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[考试辅导] 口语辅导:一些时兴新词的翻译

发表于 2012-8-16 08:17:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
$ f/ Q4 }. |2 L0 s( m! r' I  奔小康:strive for a relatively comfortable life
4 O; L0 f; d# }5 E  l! x; F3 S  发展是硬道理:Development is of over-riding importance.
  l3 Z2 C& `: L& ]6 _$ \  乱集资、乱摊派、乱收费:unwarranted pooling of funds,arbitrary requisition of donations and exaction of fees from enterprises
4 B# B! Y6 a+ D! i- \  政府搭台、部门推动、企业唱戏:government sets up the stage,various departments cooperate and enterprises put on the show
8 G8 C% g, H- b- R# {  H1 r- N% B  住房分配货币化进程:capitalization process of housing distribution/allocation
" b0 }# x  r. ?; k3 P  统筹医疗:cooperative medical-care system, r; P. b4 q' f
  科教兴国:rely on science and education to rejuvenate the nation9 M$ y, z4 w% X# e$ k
  西部大开发:Development of the West
$ r, s7 i' w) t! Z; @/ R- d- g8 d) w  吸收游资:absorb idle funds
. w% K. q. g9 ?/ j  保值储蓄:value-guaranteed savings;inflation-proof savings1 `, I9 a/ R) g; ]# F
  费改税:transform administrative fees into taxes! Z& l& t8 k1 W. ]. F' v' O% l
  风险投资:venture capital risk investment  C* Q) Z3 v; o. ]/ E5 D
  融资渠道:financing channels
4 D. H! J! z& a' ~) k  货币回笼:withdrawal of currency from circulation
5 G4 |( x9 l4 X9 ~5 V/ j  虚拟网:virtual net
. i. u9 _- x1 C8 H  全球通:global system for global communications5 X9 O7 f( r* z+ P9 B! l: N
  彩票(业):lottery industry
2 X" T* g) |. ?7 B1 T6 ]  灰色收入:income from moonlighting
4 W* ?4 E7 O; a4 P7 }0 t  水货:smuggled goods
7 K! r& S2 c/ D5 r* M4 X  不正之风:bad(harmful)practice;unhealthy tendency, @6 n1 E1 L; Q1 z5 s" k
  宰客:to swindle money from customers
1 N5 r/ P$ J) M# }3 w8 [# G  形象小姐/先生:image representative of a product or a brand1 w* y' |* q2 r' c2 v) |1 J
  新新人类:New Human Being,X generation
- q# F9 h0 y. {, l  p  生态农业:environmental-friendly agriculture. f5 }' p/ i( M# x" W9 h
  上市:to get listed
1 _: A, x5 i1 t8 g& z  洗钱:money laundering

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