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[考试辅导] 金融英语学习:WTO英语900句9

发表于 2012-8-16 08:17:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  Hello. This is Wilson speaking. Who's calling, please?& n# U. l+ \1 k; j0 ^
  您好,我就是。请问您是那一位?2 p' N8 \. T& }% u, l. @! E8 V
  This is Miss Wang. I hope I'm not disturbing you. Did you have a good rest?
& I$ r; k, F0 }0 r+ M  我姓王。希望我没有打扰您。您休息得好吗?3 _0 n; _8 j+ {8 E" \
  Yes, thank you. I had a good sleep and a cold shower, and I'm now feeling positively refreshed.1 q- m, o' Z  ], P
  是的,谢谢。我睡了一夜,洗了个冷水澡,现在精神百倍。8 h; N0 y' o2 I* f
  How do you like your room?
# h0 I  K) V# A+ Q+ I/ O, P  不您对您的房间满意吗?
6 q9 j3 l5 z; T* G  Very comfortable. And the attendants are quite obliging.. X$ i8 g5 Y' |- ]
  非常舒服,而且招待员服务也很周到。1 m8 g  S0 ?3 p) m5 h
  obliging :adj willing to help 愿意帮助的:( G9 }' @9 d+ o2 S: d! ?. m! `
  * obliging neighbours 乐于助人的邻居
0 Y; E- \" @, A' C3 m  * You'll find him most obliging. 你能了解到他很愿意帮助人。
" v! g- {6 R- g0 C% G  I hope you will enjoy your stay here in Qingdao.  S, g- y) ?5 `5 D/ c' k5 {
  希望您在青岛过得愉快。+ R- B6 f! |% B  s0 e( V/ h9 B
  Thanks. I'm sure I will./ V3 W0 k7 i* A) N( [1 W  w
  谢谢。我相信会的。8 T/ Z+ z" a- }0 y8 S
  Hello. May I speak to Mr.Wilson, please?& M  Z9 u. M% v+ w" N
/ W' s! _/ e- H6 @) X( F4 A  Excuse me, are you Mr.Wilson from the United States?
0 `! p' t$ _$ a+ h2 k( K% A  请问,您是从美国来的威尔逊先生吗?( m+ f# H/ k8 j1 K  f
  Yes I am.( X0 ~5 z! r# }5 d- D5 q3 J5 u
% ]5 k2 o- g: T; Z4 c6 C  I'm Wang Lan, the secretary of the Qingdao Textiles Import & Export Corporation.
" w( Y* J& \$ b2 `$ I' \* y* X  我叫王岚,青岛纺织进出口公司的秘书。- I5 r6 d5 I; d! Z
  How do you do, Miss Wang.
& y) [. [) {5 I7 M  你好,王小姐。
+ }) e9 n2 A$ p5 q  How do you do, Mr.Wilson. Welcome to China.: k: J1 ?% l# P2 C" j$ W8 Q  G2 }
  你好,威尔逊先生。欢迎到中国来。+ t. w5 R- \% `# u7 a2 y  q  _
  Thank you. It's very kind of you to come and meet me at the airport, Miss Wang.* ?- y( I, J( W, U
; o( C! t4 _! ?0 Y' h" `  It's my pleasure. I hope you’ve had an enjoyable trip.
5 |# u9 H, L" E2 w& e) Y  乐意效劳。一路上很好吧!
* g- g6 _+ ?4 p0 P; O; x  Yes, thank you.
) t' u% N3 Q% u3 y  很好,谢谢。& p: p" q+ d5 h3 y* \% Z
  I'm glad to hear that. Is this your first trip to China, Mr.Wilson?1 j7 {' g+ u( w: ~& m0 ?8 ]7 _. d
  很高兴您这么说。威尔逊先生,您是初次来中国吗?2 f+ u9 j3 n5 u8 ~
  Yes, the very first.
) a+ `) f) @+ h' ~% S, n* s  是的,的确是第一次。& k! [. s3 h3 F6 f
  Our car is waiting over there. Let's drive to the hotel. May I help you with your luggage?
& X* T# z. \6 n/ t  P8 V) f9 `/ g  车正在那边等着,咱们现在就去宾馆吧。我来帮您拿行李好吗?" G6 S# k: ~) ~1 `% h
  No, thanks. I can manage all right. Let's go.
4 ~' p3 J0 U$ Q9 T8 V7 S  不用,谢谢。我自己能行。咱们走吧!

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