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[考试辅导] 金融英语口语:西方的银行(2)

发表于 2012-8-16 08:17:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  西方的银行(二)! O6 ~' D5 S. f- S% A
  Situation 2
- I1 H" Q; E% b' f  情景 2
* P. m" F- y+ D% t. u2 S0 l$ \  Mr.Ito and Mr.Jenson continue their discussion about the historyof banking in the west .
0 e8 k% J) S. h$ B3 v  伊滕先生和詹森先生继续他们有关西方银行史的讨论。
" }8 J+ h$ a2 l  Jensen:That’s a good way of putting it ,Jiro.Banking firms that developed during the 15th and16th centuries are the direct ancestors of modern commercial banks .# k# N# v2 V' P% s! r, {4 K
  詹 森:那是一个合适的提法,次郎。那些在15,16世纪发展起来的从事银行业务的商行就是现代商业银行的直系祖先。
/ Q% H% N: u6 f0 D) v  Ito:I can easily see the need for the development of the banks during that period .
6 V7 R  l3 {, ]& t' E6 b' c4 a" X  伊 滕:显而易见,银行的发展正是出于那个时期的需要。
4 D7 i2 t# w# t3 @/ d7 k; w4 k% o  Commercial and finacial transactions had once again started to become more complex as Europeemerged from the feudal system of the Middle Ages.$ v" X/ D1 D1 H1 g/ b7 W! h9 ?
  当欧洲从中世纪封建制度的禁锢中挣脱出来时,商业和金融交易再一次开始变得复杂起来了。1 p! T6 R2 Z8 z% \/ O
  Weren’t many of these early banks goldsmiths in the beginning ?
! V4 H/ ~$ G' `+ k. t# n4 O& R# N( E  很多早期的银行在其一开始不就是由一些金匠们兴办起来的吗?
( X( Z! s; d& ^0 I  J:Yes,many of them started that way ,especially in France and England ,6 E( [5 S5 Y+ N8 b- _+ u
  詹 森:是的,很多银行就是这个兴起的,特别是在法国和英国。
) v& v2 J; d" ~' w  but they gradually expanded their activities to handing deposits and loans, issuing and trading billsof exchange and even issuing their own notes .And ,of course ,they started the fractional reservesystem which is the central feature of modern banks.
3 I9 b, Z) D1 M/ A1 L, z  可是他们逐渐地扩展他们的经营活动,发展到从事储蓄、贷款、发行和买卖汇票,甚至发行他们自己的货币。理所当然地他们又开始建立起部分储备制度,而这一点正是现代银行的主要特征。! `% r' e) {% J, M: B9 M7 I
  I;When did the idea of central banks get started?, @2 w9 x3 Z( R; n
  伊 滕:建立中央银行的想法是什么时候开始的?" K/ X9 T! r! L% D( F) s6 N: G
  J;Well,the first bank that was partially owned and controlled by a state government wasestablished in Venice in 1587.
' y) S- [) q7 c" V  詹 森:哦,第一个由国家政府部分拥有和控制的银行是1587年在威尼斯建立起来的。
2 l' L1 C4 g" A- l+ w) o+ _  Other semi-public banks appeared during the next one hundred years,including the Bank ofEngland in 1694,1 g7 Z9 `. t: h" I7 Z1 p
4 m! j% j' m% C$ L2 P  but these were really not central banks in the modern sense of the term .
; c5 p/ D0 o2 Z# u( J& J' m! i5 X  但是,这些银行还并不是现代意义上的中央银行。  {3 N7 }' Y3 z3 C( Y
  It wasn’t until the middle of the 19th century that central banks with specific regulatory functionswere created .; I$ N( N& \' L+ l6 g2 g: \: e* r3 A2 o

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