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[考试辅导] 金融英语学习:Trade Finance

发表于 2012-8-16 08:17:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  New Words
4 Z  P6 y) B' @2 G0 M  新单词
3 I  Y0 [! z8 i  multinational       adj.0 b4 c# X- L7 v! ^) g) `# E: }
  跨国的+ h3 P& L+ D% K; [& f5 K1 R: l- j% K( B
  subsidiary    adj.
- G2 X0 }4 {, P+ X  附属的2 x2 k; s) d9 ~: H5 b
  irrevocable    adj.% o6 v( H2 T; C$ ?+ ~
! @) m' K5 E% L/ e  confirm       v.
) d2 b9 g2 K7 ~% c  确认,使有效$ ~5 @) \6 [5 g- N% w
  circumstances     n.: K4 W8 g: j- |; }
: d' F7 a) W- O+ m' j  confront     v.
$ n& R/ n. Y& _- y7 ~  面对
) Q$ J$ x: I# _' L  Phrases & Expressions3 y( m; g, @: f  _* H) ~
  clearing bank1 i) U3 `% l3 c  [8 A$ ?
; _: [% j- v; @; Y  documentary collection+ m/ t9 f  @$ _" s( m
  跟单托收0 a9 j! b- ?  Q/ T
  D:Hi, Roy. How are your things going?
" b( f, |6 y, I5 z0 r8 u  马:嗨,罗伊,近来一切都好吗?7 m9 W; M" o: n9 n2 T
  R:Fine. Everything is going smoothly.
7 S8 y! q5 J- p' f7 l% X  R:好,挺好。一切进展顺利。, \& v# N/ y- c  }1 n4 w
  D:This is Miss Harriet Smith, finance manager of A & P Corporation.
; u7 V$ y% o8 |( f  马:这位是哈里.史密斯先生,A$P公司的财务经理。
. ?# {  z& g& N" S* ^  This is Mr. Roy Stanford.
8 x! [/ E( }: I9 l7 y6 C  这位是罗伊.斯坦福先生。
$ k# N+ r; A3 {# d: F+ V  H:How do you do?" h$ |! n# i- D. ^+ V, M% x& y9 E1 f
( b0 q* J6 f9 P6 \4 @! a; R  R:How do you do? I work in the international trade and banking division.
! X: G  }; C2 ~) Z2 Y  X# F/ v0 @4 L2 Q  斯:您好!我在国际贸易与银行业务部任职。! }6 F4 t2 Y0 P
  As you know, we're very much involved with many large American corporations dealing with international trade.' \$ J+ y1 R2 [' v& h
  a1 I+ n+ \' G- r" `9 H* H  H:Yeah. That's why I come here this afternoon.
: s$ s" @/ H- d4 p5 D% r. b  `/ m/ N  斯:是啊,这正是我今天下午此行的目的。
" X" G4 m" B, \% K2 s8 a  R:What we're doing is actively and hopefully developing a relationship with large companies including their subsidiaries or branches to ensure that we can provide all services they need.& ?$ B6 }0 u% V  T$ X( i
+ x2 ~3 x+ s) {9 B  H:Would you please be more specific?, b4 z1 N; G1 B6 X: N  X
# I2 y- v& B  I3 ]( j  R  R:Sure. We handle all types of letters of credit, and also advise if they should be irrevocable,* n4 O$ \; V- l- B: W+ \
  斯:可以,我们操作各类信用证,并且提供相应的咨询-例如建议哪些应做不可撤销信用证,# |9 N1 j7 R" I( f' C  J* U
  whether they should be confirmed, whether we would recommend them in certain circumstances., A( y' I  v7 ?, U
  哪些信用证应确认,有些时候,我还要推荐适当的信用证。4 v+ I8 K7 X4 C; Q0 V+ G
  And of course, we deal with documentary collections and so on.% L" s2 R; T  i# E" S
. O/ e) a- b# M9 Y2 Z  H:So your division is to ensure that its customers receive payment for the goods they expect." E% ~/ X0 u: I3 T7 A" ~% k- b
7 q& P. |  N! ?! W; |, M  R:That's where we can help an exporter like your corporate.; ]4 ~0 B; `3 e/ v* F' G1 K
9 e6 B3 G! g: }4 @  You see, it can happen any time that an exporter has to wait two or even three years before they are able to obtain their money after they ship goods to a buyer abroad.
3 v% V0 a9 D- D  你想,有时候,出口商向国外发货以后,要等到二年,甚至三年以后才能拿到贷款。这样不愉快的事时有发生。% ~. Y/ K: i) `* Q$ m
  It could be of any reason. That's why we always hear people say that exporting is easy;& z! ]; u( A; `7 _' l5 ~3 [
  原因可以是各种各样的,因此我们经常可以听到这样的牢骚:出口容易,5 Z7 v" e% M! r% j; e: X
  it's getting paid that's the hard part." d% Q: m6 f( _2 c
  要钱难。1 D% \* h9 h( N% P4 A
  H:I'm afraid it's the case we sometimes have to confront.
. L, G) b  [1 T, i  史:恐怕,我们公司也会不时地面临这种尴尬的局面。
6 c. Q) J9 ~; I: A6 B  R:But of course, we're not all the time selling a service.
3 j% d- k+ |7 q  R:当然,我们部并不总是客户推销我们的服务。5 D6 ~3 [, l, j/ @8 O* h6 K% X
  A lot of the time we give advice and solve problems to our customers.. z- B4 f- b3 E3 i- {7 t
0 r$ H5 G6 x# D* q/ k7 w  H:What's a typical problem that you would expect a customer to come to you about?. y  }0 r3 ?, O% Z
  史:一般情况下,客户会带着什么问题来向你们咨询呢?0 S+ m% _$ N" |0 _8 u2 |+ l7 \; N
  R:For example, just recently we had one with a contract that was signed to supply some machinery to a company in France.
: H* a5 x) O9 q  |+ y0 q  斯:就拿最近的例子来说吧。我们处理了一个向法国提供机械的合同。3 |; e  @, g0 m8 J; r2 h1 e
  H:What happened? And what role did you play?
: u& |6 l" Y4 p" r  史:怎么啦?你们在其中又扮演了什么角色?
! L4 K) p5 o; O7 h$ C# c  R:The contract was originally drawn in USD, but the French company was not permitted to cover forward for any length of time.
5 k! w& _9 O9 ^4 B  斯:当初签合同时,是以美元为计算单位的。但那家法国公司无权做任何时间范围内的期货交易,
8 j& {* G1 ^: W% z# d. K  They would have to buy the necessary USD to pay the bill.
! m& V' a0 L  E" `  他们又必须买进一定数目的美元付帐。+ s! F2 [5 r$ F  v
  H:I see.! h; v6 [$ V+ x4 A- X! j5 O+ t0 d
$ m  K/ I1 z" g; v; ]/ p

