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[考试辅导] 金融英语口语:美国金融制度(2)

发表于 2012-8-16 08:17:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  The American Financial System (2)% z6 @, v# O/ i& W5 g& B( t
# e  T% |4 }; A. U+ b8 |! Z: K- I0 b  Situation 7; v( E3 m7 \1 D6 a8 [  T! H; V
  情景 7: d* C  e  v/ X" E% i
  Mr.Tanaka and the American banker continue their discussion ofthe financial and monetary system of the United States .
# `3 f  b0 R: J2 S7 M! y  田中先生和美国银行家继续他们有关美国金融和货币制度的讨论。0 [% U% D9 f7 U
  Tanaka:I suppose that means that for all practical purposes the Fed controls the state charteredbanks ,too.
* a- A  i% B7 {; _7 p' c  田 中:我想,这就意味着,为了实际需要,美国联邦储备系统也控制着各个州立银行。( ^) c2 P0 u% B
  Banker:Yes,I would say that’s correct .The Fed has the final authority on controlling the supply ofmoney ,' P9 @9 G: M% F  d7 N
  银行家:我年,是这样的。美国联邦储备系统在控制货币发行方面有最终权威,0 `/ P0 ^# T9 e
  and that alone has a great impact on any bank .0 a9 }$ y; j2 M6 \9 H
  m) s, t2 u: k2 H4 b' q  T:You said earlier that the Fed issues the main currency of the country .; d( n# U+ ^( ]8 D
  田 中:以前,您讲过美国联邦储备系统发行国内主要货币,
, ^/ y  A% t: s# v  Do you mean that there are several forms of currency?
; ]* U9 F5 }6 c1 c7 f+ k  您是说,还有其他几种形式的货币同时存在吗?) i5 d+ V( f$ _3 Y" s# z% ?
  B:Historically ,there have been a number of different issues of currency .$ |+ J' k' V. Z
5 o9 F: G; a2 N  Some notes have been issued by the Treasury and some by the Fed .2 p  g0 g4 y% V. }
9 ^5 l1 a* h( ^  Actually ,if you look carefully at the notes you have in your possession ,you ’ll find some that sayUnited States Note ,5 @; i' m$ w3 {" u6 W+ y8 [
" Y! v& N9 s: i5 u, W4 R% A  some that say Federal Reserve Bank Note and even some that say National Bank Note .
0 a: @$ {3 b: K5 ?9 m/ a4 Y3 ]  有些是联邦储备银行的钞票,甚至还有的是国家银行的钞票,
9 `% ^7 z3 O$ ?, p/ ]  These are all forms of old issues that are gradually being retired from circulation.
# {) P4 j8 ^* y  这些都是旧的发行渠道,可这些钞票正逐步地从流通领域中消失。$ ?5 b6 z4 e4 w1 s- Y
  T:Therefore,the Federal Reserve Note is the main one today ?0 x6 q3 s; Y5 \2 R2 c
  田 中:因此,美国联邦储备银行发行的钞票是目前主要的货币形式。' h$ k% e, O5 }2 O% F" z7 Q
  B:Yes,that’s right .It’s what we call fiat money or currency without any gold or silver backing .
( a& e1 ]0 }' Z1 o( }, b5 o' L  银行家:是的,您说得对。这正是我们所说的没有任何金或银作为储备根据所发行的纸币或货币。
5 {. [: F; K% Q" w7 _  We all accept it as money because the government declares it to be money.1 h, C" o! G, n+ a- d) b9 v
  我们把它们当作金钱,因为政府宣布它们是金钱。2 z( a& D" e' v1 Y" d
  T;Yes,that’s the same as the situation in Japan .I think that’s true in all modern nations today .8 `) i: }) P* `+ F* l
  田 中:是的,日本的情况也是同样如此。我想,当今所有的现代国家也都是如此情况。4 |" S) M+ x/ U, `5 i5 z7 Z8 D
  B:Yes,in paper currency as well as coinage .Modern coins are called token money for that reason .
4 N1 B$ _1 F3 Q$ W" x8 k, v  银行家:是的,无论是纸币还是硬币的发行都是照此办理的,为此,现代硬币被称之为“辅币”。

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