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[考试辅导] 金融英语口语:票据交换所

发表于 2012-8-16 08:17:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  Clearing House Associations/ l9 {9 M7 E9 R; `7 M2 P6 B3 [5 T
  票据交换所+ A3 s8 D) j! h1 O
  Situation 29
9 c% L, d$ z6 s: w5 Y  情景 298 Q2 ?  \2 ?8 d" C. q
  Bill Hobson is asking his banker about the local Clearing HouseAssociation in their city.; \9 |7 }) ?, `+ d% C- k/ g/ |
; X* D5 k/ K+ Q8 f" {/ c  Hobson:What is meant by the term Clearing House Association ?
$ |) ~( q6 S) s1 P2 \( ^  霍布森:票据交换是什么意思?
% u' |5 r3 F+ }; D# Y0 Y+ d  Banker:It’s a voluntary association of the banks in the city which settles interbank debts .
5 k$ x. a3 r& r; T6 W6 T+ _% t  职员:它是城市中各银行自愿结合的组织,用来清理银行之间互相欠款的问题。
/ i2 b+ s9 r2 q% }2 n  During a business day we accept checks drawn on other banks and other banks accept checksdrawn on us.
, p/ v. s2 m0 k1 ]  在营业期间,我们接受从其他银行开来的支票,而其他的银行也接受我的开出的支票,5 ~& E, m( y* ^. H0 r1 D- K' e# Q
  We balance these interbank obligations through the clearing house .
4 A; b7 s1 J7 I  我们通过票据交换所来平衡这些银行之间的债务。
* @4 S; Q$ H0 K4 v) U+ v  H:What about the actual checks that you get which are drawn on other banks?
9 W" ], N: t8 n  霍布森:你们接受从其他银行开出的支票的实际意义是什么呢?
. ?" ?$ r" n! d9 q  B;Of course ,we must give these checks to drawee bank to collect the funds they owe us .: }: }5 R, F. G; L% }
  职员:当然,我们必须把这些支票交给票据付款行,并且收回他们欠我们的资金。( ?' |) ?2 e; L0 U/ K/ f
  And they give us checks drawn ourselves to collect the funds we owe them .
" b8 i4 S/ i4 R1 U' z$ h) \5 Z7 j  同样,他们把我们开出的支票交还给我们,也收回我们欠他们的资金。2 U( @2 v+ p' Z+ B
  H:So the clearing house handles all this ?
- [5 a" c. b  h$ X  职员:因此,票据交换所就是办理这些事情的。% S2 `3 \. a+ {% i' i& H8 h  d: F
  B:Yes,they separate all the checks according to drawee bank ,add the total each bank owes anddeduct that from the balance maintained at the clearing house .And ,of course,they add to thebalance the amount each bank is owed.
: }; I5 I# t9 U6 D- v: r" @; H  职员:是的,他们按照票据付款行区分开所有的支票,把每个银行对其他行的欠款额加总,再从各银行保留在标据交换所的余额中减去其欠款总额。当然,还要把其他银行对这个银行的欠款加到余额中去。: v+ k$ k9 S6 `" J
  Then they deliver the actual checks to each drawee bank .
- m9 V+ x9 f" x  然后,票据交换所把这些实际的支票交给每个标据付款行。
# _- Q' W" K# n& Y. N  H:What about checks drawn on banks outside the city ?
: [/ `  t8 q3 s) n  霍布森:那么,从外地银行开出的支票又如何处理呢?0 j: u$ @+ U6 f9 z' d! W# ~6 ^
  B:The clearing house sends those checks to the Federal Reserve Bank’s collection and clearingservice .% T, E" p: f9 n" O, d/ M
- u1 o1 v* e0 I' x* L  That operates just like a local clearing house ,but deals with out-of-town or out-of-state banks ." m" Y: f5 j; o3 u# N
! Z2 X7 I5 h: X0 \2 Y# \# K/ Z  So between the local and Federal Reserve clearing houses,checks drawn on any bank in thecountry can be easily processed ." O8 i$ M$ ]9 z* P5 l) ^# c( Q

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