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[考试辅导] 金融英语口语:SocialFormality社交活动-6

发表于 2012-8-16 08:17:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  s) {5 o. y6 b3 O" o6 Z- I% m7 Y  Thank you for inviting to tea., K; Q* N1 c; J& f. ?
  Thank you for a most enjoyable evening., ~- T3 m) u" Q- ^! Q
  Before we say good –bye, I would like to thank you for all you have done us.
6 S& A$ }3 S& {( C' W: ~) L! y  Please allow me to thank you in the name of the Smith’s .
7 G) V7 x& V1 A2 \  I would like to take the opportunity to thank our hosts for the most enjoyable entertainment.; w, L  }8 g# r! W
  You have opened your hearts as well as your comes to us.
" z/ E2 s# }6 z  I really can not thank you enough for the invitation.. v5 u9 c$ W" L, K* ~; O0 S& y
  Thank you for a wonderful meal.1 I2 `8 Z2 P7 p3 I. z
  This has been a great treat. Thank you.4 R) K* B/ v) c# |! T
  Thank you , I have had a delightful time.4 M% R' j/ H/ D9 X& R
  Many thanks for the kind invitation.
! e( C+ Q$ e& E2 I  致谢$ b4 V8 w4 z5 e) v: W+ W6 T
, h) B4 Z$ ^" Q! b! _$ D  w6 `  今天晚上过得很愉快,非常感谢。% b& n  ~( Y. ]0 f$ c
# P7 r4 K* V6 {: E% `% S* |# A# i  请允许我代表史密斯一家感谢您。- w. b- m7 \3 p2 H* v+ w
  我谨借此机会感谢我们的主人给予我们最盛情的款待。: `! T; |! e. Z$ O( A: K. B! I
% \0 k; @& Q7 K# V5 Z" n: f  我真的不知道如何答谢您的邀请。2 H5 v  l2 p. V0 A$ J7 }  I# N
  谢谢您的美餐。2 R4 r$ e* p) P' {7 B8 ]
9 p) j+ H3 W% M; B4 B) R  谢谢我在这儿玩的很愉快。
! l- a, r1 w, @3 q/ v3 n; a  非常感谢您的邀请。

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