kind of you to invite ,but I am afraid I am busy tonight.
, n1 M: b1 b4 D  Well , tonight is not really convenient .How about next Friday?: R$ a' f1 j& {  P2 W; I8 p9 l; L+ @
  I would love to , but I do not suppose I have time.2 \) s  A  k  [/ w1 `2 P
  It is very nice of you to ask, but honestly, I really would not be able to.
9 b$ K  v# j8 e: l/ S" a, \  It is very kind of you to invite me, but I have got a previous engagement.5 @9 m! |. D0 V0 G- P' x
  I would love to go ,but I do not think my husband will make it as he’s schedule d to leave for a conference the day before the occasion.; y2 b# K7 Z3 D1 v" E) Y- ]$ w% |
  I regret we are unable to accept your kind invitation.
) g: R% A% \& N  You know I could not possibly make it as I will be away on a business trip in New York.
' l- i: r0 v7 H% u# j  You know I have already been asked to join my family for the weekend.
! w) X8 N$ B: {' f' e/ m+ g; U9 R  It is unlike we will be back before the day you suggested .In view of this ,we are unable to accept your invitation.

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-16 08:17:43 | 显示全部楼层


</p>  谢绝
% O% |  t7 m0 L! v- V4 C  我不能肯定是否有空。
; r- }( w- s3 z! C$ R$ v# V! e  我不能肯定。0 u) N5 k; b- x& W8 v$ P/ g. j
  看情况而定。/ ]2 a* Y# C  X8 Q3 B* c8 x
: c" k  B9 S6 |6 b5 H$ \4 L  看来今晚没空。1 E3 ~$ R/ f6 F  R# m1 l
  我一点时间都没有。4 n7 Q2 P7 {- J5 C$ J# j" s* ~" Q$ b
4 ~( T3 y1 v. I/ E1 X  q! g  对不起,今晚恐怕不能去剧院了。
2 n, k, m8 y& H7 }) S  今晚我要出门。* [, k! O! V. W/ u
+ x, k7 Y, o: }' V/ M  下几个礼拜我都比较忙。- ]0 J4 ~! `1 l
  这几天我会给你打电话的。* ^  ^/ Y- @1 ~4 ]  h
  那真不错,不过估计那会我会比较忙。, @" N8 p! Q6 \& u1 r6 y4 V! F
5 P& j4 _1 F* y  F+ s& O  恐怕星期天我没空。
3 j, A- T# ?0 p+ z  时间可能早了点了。
& i) |. r$ D! D5 G/ l3 w* y3 F  有点困难。
) A, l% z+ v  A* F  我今晚要去看个朋友。
. ]8 e- S$ b+ F9 D  谢谢你的盛情,但是我有篇稿子必须完成。
! `5 C* W: }0 L; m, g8 j$ Q  谢谢你的邀请,但是我今晚很忙。4 v& T* ?' e0 h; T
  今晚不太方便,下星期五怎么样?! a  e; v- Y% K3 X; g
  我很想去,可惜没有时间。7 E& e$ P# }8 S( `/ N  ~% g( e
. A. A3 M2 s1 n" H1 ~0 G, b9 z  谢谢你的盛情邀请,但我早已有约会。) D& m$ P: {2 @7 x7 t
( S* h/ P2 y6 A$ V2 h  很遗憾不能接受你的盛情邀请。0 E; i$ f7 J0 ~; J8 _  d3 Z0 k
  你知道,那天我实在去不了,因为我得去纽约出差。. b2 W2 u; Y, w, L9 a8 c+ c
  你知道我家人已邀我一起度周末了。3 Y2 |2 ?8 ?  @. Q) m. H
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