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[考试辅导] 金融英语口语辅导:Current Currencies

发表于 2012-8-16 08:17:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  New Words: W$ d% {  D. b0 m2 ~2 G: v
  新单词1 f/ H1 M" ^. A! E
  oversea(s)      adj., w% O* _% w2 b& ~. s% W( \
  外国的6 z! m3 L7 S1 K; P8 I3 t
  traveler      n.# Z8 f+ b# u8 U6 |* e! Y
! ?  h  l. ]4 b1 \# n$ q  identify       v.
6 S5 A9 o% S7 u( ~$ T  鉴定,识别
4 N$ [$ G. t$ u$ t4 ~9 S/ c  pence     n.7 L# W0 }7 t% E: c0 Q0 ~. |7 h! v) ~
  ]) H, P9 d7 T: ~  Phrases & Expressions
* m$ x- Q' d- `# k, R; C  短语
/ U9 T: p9 w3 d0 ^: E3 {. F  Hongkong dollar
1 K1 d* Z9 `0 ~' V  港元
* z& c& `  M, y) o/ O8 k  pound sterling
: o' \( U9 G9 g* @% \+ A  英镑
. Q& E# f- m1 ]. d4 X  French franc
+ ~( N. ~& n: \6 ~2 x6 a  法国法郎5 ]1 y  i3 y, x6 I% B/ @, R
  deutsche mark
1 j  ^4 w' l( g1 @/ h. q* A  德国马克, z7 P' D5 a# w. M: R, d3 l+ {; I
  foreign exchange rate
; W2 W# W3 V/ o' q  M  外汇汇率+ P& F$ r# b5 x4 M& }# y; a
  A:Have you seen any foreign currencies?
1 v  x, B# x3 g% K4 T  A:你看到过外币没有?
# L( b' X( n) B, v9 D/ e' G7 S1 @4 b  B:I have seen some American dollars.' O) j1 [* Y, H" Z* o$ x
  B:我见到过一些美元。9 [: r- k( t4 s2 [
- l9 ~1 B# P( `  A:在哪里见到?
  N, k& @) s, s6 F4 n; M4 K  B:My father had a chance to buy a color TV set duty-free in the special store for overseas travelers.
' S- ?1 T5 `+ Q& h  B:我父亲有一次在出国人员免税商店购置一台彩电时见到的。7 ]2 L1 t2 G4 ]
  A:I see, so your father managed to exchange Chinese money for dollars to buy the set.
1 q% p0 t5 W/ X* z3 r0 T  我明白了,所以你父亲想办法用人民币兑换了美元去买彩电。3 O3 |1 N/ I' G2 a- Z
  B:Yes. Are you familiar with foreign paper money?# ^5 G. S; Y4 z( `& \
/ D0 K& Y3 M! ?0 J6 K  A:My father is an officer in the Bank of China.0 _% K+ i# u7 v+ f0 j, a
  A:我父亲在中国银行是一名官员。! J" l5 y& }' ~( ^- P1 `! `) H
  They must learn how to identify the false money from all sorts of foreign banknotes.: Z3 T7 A9 G# K5 I6 H( i
  他们必须学习识别外国真假纸币。' R- `' V* Q5 Z/ h$ ]8 c7 G) e) c  A& H
  B:Can you tell me what some current banknotes are of foreign countries?
0 P7 H3 E4 C8 K: ^4 y& t  B:你能告诉我哪些是流通的外币吗?
; a. l: H. x& b  ^  J) B/ `  A:My father said that he most often sees American dollars.
1 k$ N9 N3 h* [: C, f/ `+ @  A:我父亲说他见得最多的是美金。
/ g2 Q0 _. ?- q1 m) W9 f8 K  When you receive a bank draft with the $2457.12,
! Z( V+ n5 O! z) l+ G  当你收到一张银行汇票,款额为$2457.12,
3 D! m+ M7 u$ d0 J/ p  you should read two thousand four hundred fifty-seven dollars and twelve cents.3 W% p2 ~, t* E9 p( C
  你就得读作:two thousand four hundred fifty-seven dollars and twelve cents。
. P6 O& k! m" Y  F# n7 m. E  B:What is the next in frequency?
' x; f- e" f$ u+ z- `6 N! L  B:其次常见的是哪种外币?8 O8 x; h' P$ o. \8 Y) S
  A:Hongkong Dollars.Very often we receive some cheques,on which is written:
0 v$ A1 A, F2 g# h  A:香港元(港元),我们经常收到一些港元支票,票面上类似这样的金额:
% T. v+ q7 M- R" u7 }# z  HK $28 254.48, you'd says:twenty-eight thousand two hundred and fifty-four and forty eight cents.+ F. W. ^- w* X
  HK$28 254.48,你就得读作:twenty-eight thousand two hundred and fifty-four and fortyeight cents。5 O+ L7 ]/ S' S" m( F
  B:What else has he seen?
% ]5 [$ M! |  b, Y7 `  你父亲还见到过哪些其他外币?: c( Y: t, h/ D0 A3 W