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-16 08:17:43 | 显示全部楼层

金融英语学习:Trade Finance

</p>  R:So we bought currency for the customer and our customer could then work out his price in French francs instead of US dollars.
' P* D# X/ {+ s  斯:于是我们为这家法国客户买进了美元,这样他们就可以用法郎而不是美元来计算货款了。5 J( f: P1 W% t9 M. N# u4 W- K! {
  H:Fine. OK, I think we've covered everything now, haven't we?
! g' ^0 Y6 D/ {* H7 |! d$ \  史:好,我想我俩已谈得很详尽了。/ ?0 i) y5 T* C% {
  R:Yes, I think so. It was good of you to see me.
. g$ ?, g1 I- ^; }; z  斯:是啊!很高兴您来与我们商洽。2 W( G$ ]0 p, p! q; \) g
  H:My pleasure. Thank you for answering me so many questions.
0 |: F  M$ i0 L% j/ V' l  史:我也感到很愉快。谢谢您解答了我不少的疑问。
+ i* C6 s& M% `# M6 _7 i  I'm sure we'll buy your service in the near future.
0 `( n7 O! X5 o  i  我敢肯定,不久的将来,我们就要来“买”你们的服务项目了。9 ?, a/ V8 i; e7 ]5 z
  R:Thank you.4 p' e( a: c. n
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