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[考试辅导] 金融英语学习:DID

发表于 2012-8-16 08:17:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  New Words+ U$ W; x; W- a' p4 v
  新单词( l, S+ T) K( \' [0 H9 E$ H5 B
  annual     adj.
' {/ x7 U  X  Y3 r  每年的,年度的- X# B( L! b8 S; S1 o, U- a2 n
  banquet        n.
! B% e/ ^" O8 R- H8 H4 @0 u  正式大宴会
  V( D3 }& U7 w) G  credit     n.* p, p$ N% L( J2 B
  信贷! i: u! a  `% |/ C4 u
  total      v.
9 Y  n# |, s( g  y+ U$ n  计算...的总数;总数达8 \8 F/ l. F: D4 e! F" [9 Z. x# p- }/ M) P
  chamber       n.
. r" ?* Y( m/ o% f' z  会议厅9 }4 i4 ?7 I3 I1 c+ z
  invoice     n.
9 w8 D) c% l0 I  发票/ ^/ |! b% z$ ?/ h! t3 s
  record    v.$ P" e# e8 b, Z' L( G( N  i# G' ^
  记录,记载9 \& j5 q8 c, ?4 J
  guarantee     n.
- s0 i7 _/ q8 Z! S0 u& I  保证, V+ W) U3 `9 R
  Phrases & Expressions& O# M# V) D4 t8 Q+ ~8 P: l
! i% a& @( T, Z  interest-free loan
. L' x- h0 O6 `8 A/ U$ X9 K  无息贷款% k* v( y+ D* j  x
  the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC)
( L. }: n6 L, m' w1 [+ A0 V; ~  国际商会/ H' Z( F: u$ v( B5 ~8 |
  the International Trade Organization Building
& Q3 J5 r$ g8 \# c  国际贸易组织大厦
8 K" @) }$ f/ i  A" b4 ?  1.Did you use to rise early in the morning?+ k5 Q1 C) Q  O* b4 B+ z7 |
  1.你过去习惯早上起得很早吗?  J  I! T8 ]* [1 T# _
  -Yes, every morning, after exercising I would always read some English.9 }- x8 q; K. O
  是的,我每天早上锻炼身体后还读点英语。6 i  R6 w& t* G' N9 z, I
  2.Did they all attend the annual banquet?
' w9 h" K7 U' f" _6 |/ c5 y  2.他们大家都参加了年会宴席吗?
$ w( ^# u" I  Y5 J& J$ J& ?  -Yes, they all went to the banquet.3 p2 A; m3 y. D( ]' R( z0 t
  是的,他们大家都去了。! Z- ~7 p$ h2 m: ^
  3.Did they promise to give us credit?$ D7 S  `# O' F# Y9 L" f4 h
! s8 h* p0 @* Z$ R* H: p, f  -Yes, they did.0 t5 [4 E/ l/ Q4 g
; T# {5 J, i4 D( l' E5 o! A1 c  4.Did they promise an interest-free loan?
1 P! a% d2 a7 U( [+ h  4.他们答应给我们一笔无息贷款吗?  o! w5 }+ U. ^/ Q1 j
  -Yes, they did.3 d3 }: M3 e/ E1 H2 `) M+ b
. @; _# J( e. j- j  5.Did she visit the International Chamber of Commerce?$ w8 b- r, P8 |3 z9 _& d3 {
  5.她去国际商会参观过吗?/ s  |, E. @; H1 P
  -Yes, she went there once a week.
1 J0 \2 J+ ^8 M1 _  去,她当时每周去一次。
' f& _, |- p' E2 }' y; g+ G5 q  6.Did you total the invoices?  r; n, d0 P8 @( L
) [4 A! o2 l' }; H$ |; H5 l  -Yes, I've totalled them.
' j" _" c  D/ }# A6 V' w) L  是,我已全部统计完毕。2 \# Z3 k: [( e4 c" E
  7.Did our manager visit the International Trade Organization Building in New York City last month?
% s& g  \  e9 |# w' Q* j  7.我们经理上个月去纽约时参观过国际贸易大厦吗?
" w+ ~% w, J2 S: @6 T  -I have no idea whether he went there or not.9 X& u) F: Y5 T( j9 E1 r
  我不知道他是否已去参加过。% f+ h& }- F3 J, s4 o; X" q
  8.Did he copy the company report to take home?
0 u. K$ I2 v4 V4 L0 B, T/ [( c0 i  8.他已复印一份公司报告拿回家了吗?* [* D' O  ~/ q! ?# N2 [" b
  -Yes, he did.% M! h8 ^  U' w6 `/ c
  是的。1 A! Z+ d- O" G( g" i* m4 Z1 K
  9.Did you record the figures from the computer?
" E( F$ w5 I- \& @; o' P6 U  9.你从计算机上把各种数据记录下来没有?& |/ r. x7 [0 P6 e+ c
  -Yes, I put them in my notebook.
1 [3 g/ H0 M3 ]  u; k+ x; C  我已记在我的小本子上了。
/ Y5 }4 `3 j6 K! a1 `/ I+ ~  10.Did the foreign company give us the letter of guarantee?
! H6 W( \8 g& i+ H  10.外国公司是否已给了我们保证书?$ }3 G1 Y) m* e. p$ ]$ p8 T8 e
  -No, they said they would send it to us.$ |$ [8 V3 u; P, v& H+ @4 ?, t0 R
/ L" S0 j6 T6 w, g4 ?) X3 O) x  11.The accounting department told us the net profit, didn't it?, j" r& w1 Q! p7 \3 V
& {5 @) ]( h$ R- R# w  \; F. s  -Yes, it did.
) K' e  L( ?/ l) b! \5 D  是的,他们已告诉我们了。
, T+ k; v% w) G, F/ Z1 `) c  12.Mary didn't go to the concert last night, did she?
$ M7 s) t9 u6 }  c  12.玛丽昨晚没有去听音乐会,是不是?* k9 l9 i3 V8 q+ C% j
  -No, she didn't.
3 x  d- }+ g8 V8 i3 T& O. R  是的,她没有去。

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