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[考试辅导] 金融英语学习:WTO英语900句6

发表于 2012-8-16 08:17:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  O.K. So now we can offer you 10,000 pieces of Art. No.17 at US$80 per piece CIFC5% London for shipment in May.0 B( ^3 u. M' J+ g- u0 M
+ ^' \4 L+ P/ O0 D! Z7 C' z  Thank you. How long will this offer be open?& Y6 u; C# b  Q! B6 w
  谢谢。这个报价的有效期多长?+ h& L. U+ j6 N! c0 s
  offer: [C] ~ (for sth) amount offered 提供考虑的数量; 出价:' R' S) H7 Z% z- ?2 q5 e
  * a firm offer, ie one which was genuinely meant and not likely to be withdrawn 实盘# U' E; P# m0 N, y, X
  * I've had an offer of £1200 for the car. 有人向我出价1200英镑买这辆汽车。
0 {4 H. p) d! u! l! u4 F  * They made an offer which I couldn't refuse. 他们出的价我十分满意。
0 Y/ [$ r; W  X0 L) {  * offer with/without engagement 实盘/虚盘
8 y- c1 `% p* d* e$ n# m$ O& o  It's valid for three days.
1 m* V1 }+ P! j: n' N$ h  三天。9 n9 B, r* ~" s" R
  I will study your offer with my colleagues and give you a definite reply in three days.
; A8 ?0 W4 I& C3 Y+ l8 J6 P  我将跟同事们研究一下,三天之内给你确切答复。
9 h# Z4 h/ U( J  I'll be waiting for your good news.5 R3 i7 V' j- e9 D  W; ~9 S3 f
. R4 q3 h! q( E: o0 ?, A7 A  We'd like to start with 10,000 pieces. It‘s an attractive quantity, isn't it?0 K: g! z/ {" }
4 j3 n  s! @: d  When do you want the goods to be delivered?4 q. U1 }9 `2 U( F1 I" Q2 W5 V  \
9 e1 L0 b2 N3 d- T  Could you make it for May?
( i8 X) g) H7 o& }: j$ o2 c, [  五月份可以吗?
7 Y. _% K7 y7 Z+ q2 [1 a  I think we should manage.
! m& P. a5 k& Q. o  我想我们可以办到。
6 g6 Y* r* b2 q" d  We pay by letter of credit.
/ P9 E8 ^' Q5 L; t  我们用信用证付款。
* O  W1 S- W' z% ?9 G  letter of `credit (finance 财) letter from a bank authorizing the bearer to draw money from another bank 信用证。
9 ^5 h6 j- j; v1 J4 [5 t- }  We usually quote on CIF basis.$ S2 y: p9 l5 r/ n7 a$ |
+ L. o' ~4 C: |8 r, g0 T" @  quote: ~ sth (at sth) name (an amount) as the price of sth 报(价); 开(价):
) q! U& ?: V8 l" R$ A' |% T* O! q  * The shares are currently being quoted at 54 pence a share. 该股票现在的报价是每股54便士。6 E% E5 K: q. X% X6 R" P, d
  * This is the best price I can quote you. 这是我给你开出的对你最有利的价钱了。( }# {$ j$ b* B/ M9 S/ Y4 g
  In order to sell successfully there, your goods will have to be competitive in price as well.! ]% v. \# N" O- H: _
  为了成功的销售,你们的报价必须具有竞争力。7 ]2 f1 w1 @- Z
  You'll find our prices very attractive." E& q" I0 `2 F( M* c$ g
# m* F1 Z& i3 e  M2 Y7 k/ ~  Would you give us an offer for Art. No.17 CIFC 5% London now?1 ?  k$ D) ]0 k2 N1 C5 A
; O8 P5 W4 [2 q4 {& M2 e' u  What's the quantity?
& G* T, A. C1 W3 m& M6 {  你们的订货量怎么样?
* R1 a2 u* e7 }  Thank you. We're very interested in some of your products. Here‘s an enquiry sheet we've drawn up.
6 D4 W& }4 [9 ~6 ?  谢谢。我们对你们的一些产品很感兴趣,这是我们拟订的询价单。9 h7 x7 N( X2 t. O
  Thanks. We'll look into it carefully.! m, m/ D" K1 e( q
8 I2 V7 v! t( J5 l  How about the supply position of your products?& o9 B0 q9 V1 }% i
  你方产品供货情况怎么样?. i5 Z0 ?6 ~% ]- L' ~
  We have a steady supply for most of them.# B1 A/ {" H3 |* y! D5 t$ d
, q% ?) H! x: F% Q- d1 Q: q  Do you quote FOB or CIF?
; p4 G' F# s0 B6 {$ |. K" X( s  你们报FOB价还是CIF价?0 q; D9 H+ o) _. ^$ s
  Here you are. I'm sure our products will interest you.
( c1 s4 {1 K0 X; [  给。我肯定你会对我们的产品感兴趣的。
+ _* J2 t& Y% A  I also hope we can do business together in the future.: A. J  u8 Z! l+ I( P
! W: k* {9 \2 U3 Z1 B3 r1 D  I hope so.3 F$ x4 |" I& |8 C3 |
  希望如此。. _# i$ T8 V4 c  q$ f
  Can you show us your catalogue?
% f2 C' I* d% l) R3 K9 U5 l  可以看一下你们的产品目录吗?
  }2 h1 J' q% @7 L1 j: M9 N' l/ R  Certainly. Here's a catalogue for some of our popular items.# I8 c/ a2 c% B% ?' O0 A: S
; z0 V! b3 q& }2 A) x8 ^+ N8 l- ^  Have you looked into the sales?
6 N' \0 p0 X% F4 p* G  您调查过销售情况吗?+ @- d) g0 v! j; ]6 V7 A/ a+ J
  sales: [pl] amount sold 销售额; 销售量: vast sales of ice-cream in the hot weather 天热时冰激凌的巨大销量
1 Q7 j- J) A; p- G  j4 {/ _  * Sales are up (ie More goods have been sold) this month. 本月销售量增加。! Q$ c5 p2 v( v9 H* p% S
  Such products are widely sold in markets abroad.
6 L5 @' K6 T0 z! L+ c3 _  此类产品在国外市场很畅销。
: J' ^8 ]+ G$ c9 v  w  I would like to see the samples first.
0 n/ F1 s+ {) h! }  我想先看一看样品。

