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[考试辅导] 金融英语口语:西方的银行(1)

发表于 2012-8-16 08:17:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
) s2 c9 R/ H3 I. h: E. ?( j3 n  Situation 1
+ ~) I5 q, p" C( h% i  情景 14 [# ^4 _1 M! _* t  w2 k& |" K
  Jiro Ito is visiting with his friend ,Bob Jenson ,a banker in NewYork .
: t4 P8 M$ L" |7 v4 e" t  伊滕次郎正与他的朋友鲍勃·詹森闲谈。鲍勃是纽约的一位银行职员。9 N3 n7 I0 `  k7 q: t  m- P
  They are talking about the history of banking in the west .
; P6 {5 h7 ?, [( u& U; I2 f1 Q  他们正在谈论有关西方银行的历史。
. f+ e6 R2 p$ V  Ito:I’m curious about the history of banking in the west ,Bob.Can you tell me something about it ?, v$ n) k5 Z6 C* f  p: x. w6 A5 N
  伊 滕:我很想知道有关西方银行史的一些情况。鲍勃,您能给我讲一讲吗?
" v; ^8 _4 _4 S1 i, S; Y  Jensen:Well,Jiro,the earliest banks started in Babylon almost 4,000 years ago .4 p( J  Z$ b# H% r5 L0 C
  詹 森:好的,次郎。最早的银行大约是4,000年前在巴比伦建立的。
) D* U5 I# s+ j8 m& v  They were really temples which collected deposits and made loans .
6 B, g8 A7 E) R) G4 D2 m8 \. C9 B  实际上,那些银行只是一种收集存款并进行放款的场所。
) _, e6 X7 ?+ U! j3 _$ T/ c  I :That surprises me .I had always thought that banking started during the Renaissance in Europe .0 _2 s; G% f) y
  伊 滕:这可真是出乎我的意料之外,我原来一直以为银行业务始于欧洲文艺复兴时期呢。
2 e( f& V2 u8 l5 M( I; s  J:No ,it was much earlier than that.Actually ,private firms that handled deposits and loans ,$ o% `4 I$ ]" ]( _& D2 }$ c% ]
  詹 森:不,比那个时期要早多了。实际上,早在公元前6世纪就有了私营的商行。
& W: h; N- T0 h# U# U* `  changed coins and even arranged for credit transactions existed as early as the 6th century B.C." ]' z0 `1 P+ N" ]
1 r4 H! U8 X  w6 N/ M4 m  E' s  I:Then ,there were banks in ancient Greece and Rome,too?
8 @& d* d% `9 d  伊 滕:当时,古希腊和罗马也有银行吗?9 ]  |. u, g( M# Y; H8 ]/ R
  J:Yes ,laws in Both Greece and Rome recognized banks and many bank functions .
% v  E7 h- z$ z. H# B7 b: m/ g  詹 森:是的,希腊和罗马都在法律上承认了银行和银行的许多作用。
/ G5 n- B7 y; b  It wasn’t until the breakup of the Roman Empire and the decline in trade and commercialtransactions that banking lost its previous importance .
5 t8 M0 O9 j6 e; k5 ]  直到罗马帝国崩溃,商贸业务衰落,银行业才失去了它以往的重要性。9 v! R  o$ }) _( q0 I2 O
  I:What about the laws against usury during the Middle Ages?Didn’t such laws made it illegal tocharge interest on loans?
3 p" m* s/ k' ~  伊 滕:中世纪时,法律禁止放高利贷是怎么回事?这些法律没有规定贷款收取利息是非法的吗?. D: K* F5 _4 D( h
  J:Yes,they did ,but these laws were gradually changed during the 14th and 15th centuries,andbanking functions started appearing again in Italy and Belgium and later in France ,Germany andEngland .
0 m* T. s- ~8 f* u) Z, d7 a  詹 森:规定了,但是这些法律在14,15世纪时逐步地改变了,银行的作用又在意大利和比利时开始出现,后来又显现在法国、德国和英国。# \$ q8 g" B9 `7 o4 L6 B
  I:I see .So we can really say that banking restarted during the Renaissance .
! |: c; A  A0 l2 j  伊 滕:我明白了。实际上我们可以说,银行业在文艺复兴时期又重新开始了。

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