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[考试辅导] 金融英语学习:Bank Performan 1(2)

发表于 2012-8-16 08:17:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  We established our offices first in Beijing, then in Shanghai and in Guangzhou.0 A' O5 R. ~0 n7 W: v: s, Q7 Q$ R
6 z, Q, G( ]+ F+ b" m1 h  S( d  We're thinking of opening another two in Tianjin and Suzhou next year.
& K; K" v( S  h4 o  我们正考虑明年在天津和苏州各设一个办事处。
+ h. H0 F6 ]; }6 q7 W  V:That's terrific. I'm from Suzhou, which is developing rapidly.' r0 j1 o1 y6 @: `; l
  代表:太巧了。我是苏州人。苏州发展非常快速。" E& B$ E  `3 A7 R9 ]7 N8 c6 q  B; }' @
  E:Really? I hope we will discuss the financial situation in Suzhou sometime later on.
4 `0 P; m! v- O! K3 u  爱:真的啊!我希望我们能抽出空谈谈苏州的金融状况。8 A5 t6 S5 X' U( _' x+ \: ~! _$ [, v
  V:I'd like to if I can be of any help.
/ E1 ?0 ~! l8 s6 M  代表:能对您有用的话,我很乐意的。, G. N3 M! B' p: r
  E:Now, let's begin with income of our bank last year.
1 c( y( t' ?( z' j  爱:现在我来说说本行去年的收益状况。
5 |9 q$ |) R" \1 Q" x1 i) ?3 o: V  V:Your total group income in 1994 amounted to one hundred and fifty-five million US dollars compared with one hundred and thirty-five million US dollars for fiscal 1993.
/ e! C' \0 z# E9 o9 t8 V: R0 W  代表:贵行1994年总收入为1.55亿美元,而1993年则为1.35亿美元,, a; |6 Q" {$ q# S$ U
  That's an increase of...* I# R5 c$ M8 V- V* T# y( T
  增长了....0 E, m* O; j9 S3 L) I' E, s
  E:Of nearly fifteen per cent over the year before last,) ?1 s( d# |+ X2 U
  E:差不多增长了15%,+ H; A% x5 O' H, x0 g6 R; Q6 I
  a rate of increase slightly above that of recent years., y% `1 P8 N* t2 q# H* Q
  是最近几年增长率较高的一年。) i, G% b5 [4 H$ W+ o: _
  V:Your net interest earning at the end of 1994 reached ninetynine million dollars.
* S) ^( g. J6 C: \7 Q  代表:你们1994年底投资收益达到9 900万美元。3 D( t9 s# O: w3 ]$ a& _2 N
  E:That's exact good news for us. In the financial year 1994,0 x* Q1 |6 ]. m' E8 U
8 L0 \7 n( K8 b$ o; z5 l& W  interest received amounted to six hundred and fifteen million dollars and interest paid to five hundred and sixteen million.3 t! S0 w- q* E+ j! n% O
# w5 {7 ^. J/ s; N0 g, q0 k; A  V:So, that's almost ten per cent up over the 1993 figure.
4 [- v- F$ s3 r  代表:这样说来,这个数目比1993年增长了约10%。: s( ?8 R" R! k0 S. g, _& ^1 P8 k
  E:Yes, the net interest income is pretty satisfactory indeed,
6 X: ^/ A* w' T; ]. M  爱:是呀,这个净利润令我们非常满意,1 m0 i0 Z0 h# y& A6 M
  in what is, as you know, an intensely competitive market.0 P* B, s. a) J4 G6 g
  正如大家所知道的那样,这是个竞争非常激烈的市场。: R) P+ t1 ^4 |0 X8 e* |% b
  V:Oh, you also achieved a significant increase in non-interest income.# ~: g# _& m$ u
  代表:噢,你们在非利息收入这一块也获得了很大的收益。3 I0 ^. i& u: V( e: k6 Y
  E:Yes, our non-interest income increases from forty-six million in 1993 to fifty-six million dollars at the end of the fiscal year 1994.
, J( E- Z- }5 b) K  h! F  爱:是啊,我们的非利息收入从1993年的4600万美元增长到1994年底的5 600万美元。
/ c5 L  |+ `8 r- G; P- F  You know, a part of the bank's policy is to limit dependence on net interest as a source of income and to develop its fee and commission earning activities., M9 v. n# B3 J8 o
) C7 }' \2 Q9 M# L) z  So 1994 income in this area accounted for a two per cent higher contribution to total income than was the case in 1993.
/ h. L% Z2 p0 @  因此,与1993年相比,这部分的收益占本行总收入的比重增长了两个百分点。
) h* G' P0 j: a& O) z; _  V:Yes, this is really an encouraging trend since the economic environment in general is changing.- `1 J4 D: I' y, h
  代表:对呀。正因为总的经济环境在变化,这真是一个令人鼓舞的发展趋势。4 J# H( e! T- Y
  It also shows your response to the sensitivity of interest rates in particular.* V8 C! j/ l* f3 T: ]* a
  银行利率的升降特别敏感,但贵行却能调整对策,作出及时的反应。( p$ `$ b# O8 x
  E:Due to non-interest income of fifty-six million dollars,
" g& t) f8 T* D5 s* {  爱:由于1994年的非常利息收入有5600万美元,
4 c, l; O! ~) j1 s7 o$ F7 g" I' b  our total group income in 1994 was twenty million dollars higher than the pervious financial year.
) d6 c+ k2 e( ^) x4 E3 V' i* T  与1993年相比,我们银行1994年财政年度的总收入增加了2000万美元

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