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-16 08:17:43 | 显示全部楼层


  O.K. This is the newest export item for this year.8 o4 _, C7 p, I) X5 T8 f( D' @
  好的。这是今年出口的最新款式。/ K% m" W+ a  u
  Thanks. Do you have catalogues? I'd like to have a few copies to study them carefully.
9 V# {" Y8 Q: X$ x3 H( D" S  谢谢。你们有商品目录吗?我想要几份仔细研究一下。4 X" p- n* T! {& @3 _: g
  Good morning. Welcome to our company.4 f& @6 Y! E) x  P$ h2 {
  早上好。欢迎您到我们公司来(欢迎光临)。2 \- F) H; }+ R9 I5 G% C
  Good morning. I'm the manager of the import division of XYZ Co.Ltd. Here is my card.+ B& y% B4 `; J  t
' S  z# A/ w* M, {; p& z% N  Pleased to meet you and I'm glad to have the opportunity to recommend to you our latest laser and electronics product of this year.; l: e& b' f$ e; V8 ^3 O
& G4 L$ x6 }: u# \8 s  What about the functions?
: {( y( j: f! W  功能怎么样?) p& L* a, T& ?
  It combines many functions in one. It is a high grade product.
7 t1 l) {, H; F4 L: g7 y0 |1 L* b  它集多种功能于一身,是高档产品。! f$ ^. `( r. W# x# o% l7 s) ^8 S- Q% v
  Here is a catalogue and a price list. The product is a very popular item this year.6 K/ |- M' m$ {' X2 p" W& r
( m; @$ `2 G& Q( \4 c( K  Really! Mm…, what about the quality?
" _- \$ G* P+ X  真的吗?嗯,质量怎么样?! ?: M: `3 ^' L
  Absolutely reliable. The quality is superior, yet the price is very reasonable. It feels soft and smooth.' S" P3 x3 p9 ]+ L6 v
2 D5 l; G2 P& Q7 G  Thank you. You've been most helpful.
; C& J$ F5 T! z; w- c5 i  你帮了我们大忙,非常感谢。# q( l) x: Y* S1 a8 o
  My pleasure. I can assure you that you'll find very good prospects in our products.  [/ x1 p; Y& A6 g1 O: ~4 Z; q
  I/ t- d: T& N9 j4 [' w1 C  ]  I learned from the ads that you manufacture and sell this kind of product.
% z4 \7 o$ }; D6 X  我从广告上得知,贵公司生产销售这种产品。7 ?1 H  D7 ]5 Q$ a7 r2 S( a
  Yes, we do. Are you interested in our products? If so, then you've come to the right place.
$ y1 p, k& W, c1 g: R  是的。您对我们的产品感兴趣吗?如果感兴趣,那么您来对地方了。! t! W$ |, F4 _3 D5 S/ ^, }- t
  Good./ d, I9 x& i( v! S) H
+ t8 k  n, w, T  Well, then, what can I do for you? What exactly are you after?7 @9 t9 `! n& o! A9 a
( d$ J) J. B& C' y8 N+ L  I'd like to know something more about the product. For example, the manufactured materials, the design and the sales position.& C1 Y3 o$ i( \5 m
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