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[考试辅导] 金融英语口语:来自国外的汇款

发表于 2012-8-16 08:17:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  Remittances from Abroad( E0 E+ q  w% \5 i* \8 z: c
% N$ R  ^( X4 \0 W  Situation 26! C3 D' F1 b0 Y
  情景 26
9 s& _$ ?! E2 G$ c9 h( T4 j  Jonathan Gold is visiting Tokyo from London .! h# _* V3 O6 p* x' g* ~; `! _: _! a
  L. D" u7 V7 t2 d9 c/ ^' Y# B1 v  He is asking the foreign exchange clerk at the Higashi Bank about remittances from London .2 V) s2 p7 q9 X1 r9 t- [! J
  他正向东银行负责外汇的职员询问有关来自伦敦的汇款事宜。$ d+ X8 b+ i# w$ H! C8 R
  Gold:Would you please tell me what I should do to have funds transferred to me here fromLondon ?
8 x- R$ p0 u5 m( j, c7 d  戈尔德:请您告诉我,我应当怎样做才能请人从伦敦把专款转帐到我这里呢?
" d. g4 Y( J8 ]6 z4 K3 |  Clerk:The fastest way is by telegraphic transfer from your bank in London to us.
6 A5 N8 @9 X2 P$ p4 b' ^- z/ w9 X  职员:最快的办法是让您在伦敦的银行电汇到我们这里。
2 X* B( e* q! L( g; k% |1 o3 o  G:It’s from my company.I think they were going to send me a check .Can you cash it intopounds for me ?8 c) b/ m$ V" p. B0 i
  戈尔德:钱是我们公司寄来的。我想他们会给我寄一张支票,您能为我把那张支票兑换成英镑吗?7 W- e" E8 i5 o/ K0 @, f
  C:Yes,we can ,but it will take about 10 days to collect the proceeds if the check is drawn on aLondon bank .' e& b- l& I5 _+ T
  职员:我们可以为您兑换。不过,如果支票是由伦敦银行开出的,我们就要花费10天时间去取回款项。9 n* c  W9 I4 v8 E
  If you ask your company to apply for a check drawn on a Tokyo bank ,we can cash it right away.
0 m$ |9 F! \+ {: _  z# j& }$ o  如果您要求您的公司申请一张东京银行开出的支票,我们便可立即为您兑换。, p9 Q  R6 _0 S4 \. H& n
  G:How would the do that?" [4 j$ Y7 L, A. `7 t
- V7 t( h8 R6 o. E5 Y& s$ Z1 p( O  C:Through your company bank in London .The bank can issue a banker’s check drawn on theircorrespondent here in Tokyo .
  K" `% a/ h' {# a; s  Y  职员:通过在伦敦贵公司的银行来进行。伦敦的银行可以发出一张银行支票,这张支票可以在东京这里的往来银行支取。
& X! D+ n; {$ `/ h4 }  They can issue it in pounds or yen ,whichever you prefer .
, ^5 p; q. x! J7 p& K+ K7 {  B) Q  伦敦的银行能够以英镑或日元开出银行支票,您选择哪一种都可以。
0 ^2 h# Y& n* j1 M4 o0 X, h& B6 G  G:I need pounds .7 H+ i9 B3 u) v$ F1 _# X
  戈尔德:我需要英镑。1 r# Y0 x, Z7 d" g
  C:Then I think you should ask them to issue a pound check drawn on our bank.
( p( a5 x6 ]5 }; I/ H/ M$ p  职员:那么,我认为您应当要求那么的银行开出一张能够在我们银行支取英镑的支票,1 C6 G( t# l. Z2 b& J; z
  That would be the easiest .I’m sure we have a correspondent relationship with your bank as wemaintain a correspondent relationship with most of the large banks in London .
' {" R5 D5 f) i* j4 [+ O0 A  这将是最为简便的方法。我想信我们与您的银行有往来行关系。因为我们与伦敦大多数银行保持着往来行关系。
+ b# Z3 a! D. e8 b  G:I will write and ask them to do that.Then,if I need yen ,I can exchange some pounds for yen ?
+ y( d9 |  i; {  戈尔德:那么,我就写信要求他们照此办理。如果我需要日元,我可以用英镑兑换些日元吗?
& m. U' X7 {- }2 i0 X- }; l  C:Yes,that’s right .No problem at all.  b9 h0 q/ U. H# g6 ~  a0 |/ n
  职员:可以,完全不成问题。3 j& I: G" x; D3 ^+ H3 H& @
  G:Thank you very much for your information .
; v7 W1 n% u& g# L) y* V  戈尔德:非常感谢您告诉我这一切。

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