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[考试辅导] 金融英语学习:Current Currencies(1)

发表于 2012-8-16 08:17:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  New Words; w/ `! c0 h; S0 ], D. H) j
  新单词0 g& I" v( F7 J  U
  oversea(s)      adj.1 C" e: w' q0 G! B, ?
* V+ ^* l+ W6 [  _1 }' U& c" z  traveler      n.
! F6 e% Q" T2 I) W- @3 X7 B  旅行者
; H- z; d4 b$ w+ d* Y$ a! P8 a( F  identify       v.
8 V) }! K! K3 R  m0 B  鉴定,识别
; h/ c2 B7 D- `  ]! s5 J0 J  pence     n.
  [; q; y- C/ V7 F9 {0 w; m, B( s  便士" m: O- c) @. o* u. a  n
  Phrases & Expressions, J! t  \3 L" C% R3 _- r* n0 i
  短语( L4 R: i& X( ?3 C' d
  Hongkong dollar
+ U$ o8 N( y3 l5 D  港元
( b' @, @, V4 L! ^9 R( z1 y# i( X  pound sterling! t5 z2 |, e% ^) P) K$ e
  英镑9 N% [9 E( y& Q7 m) c5 _9 y5 J
  French franc
2 u3 O  m0 Z% ~/ o* j  法国法郎, p) o" V1 J! n8 O
  deutsche mark& m( G: {% a+ E4 d
+ O) B6 _. u1 G) J9 G  foreign exchange rate+ }, ]6 Z- k7 ?+ |# Z! M
  外汇汇率2 u& P- Q5 |  @' G$ }. x
  A:Have you seen any foreign currencies?
2 G) T" R- ]/ o% r/ X; S4 `  A:你看到过外币没有?
' Y4 D2 U' U- o$ f6 f4 S7 n" s6 u, X" ~  B:I have seen some American dollars.$ e/ b4 O3 d2 g9 `! _
- B  D6 M& T9 i  A:Where?5 t9 d  R2 A! [5 t% y# I6 P
  A:在哪里见到?( D3 U# F: a" U" M2 r8 ?
  B:My father had a chance to buy a color TV set duty-free in the special store for overseas travelers.
) t% R  t' M7 U  B:我父亲有一次在出国人员免税商店购置一台彩电时见到的。4 o4 r) C9 i' N: [
  A:I see, so your father managed to exchange Chinese money for dollars to buy the set.
5 u) H+ ?& _2 V# f3 N1 I  我明白了,所以你父亲想办法用人民币兑换了美元去买彩电。
% @2 s" S; ?4 z6 ~4 a: {' q% t  B:Yes. Are you familiar with foreign paper money?" z/ T' l& @, P! T6 u, _/ z# E
0 H+ V  B  N$ L1 a, [  A:My father is an officer in the Bank of China.: C' E! s4 V2 l- `2 E
/ Q! u  O1 }6 p2 m  They must learn how to identify the false money from all sorts of foreign banknotes.
! |# N4 g2 ^5 d  n( K/ |  他们必须学习识别外国真假纸币。: i8 s4 Z( F) L
  B:Can you tell me what some current banknotes are of foreign countries?( \4 Z0 Q0 m5 v" I) \6 R/ A
1 H- X: G2 y2 P8 U" Z, q  A:My father said that he most often sees American dollars., @7 j" ]1 B, W  z! z5 u- D2 W
  A:我父亲说他见得最多的是美金。, [9 b; V5 j! D4 R: H
  When you receive a bank draft with the $2457.12,0 i" r" m0 p4 o( r$ x9 C4 F
  当你收到一张银行汇票,款额为$2457.12,% H: v) L0 `5 v( g
  you should read two thousand four hundred fifty-seven dollars and twelve cents." B9 [8 }! y! s+ [7 l- I& g
  你就得读作:two thousand four hundred fifty-seven dollars and twelve cents。$ J, ~2 w- Q! F
  B:What is the next in frequency?4 D3 w. E% Q3 \

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