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[考试辅导] 金融英语学习:WTO英语900句1

发表于 2012-8-16 08:17:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
   There's a system‘s failure.% X! P8 q$ W. f7 H
  机器系统出毛病了。+ Y6 D$ R/ ^$ F$ v/ z+ ~- @
  There's a breakdown.$ v0 m, ?6 M/ N* Q0 |
  W; i- ?  R6 x% B( ]  I'm phoning to complain about the product.+ p2 e" x& h( m9 P# y
( n3 x5 u. s8 b5 J; q0 W  I'm sorry to hear that. What exactly is the problem?
7 a6 @8 ^+ [! E. A) Y7 R  很抱歉。出什么问题了?
) z4 K3 ]" ]/ I7 s! d) y% N  It's broken./It doesn‘t work./It's faulty.# j" m$ ^% q5 {( w! G5 j
  坏了。/不运行了。/出毛病了。- d5 r8 y6 j2 n. J1 f0 Y$ z
  faulty adj (-ier, -iest) having a fault or faults; imperfect 有缺点的; 有过失的; 不完善的:0 j0 F% J  g( |! c
  * a faulty switch 有毛病的开关
& s6 K! ~" H6 N; M6 }# q# Q+ }  * a faulty argument 有错误的论据。, q1 P; o4 \; }6 y* }' Y2 Q
  faultily adv in a faulty manner 有缺点地; 有过失地; 有错误地。8 W0 V2 r: k  R
  I think I can do better than that./ e+ k  I1 Q( Q0 x( I8 n0 q
5 I) b: O1 ?# h0 s0 W" E4 k  What's the problem?9 m2 t7 ^' s! }. E& s# I
  什么问题?! L0 P/ ^; G3 ~( p
  The problem is the photocopier isn't working.
0 U: A) K! ]' J# F3 F7 X2 U9 d$ y  问题是复印机坏了。
1 U9 F) A6 i+ [1 [6 ?9 f  1 process for producing photocopies without the use of wet materials (乾式的)影印, 复印:6 s0 `( n* L: j
  [attrib 作定语] a Xerox machine (乾式)影印机。
- V2 J8 ^; T+ U/ i/ ?  2 photocopy made using this process (乾式影印的)影印件, 复印件:) w* o( z# [. _8 S, _/ L* `/ K- m
  * make/take a couple of Xeroxes of the contract 复制出合同的影印件。% ?, l' r! @. ?4 n& l% r2 }
  > xerox v produce copies of (documents, etc) using the Xerox or a similar process 影印, 复印(文件等):
. Q1 e1 s- H# N9 M% V; W6 P  * Could you xerox this letter please, Paula? 葆拉, 请你把这封信复印一份行吗?1 ]' H+ @( A. Z7 Q7 I, ^
  What's wrong? What exactly is the problem?
/ s' ~4 y6 u* v* `2 H1 W: z  怎么回事?哪里出毛病了?0 i9 ^! x1 k  p( Q$ l
  There's some paper stuck in the machine.' ?- z% G% E7 ~7 `0 \# I

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-16 08:17:43 | 显示全部楼层


  stick (in sth) be or become fixed in one place and unable to move 卡在某处不能移动:+ y. A0 B; s( T8 p3 r
  * This drawer sticks badly. 这个抽屉卡得死死的。3 L! `+ ]0 e# v8 p6 x) P+ X
  * The key stuck in the lock. 钥匙在锁中卡住了。
: i3 w5 d4 C/ \' v3 a  * The bus stuck in the mud. 公共汽车陷在泥里了。
7 \+ H" \! s, B6 ~9 I) G  We'll be needing payment within 30 days.! w: j* `1 X$ r% `3 z! X0 {1 w9 H
  我们需要在三十天内付款。& K8 Z* B1 ~+ w# V7 H
  I think that's acceptable./unacceptable.
$ Q% s* v- O5 \0 t5 ]8 e  我认为这可以接受。/不可以接受。8 X: |$ ?: z  k) A  M/ `! d
  I think we could agree to that.
# R2 j; g  j! H$ Q$ k2 M2 c  我想我们能够同意。% @  t+ ]" ~  K, H, ?/ z( r
  Can you offer us the same unit price as last year?
+ Q* G+ ~) J! v" g  w  你能够为我们提供与去年一样的单价吗?
; l; L, ^6 c! h! s* A. Q, D9 m  offer / ')fэ(r); US ‘):f-; `)fэ/ v
% w3 U* f% {' J! H" N  ~ sth (to sb) (for sth) put forward sth (to sb) to be considered and accepted or refused; present (向某人)提出某事物供考虑、 接受或拒绝; 提供:
$ {8 v! X3 l8 ~3 J5 }+ V  * The company has offered a high salary. 公司已提出高薪相聘。+ J$ e7 ^  N* A
  * She offered a reward for the return of her lost bracelet. 她为寻回遗失的手镯提出以酬金答谢。
7 J; ^4 A$ z, T1 x  * I've been offered a job in Japan. 日本有份工作要聘请我去做。" ?4 F) n, C( ?5 o$ v
  * He offered her a cigarette. 他敬她一枝烟。" e# s8 U5 J1 ]: |5 |5 l
  * We offered him the house for £35000. 这所房子我们向他索价35000英镑。1 f. z, A4 |5 y
  * He offered £30000 for the house. 他还价30000英镑买这所房子。
2 v: m* b. Y$ Q' m6 Z% P  We could do a 20% discount on 700,000 units. That's the best I can offer.
! c8 }$ P6 P5 s5 ^( B5 U  我们七十万件可以打八折。这是最大的折扣。
) e8 ^% M, ]7 _7 S& j2 @- A  discount / 'diskaunt; `diskaunt/ n [U, C]
3 {( D9 A" _" T8 P; {+ }8 i  1 amount of money taken off the cost of sth 从某物的价格中扣去的数目; 折扣:$ i! }, N: e: ?' Y: d$ ~
  * We give (a) 10% discount for cash, ie for immediate payment. 现金付款, 我们予以九折优待。
3 S% U7 I$ E2 f( j  2 (commerce 商) amount deducted for paying a bill of exchange 折息贴现。1 {" S. E" E4 Q: |7 w" s$ I, L0 M
  3 (idm 习语) at a discount (a) at a reduced price 打折扣; 减价。
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