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[考试辅导] 金融英语学习:WTO英语900句11

发表于 2012-8-16 08:17:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  Shipment in October. Payment by irrevocable sight L/C. Other terms will be the same as our previous contract.6 m* a2 L! f8 @) K- o
# _+ F& s5 ~/ n+ `% Y9 B' }9 s  irrevocable / i'revэkэbl; i`rεvэkэbl/ adj (fml 文) that cannot be changed or revoked; final 不能改变的; 不能撤回的; 不能取消的; 最后确定性的:
  b6 u: V5 T6 V9 u1 G* ?- {  *an irrevocable decision, judgement, etc 不可改变的决定、 判决等2 M  y. X" }8 D* e) k4 ]/ s5 E
  * (finance 财) an irrevocable letter of credit 不可撤销信用证。( |( C8 o! Y: T) @/ U, w4 e0 f
  Perfect. But what I'm concerned about most is the time of delivery.
* {# E- l; i! \& U  完全正确。但我最关心的是交货时间。# }; C( Z" ^% }) T3 L4 s9 p- s
  You may rest assured that shipment will be effected within the time limit stipulated in the contract.
1 e  q/ n/ ^9 h! t# `- G  你们尽可以放心,我们会按合同期限及时交货。) Y( s# o/ E8 T( Z: R9 C* r
  stipulate / 'stipjuleit; / v (fml 文) state (sth) clearly and firmly as a requirement 讲明, 规定(某要求):+ m& \% o( G* z; q6 }
  * I stipulated red paint, not black. 我已讲明要红漆, 不要黑漆。
7 M- R* K  j2 O' W4 y) h! Q  * It was stipulated that the goods should be delivered within three days. 按规定货物须在三日内送交。# ^' ~3 X6 U- C" [# \* \
  effect v (fml 文) bring (sth) about; cause to occur 使(某事物)产生; 使发生; 引起:
$ A: ~7 V- Z( ?" ]' y( z  * effect a cure, a change, a sale 产生疗效、 引起变化、 实行大减价。! J6 X( A  G4 B  [7 l; F3 G
  But there is also one point I'd like to stress., a1 |  a# r3 K* y# W. N- K
% `* M0 g* d% f- {0 i3 l  Yes?
# G( Z- `6 z! w* m  是什么?
( B! a1 }) i8 [: |  I'll be here at 2 o’clock sharp.
6 J: D* G: r& H5 _& @  2点钟我准时到。
* Z7 _7 K$ v4 E% E& j+ g  So, now we have covered all the important points.- s. z, W- I9 C! V! c3 C3 L" |1 {
  我们现在所有的主要问题都已经讨论过了。, }8 G2 d1 F* ^5 P- j
  Yes. I think so.
+ P8 H9 f2 F- |! m6 y  我想是的。
& D& _  `) L0 M  Before we draft the contract, let's examine the details.
5 `* {, Z' ?' p5 ~! E: e" k5 _  在起草合同之前,我们先检查一下所有的细节。: f- s1 l7 g( d
  OK. Under this contract, we will supply you 1,000 dozen T-shirts, S,M and L equally assorted at US $80 per dozen, CFR Barcelona.- }$ L* N+ B% {, T& E# a
  好的。根据这项合同,我们将向你们出售1,000打T恤衫,大、中、小号平均搭配,每打80美元,成本加运费巴塞罗那价。7 [) Y& D, C$ I' ^1 }! w# `
  Of course. Within the validity of the agency agreement, you will not supply your product to any other buyer in Canada.
" A0 ^! j  s6 S3 @/ ]+ d' D  当然。在协议有效期内,你们不能向加拿大其他买主供货。
* U! L3 }. [$ r1 ?: C* _  And we, on our part, shall not handle competitive products offered by other suppliers either.( f2 R3 {4 h! [( V$ h+ A
  当然我们也不能经营其他供货商提供的竞争性产品。9 a: }* N0 U/ l1 d% S* [! y
  Sure. Let's call it a deal.& n) S+ M& u- Z1 [9 z, M
% m5 @4 y& ~2 b9 k  When do we sign the agreement?- @7 D. ~; @9 p0 H
  我们什么时候签协议?( t# F0 S5 s1 w. M' {) p
  We'll have the agreement made out within two days. Please come along at 2 p.m. the day after tomorrow.
5 r, W1 P9 X5 R. V1 v  p0 l; {  我们两天之内就可以备好协议,请于后天下午2点过来签字。9 r2 P5 K% K/ U
  make sth out: write out sth; complete sth 写出或填写某内容:
4 t6 B  Y7 Q* O9 }1 H  * make out a cheque for 10 开出一张10英镑的支票
/ H+ k; g4 M9 E! L' D  * Applications must be made out in triplicate. 申请书必须填写一式三份。
) E; a9 l# W! f, c/ ~# F  * The doctor made me out a pres cription. 医生给我开了一个处方

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