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[考试辅导] 向老板建议MakingSuggestionsToTheBoss

发表于 2012-8-16 08:17:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  MR. RAMIREZ: Come in, Arnold. Have a seat.. Z2 ]! y7 }. ?' S9 r
  ARNOLD: Good morning.
5 i7 P: e, A+ {  MR. RAMIREZ: Would you like something to drink?/ ?3 @; Y8 e1 j5 z8 A2 q5 K% _
  ARNOLD: No, thank you. I just had two cups of coffee at my desk.2 a/ \1 ~9 v! @
  MR. RAMIREZ: So, you're a serious coffee drinker.8 V6 J' U0 u' L
  ARNOLD: Yes, it keeps me going. Sometimes I think I'm addicted.7 N" \! j: c/ E: [9 v7 z4 ^
  MR. RAMIREZ: Well, coffee isn't such a bad thing.0 j  ^  |/ W: r+ w5 L
  Everyone has to have something.' T' o! N0 Z7 a' i
  For me, it's cigars. Are you a cigar smoker?  R$ g& L& L4 K/ V! p6 n6 T, S3 S
  ARNOLD: No, I've tried them. But I’m not really a smoker.
0 b0 z$ ]. I$ Y# i& k  MR. RAMIREZ: Well, what would you like to talk to me about?
- B+ a  x8 p" f  v  X! X  ARNOLD: I wanted to set up this meeting with you to discuss a little proposal.9 @& j$ g, b2 l" X3 h' Z' i
  MR. RAMIREZ: I'm glad when people have new ideas around here. Tell me about it.( U1 F. j& M+ T! Z$ k
  ARNOLD: It is about the staff meetings.
4 P. Q$ ?9 I: Q) M1 w  You know how we have a staff meeting every Tuesday.' J- d) @# n/ M+ ^) c+ \
4 c. H1 [% c: l: N' p2 ~  ARNOLD: Well, I have been thinking about it.
3 S! ?. A& m1 E. }! c' K) ^  And I believe we could do things more efficiently here.
& E- b  S6 u% w+ G  MR. RAMIREZ: What do you suggest?
! a1 w8 X: E0 G) \6 U  k  ARNOLD: The way it is now, the staff from all four branches get together once a week.
! [: y4 _9 B7 f  We meet for one hour. But I think a lot of time is wasted in transportation.; ?1 n% c" E! d
  MR. RAMIREZ: You mean because people have to go across town to get here.
; k5 [" M; s" k0 f: Y  ARNOLD: Yes. Some people spend half of the morning on the road.
, M- I' ~  b5 l, k0 x  MR. RAMIREZ: That's true. But our staff meetings are very important, Arnold.2 @8 f' i& F8 K1 Q( k
  I don't know how we can function without them.
! ]$ C# q1 \* ^0 g2 t1 \( c. _$ c  ARNOLD: I think they are important too.1 b1 x) r4 N' d& Q/ T
  That's why I want people to have a better attitude about them.
- C6 S& l$ X& m( V, b; g! v' ^  MR. RAMIREZ: I know a lot of people think the meetings aren't too useful.7 G' i0 Q/ [; P& i# t
  I'm aware of that.* x4 W% {% m# m* x7 [
  ARNOLD: Here's what I propose.% \! M/ R9 t) I; b3 k3 {( P
  I think we should meet once every two weeks, but meet for ninety minutes or more.; T4 T+ s6 Y! U) c8 a0 w3 M
  MR. RAMIREZ: Well.- J& f4 v8 R, o% w9 @1 d
  ARNOLD: I also think the meetings should be more focused.
) L. y2 m& c2 `6 p4 _; t$ A  And I would be willing to take responsibility for that.
: S4 ^/ {5 e7 e' O  MR. RAMIREZ: You mean you want to run the meetings?+ b$ v) B3 }0 S& s# ^
  ARNOLD: No, not really run them. But I could help organize them.6 |8 }% V0 j+ t, i6 Y. p. z/ l/ K
  I could discuss meeting topics with you, and then prepare a schedule for each meeting.
* L+ T$ a- t% _  I could then send an e-mail to all the staff to explain the coming meeting.% I* v* {, a3 z) B
  This way the meetings would become more focused, and people would prepare better.# N% g- T/ u- ^8 b+ v5 P9 ^
  MR. RAMIREZ: Hmm. But we would meet every two weeks.
# n* [# L  e8 r& A  ARNOLD: I really think it would work.! O& Z1 ~" f. D* W' o: A$ u
  The meetings could be longer, and better organized.+ q- Y" W. G2 x) K4 O; }) M% n
  MR. RAMIREZ: I am not against the idea, Arnold.3 o- b7 x6 j0 p+ F6 T9 V
  It may really be more efficient, as you say. I'll tell you what we can do.6 b5 L% X* o, ~9 F' q" C
  Why don't we try your proposal for a month, and see how it works.
# K9 Y' i% P3 J9 M: c  ARNOLD: Excellent. I would be happy to get started on it.+ Q' n0 _, `2 j$ U
  MR. RAMIREZ: I will call the managers.
# U6 P# A/ Y+ W& h6 X# }  Then tomorrow I'll tell you when we can schedule our first meeting in this “new style.”

