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[考试辅导] 金融英语口语:开立往来帐户

发表于 2012-8-16 08:17:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  Opening a Current Account
7 \0 r& F) e- i' r  开立往来帐户  l6 B' J+ ^/ \- M8 i
  Situation 17
9 l& m" P7 z# U  情景 17
# r. d( R7 D0 c7 }3 C9 F. s& i  John Spence is asking a clerk at the First National Bank aboutcurrent accounts.$ }) }- E8 [- y: |9 }; r. |
  约翰·斯彭斯正在向第一国民银行的一位职员询问有关往来帐户的事宜。& `' [+ o% s1 A$ X  h  o
  Spence:Would you please tell me something about current accounts?I’ve heard the term,but I’mnot sure I understand what it means.
! e# }( {# E9 ?" L8 i9 ]  斯彭斯:您能给我讲讲有关往来帐户的事吗?我听说过这个术语,但是我不完全明白它的含义。
7 L: E$ U4 G4 J$ y3 Y7 \& c  Clerk:The term current account means a demand account .Actually ,a checking account.+ X) `4 b, w; s
  职员:往来帐户这个术语就是活期帐户的意思。实际上,就是支票帐户。0 }8 P  p7 r5 y
  Normally ,we use the term current or demand account when we talk about a checking accountmaintained by a business firm.
7 v4 @1 m! o7 A: P$ t  通常当我们谈论到由企业持有的支票帐房时,我们就使用往来帐户或者活期帐户这样的术语。
6 y! `8 v/ k5 O; ?  S:Oh ,so you mean that I can’t open a current account as an individual?
% O9 ]" y# C/ c+ M1 h& t  斯彭斯:哦,您是说,作为个人,我不能开立往来帐户吗?, [5 I& r7 t; g$ a  [
  C:No,I don’t mean that.Anybody ,either a firm or an individual ,may open a current account,
9 y$ i/ P; K3 N( [  `. l0 r  职员:不,我不是那个意思。任何人,无论是企业还是个人都可以开立往来帐户。
8 d% E' A' d0 h- n. D; n( \  but we normally call individual accounts personal checking accounts .That’s just a different namefor them.' d9 a1 r' e" D- G
  但是,我们一般称个人帐户为个人支票帐户,这仅仅是帐户名称不同而已。- W/ p3 {5 O4 C, o( |
  S:Why do you call them demand accounts ,then ?$ z9 z' [6 i' u  a) t3 c
7 V0 |' A  }2 O% h! V  C:That means that the balances in the accounts are subject to withdrawal on demand.  g) m4 f0 W4 [- d; [6 r; [
  职员:这就是说,帐户上的余额便于提取或者便于需要。% f+ e2 r0 q9 b+ `
  In other words,a written demand ,or a check ,is all that’s necessary to make a withdrawal from theaccount .
# X& \) [: ^* Q2 Q4 w  换句话说,要想从帐户中提取,只需填写一张用款需求单或一张支票就可以了。
5 g. U3 L4 A: S2 b+ D  S:Aren’t all accounts like that ?
9 w" ]" f( _1 q  斯彭斯:并不是所有的帐户都是这样做的吧?0 Q* w2 b) Q3 P* a- W% l, x
  C:No,sir .Time or savings accounts actually require a notice to the bank ,+ Q3 R$ ]% |( j1 q, ?8 ^
  职员:是的,先生。定期存款帐户或储蓄帐户实际上都需要给银行一个通知," Y7 [9 b, r* p4 A; P* u
  usually seven days before the depositor has a right to make a withdrawal .In normal practice ,2 J; D! f- b1 ^- [. U" G9 ?, ], T
4 V  O  V8 R6 H- ~8 {  of course ,we usually waive notice and allow immediate withdrawals .In demand or currentaccounts ,; H) I8 p5 L% m, F' {$ }5 T8 y
* h2 Z, M6 F( ]) ]3 ]8 }  however,we cannot ask for such notice .
+ x$ S+ E, V0 |; U4 [3 `/ `  然而,对于活期帐户或者往来帐户我们根本无权要求取款提前通知。

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