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[考试辅导] 金融英语口语辅导:TimeDeposit

发表于 2012-8-16 08:17:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
New Words. n* f6 x  y. [; y) V+ t5 g
' K3 c1 Q  o1 z) _+ w  y2 x& Uanxious     adj.4 h6 O# W! k4 d4 h
- {- |' s" K1 Gavailable     adj., c( n5 e4 Q+ P+ j9 d& m) F# q
可用的,可得到的( b1 g0 N6 M7 F% |' G6 S) w
option    n.
) P$ i+ X9 ]  v' C9 K/ R+ Q/ y选择权
4 g& Q! Z' z3 A4 |/ x8 j" Smaturity      n.
( z- d% Q% E3 d: W0 y+ o$ z(票据等的)到期
5 e& z! o5 e& Semergency     n.
$ [3 V' m0 d$ H8 z' u1 n- l紧急
, t: a  U( K6 A) E4 I1 q; Omature        v.- d! Y" z+ l7 ~1 z7 }. }; s2 F
# B7 O2 k5 Y: @- Z* f7 n2 ePhrases & Expressions% z7 U  ~5 U8 G/ r! G. i
% p& A8 M; C8 B0 G- hregular savings account; s1 q4 k$ y. E' o, D+ v
普通储蓄帐户  u& K: H: v6 j- c3 S- i3 @7 ]
time deposit
* L0 I( o; w) N7 K定期存款
* A: y, U- q1 _time certificate of deposit  L' A) G* V4 g
  c9 x; O1 _/ W- E; C" dthe stated interest return+ i4 @* _, q  r3 z/ B2 L
. c' H# z$ A- p5 Q! g0 aW:Liu Bing, I have two thousand yuan for the cost of this term,4 }9 ]5 g1 C# G0 X6 i& Y" W6 Q. A
王琳:刘萍,我从家带来2000元供这一学期的生活费,$ {: t" }9 v' a, o4 ^/ N: |2 M
enough to last from now until summer vacation.7 M3 F3 B8 f3 c* c1 k- e" u
维持到暑假看来已足够。" G9 K  z' g! ~3 u# [, q  y+ U( [
I feel anxious about carrying around such a large sum. What should I do?
! m1 H5 \0 s0 Y2 o" I带着这么多钱我觉得不放心,我该怎么办?
. b# b6 v& b% P, R9 y[00:34.95]L:Let me think. You can deposit one half as regular savings accounts and another half as time deposits.
: F& A+ T+ ]2 J3 X6 t刘萍:让我想想。你可以拿其中一半作为活期存款,另一半作为定期存款。
5 L, T9 H0 E) m4 L& rW:That's a good idea. Will they earn a similar rate?
" B7 w$ n& Q2 n1 O. \王琳:这主意很好。那么存款利率是否一样呢?
6 K# V4 q; G. U, w" @; W3 q/ u$ sL:The interest rate for time deposits is much higher than regular savings account., g! `& o2 |. ~% w
( N0 _+ s5 _7 @( S+ ~( Y) hW:How long do I have to keep the money in the account?
& m7 }0 ^; s. K" @' M* l王琳:那么我的定期存款应该多长呢?
9 h6 F+ \9 I3 U8 b. L# X8 tL:The savings banks offer a choice of three, six or twelve - month maturities in most cases.
: O$ c& e1 i. ?& v. _刘萍:储蓄所在在大多数情况下备有三种定期存款,即分三个月,半年和一年。
, c0 ^& H& v" m& aThey also offer Time Certificate of Deposit in two-, three-, five or ten- year terms.% L; @" m4 H6 h. U9 G
另外,他们还提供2年,3年,5年或10年的长期定期存款。3 G, d5 S& U" F8 H
W:For us only the short-time deposits are available. Does the rate go up depending on how long you keep the certificate?
. T: U8 j- V! ]& U- s0 X; d! J% s1 h. g% ~王:对我们来说,短期存款合适。是否存款时间越长利率也就越高呢?7 g$ @" u8 Q) B/ Z( U
L:Yes, of course. It would seem that three month time deposits are the best option for you.! T; S. _" ?- @. e' P
2 H9 m  r& m! w1 U, J) Z1 x8 g7 y1 ~W:I agree with you. Tomorrow, let's go to the bank to deposit my money.( I7 j" U& @; ~8 u! Z% q; `
' Z; D: b8 Q: M( BL:Yes, I want to deposit mine, too.1 R0 Z; [* L/ s0 c0 n( |" ]
% r# U" |) u% f2 b" T5 q$ TW:What maturities are the most popular?& i( Z1 Y1 q; K1 O8 p9 U8 e+ P( M
王琳:哪一种期限最普遍?+ m5 y2 v& \+ \" E! A. j
L:Most people use the six or twelve-months plans, of course,% t- p0 B4 o  ^( H4 L- i
3 h' ?0 w2 r( l4 z* I' [9 Dthey may renew the certificate on maturity if they wish.
2 K/ O4 ?  b5 m) k到期后人们还可以续存。
2 X" x1 R# [. @7 U9 V& U4 VW:What if the customer needs the money for an emergency before the certificate matures? Can he get it out?
8 |2 z6 Y, T% s  I王:假如存款人由于急用要提前取款,那又如何处理呢?他能否把款提出呢?1 f. d# u0 @4 M! b/ w5 |
L:Yes, of course, he can withdraw his money by cashing in his certificate before the maturity date if necessary.
8 X, `% G+ K+ B3 h- y刘:当然可以,在必要的情况下可以在到期之前提前取款。3 F" e# m1 n% j/ x; c) Q: ~; e
W:What will happen?( g' T4 I! L# O7 f& Q1 ^
3 ?5 L5 E; T) X! L: j: d6 sL:He just won't receive the stated interest return.
; Y0 t8 Q* u' I刘:他就不能拿到预先规定的定期利息。* Y8 w1 c% T( d* w& e. o
W:What a loss!) ~* [6 b* p* l4 D  K! Y
王:那真可惜!4 n* w3 N" B% X- M5 }
L:So if you want to have a high rate of return, don't withdraw your cash before the end of the certificated period.
* F6 n) k5 [+ j刘萍:所以你想要获得较高的利息就不要在到期之前提取存款。. f5 Z) \: c& J+ E0 Z9 U
W:Good idea.
" e- h* T- c2 o8 G- @) o% ?* v王:好主意。

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