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-16 08:17:43 | 显示全部楼层


  仑米先生:进来,阿诺。请坐。! v0 h3 R- _+ o0 ~- o  q+ r, T
  阿诺:早安。$ W+ Y% ^% e7 H' @% U4 A$ G
) G5 C" G, x. b* A- e  阿诺:不了,谢谢你。我才喝了两杯咖啡。3 O8 _3 a1 \' L6 R2 B$ a
  仑米先生:所以,你是一个严重的咖啡爱好者。2 X6 N, S, v6 O5 w3 F
1 ?( J4 d! ~; B( w3 f/ T+ W8 d  仑米先生:嗯,咖啡也不是一个坏事情。- Q6 P2 ]! K; j+ j: k1 X7 f. p& P
7 s7 Z9 z6 q3 f: v1 A/ [+ U# J6 Q4 V  像我,就是雪茄。你抽雪茄吗?3 T' B( D# `  c. g6 n
  i% ?9 D$ G5 ~+ A  仑米先生:嗯,你想跟我说些什么呢?
) ?/ B# Z% `4 c( Q9 _" b  阿诺:我想借着这个会谈跟你讨论一个提案。: @  e# K+ H0 ?
  仑米先生:我很高兴这里能有人提些新计划,告诉我是什么。  x( z$ W4 m% R/ g& z
5 U( C+ _" g; u1 k2 _  你知道我们每个星期二的干部会议。
# R0 T" x5 t- ^) ?3 G0 t% ?- t* R7 j  仑米先生:是的。2 ~1 I, B5 C5 g2 n
  阿诺:嗯,我一直在想。! T! M$ m/ b& b
  我相信我们可以做得更有效率些。) n* t6 v( w8 [# H4 j
/ ^" [$ |/ W# I1 V; ]! x! k  阿诺:现在的方法是,四个分公司的干部每一周都会来这里一次。: X% }% G9 z3 D( p; O
  我们开会一小时,但我认为绝大部份的时间都浪费在交通上。4 k1 }' w: i# n9 O
1 a' ?4 P/ \) Q6 |3 t; w  阿诺:是的,有些人花了一个早上在路程上。3 |5 j# }  }9 I7 n0 `. B1 J
, d5 B- ~- m. W  L" ~  我不知道没有他们我们如何能运作。7 `+ Z* n, s9 D4 ]( M" j$ S
# n# v* ~. w# O* x  那就是为什么我要大家对会谈能有更好的态度。# i, U" r5 a" J9 `3 d; ]4 y
, F; O$ p9 e+ s+ l2 L9 A  我知道这个的。
3 h# t0 i  u+ T4 Q5 ^* u1 u0 M. e  阿诺:这是我的建议。3 W2 P1 q5 D8 ]* o: t
7 n7 w5 [6 P& \1 w7 n6 u/ N  仑米先生:这个。
4 ?  k+ x: L/ d% Y3 t) w, z  阿诺:我同时也认为议题应更明确。
3 b3 k( E; N# u7 F; z$ F% \  我愿意对这件事负责。
1 k# f' r! V+ O3 n3 B- C  仑米先生:你的意思是你要主持会议?4 R. A4 E- C+ L: ~- W' R- O
& l+ Y0 R, o9 Y; _' J. O( E2 |  我可以跟你讨论议题,然后准备每次会议的时程表。
# @! Y2 X) m( k+ I2 ?  我可以寄电子邮件给所有的干部解说下个会议。
7 z9 X9 M% t9 F5 n/ E$ m  这样的话会议就能更明确,大家也能准备得更充分。
0 w6 I" O+ ?* C3 [: P3 o8 X  仑米先生:嗯,但我们会每两个星期开一次会。/ ~# B) f! M* A* J/ Q3 a
  阿诺:我真的认为这是可行的。# B5 g2 o4 Z! l% T) J
  会议时间可以加长,而且更有组织。; r- O/ R; a7 P' |8 k- Z) g. c
  仑米先生:我并不是反对这个主意,阿诺。; v& W- |2 d' v, \
  这或许会更有效率,就像你说的。我告诉你我们能怎么做。7 U5 a7 u; _, q- C. _5 H+ k
  我们何不试试你的提案一个月,我们再来看成效。: @- f- M* Y# s# |
  阿诺:太好了,我已经迫不及待了。5 u5 D5 f3 [4 ]" R" r/ |. \9 \' ^* l
  仑米先生:我会通知所有的经理。; C9 V& T/ o+ x, V4 E
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