  A:Japanes yen. In this case, we must pay close attention,
: m% b1 O9 q* q, N3 O0 G* {6 O  A:日元。遇到这种情况,我们必要要注意,
7 q: v! T# g+ [" F4 Q  [01:37.28]because in China we use yuan in abbreviation ¥,the same ¥ Japanese use for yen.6 a& m7 e. p: U: O
9 F) ^- s, W" A- q% l7 X* M  For example, on the check you see: J ¥ 21 340 100.00. You'd say:
7 A/ n9 R. _. j4 B1 }1 q  举例说:J ¥21 340 100.00 ,你就得说:1 j- v6 \; Q  n4 F
  twenty-one millon three hundred and forty thousand one hundred Japanese yen.1 g& P/ |/ |. y+ ^; s! {) I/ c6 I
  twenty-one millon three hundred and forty thousand one hundred Japanese yen 。
3 e7 w+ |6 d) @- {  B:What about English money?. |& s7 W$ g' L7 O4 \# o9 v5 f: q
  B:英国货币是什么情况?! k4 W3 j3 L! s+ H, B4 y8 _: z2 \
  A:The formal term for England is the United Kingdom. The currency is the pound sterling,
) N9 {. y$ s$ l7 K  A:英国的正式称呼是联合王国。它的货币是英磅,$ M. e: C4 ^' ?: u* N7 `
  abbreviated like: £or Stg. For example, for £ 3044.50, you'd say:1 ]$ P4 n& t: x' q% T+ C
  缩写的符号是:£或stg.举例说:£3 044.50,你就得读作:6 ?2 |9 i0 X; \4 r' R: X2 E& ?+ o
  three thousand and forty-four pounds and fifty pence." [$ k' z2 m. V8 L6 x
  three thousans and forty-four pounds and fifty pence。$ z( T4 E7 ^% N+ n
  B:The French franc and the deutsche mark are also in use between countries, aren't they?3 u: ~, \( b0 x1 H1 l% r
) r' P. W; v6 w: j  A:There are at least two kinds of Francs:French and Swiss.
' n2 R) E( ]5 F- _  法朗至少有两种,法国法朗和瑞士法朗,
' P; e/ {7 S, f  Y  They have no special sign, but an abbreviation, for example: FF. 53 000,5 }: b4 A, f) u6 e
  他们没有专门的代号,但有缩写词如:FF.5300,3 r$ L+ e0 C. X. H) i
  you'd know this is French franc. You'd say fifty-three thousand French francs.
7 T: R) f6 B6 \0 J8 v5 c' o7 p4 k  读作法国法朗,fifty-three thousand French Francs。( Y# Q8 b9 f& [- k: k) d, A
  When you see the abbreviation SFRS, you'd know this is Swiss Franc:such as,
, E8 B% a/ b4 G/ e- B; j+ p  当你见到SFRS的缩写词,这是瑞士法朗,例如:
( L; Q- ?' }  ?  SFRS 21 400, you'd say twenty-one thousand four hundred Swiss Francs.6 m% ?  d# Y# L+ p9 ?& k% v
  SFRS 21 400,你读作twnety-one thousand four hundred Swiss Francs 。" e/ o7 }4 \8 v$ `6 q9 A6 a' R  n2 c
  B:Now, I understand.
! W% h/ K* ?3 \2 P' o6 n6 i4 D  B:我现在明白了。
% ^, i. j) l' d, ]( g+ s  A:As for mark, this means mainly the deutsche mark, for example,
) S4 ~9 y! x5 \3 l) ~* z  A:马克,主要指的是德国马克,例如,

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-16 08:17:43 | 显示全部楼层

金融英语口语辅导:Current Currencies

  Dm 63 308.50, we say sixty-three thousand three hundred and eight and a half deutsche marks.
2 \% V1 \7 g; o) h9 F  DM 63 308.50,我们读作sixty-three thousand three hundred and eight and a half deutshe mark。. _' J1 V: B9 n9 `& J
  All of these are commonly seen in China. If we exchange them for Chinese Renminbi in our accounts we should follow the foreign exchange rates for all these currencies daily.# b, d7 d  ?/ h7 I9 w
  这些外币一般在中国能见到。假如我们要把外币兑换在人民币,我们就得按每天公布的外汇率来兑换人民币。8 H2 I$ H  @" U) ^0 h9 a
  B:Will you follow in your father's footsteps to become a banker?" K* ]4 \, ~& q
  B:你想像你父亲将来成为一名银行家吗?( {) t  z: a9 h
  A:It's too far away for me to think of!6 @( G- c( J# n9 i4 ]4 S6 @
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