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[考试辅导] 金融口语辅导:向老板建议MakingSuggestionsToTheBoss

发表于 2012-8-16 08:17:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
MR.RAMIREZ:Come in, Arnold.Have a seat。    ARNOLD:Good morning。  MR.RAMIREZ:Would you like something to drink?  ARNOLD:No, thank you.I just had two cups of coffee at my desk。  MR.RAMIREZ:So, you're a serious coffee drinker。  ARNOLD:Yes, it keeps me going.Sometimes I think I'm addicted。  MR.RAMIREZ:Well, coffee isn't such a bad thing。  Everyone has to have something。  For me, it's cigars.Are you a cigar smoker?  ARNOLD:No, I've tried them.But I’m not really a smoker。  MR.RAMIREZ:Well, what would you like to talk to me about?  ARNOLD:I wanted to set up this meeting with you to discuss a little proposal。  MR.RAMIREZ:I'm glad when people have new ideas around here.Tell me about it。  ARNOLD:It is about the staff meetings。  You know how we have a staff meeting every Tuesday。  MR.RAMIREZ:Yes。  ARNOLD:Well, I have been thinking about it。  And I believe we could do things more efficiently here。  MR.RAMIREZ:What do you suggest?  ARNOLD:The way it is now, the staff from all four branches get together once a week。  We meet for one hour.But I think a lot of time is wasted in transportation。  MR.RAMIREZ:You mean because people have to go across town to get here。  ARNOLD:Yes.Some people spend half of the morning on the road。  MR.RAMIREZ:That's true.But our staff meetings are very important, Arnold。  I don't know how we can function without them。  ARNOLD:I think they are important too。  That's why I want people to have a better attitude about them。  MR.RAMIREZ:I know a lot of people think the meetings aren't too useful。  I'm aware of that。  ARNOLD:Here's what I propose。  I think we should meet once every two weeks, but meet for ninety minutes or more。  MR.RAMIREZ:Well。  ARNOLD:I also think the meetings should be more focused。  And I would be willing to take responsibility for that。  MR.RAMIREZ:You mean you want to run the meetings?  ARNOLD:No, not really run them.But I could help organize them。  I could discuss meeting topics with you, and then prepare a schedule for each meeting。  I could then send an e-mail to all the staff to explain the coming meeting。  This way the meetings would become more focused, and people would prepare better。  MR.RAMIREZ:Hmm.But we would meet every two weeks。  ARNOLD:I really think it would work。  The meetings could be longer, and better organized。  MR.RAMIREZ:I am not against the idea, Arnold。  It may really be more efficient, as you say.I'll tell you what we can do。  Why don't we try your proposal for a month, and see how it works。  ARNOLD:Excellent.I would be happy to get started on it。  MR.RAMIREZ:I will call the managers。  Then tomorrow I'll tell you when we can schedule our first meeting in this “new style.”  仑米先生:进来,阿诺。请坐。  阿诺:早安。  仑米先生:你要喝点什么吗?  阿诺:不了,谢谢你。我才喝了两杯咖啡。  仑米先生:所以,你是一个严重的咖啡爱好者。  阿诺:是的,它让我持续前进。有时候我认为我有点上瘾。  仑米先生:嗯,咖啡也不是一个坏事情。  每个人都要有所喜好。  像我,就是雪茄。你抽雪茄吗?  阿诺:不,我尝试过。但我并不是一个吸烟爱好者。  仑米先生:嗯,你想跟我说些什么呢?  阿诺:我想借着这个会谈跟你讨论一个提案。  仑米先生:我很高兴这里能有人提些新计划,告诉我是什么。  阿诺:是有关公司重要干部的会议。  你知道我们每个星期二的干部会议。  仑米先生:是的。  阿诺:嗯,我一直在想。  我相信我们可以做得更有效率些。  仑米先生:那你的建议是?  阿诺:现在的方法是,四个分公司的干部每一周都会来这里一次。  我们开会一小时,但我认为绝大部份的时间都浪费在交通上。  仑米先生:你的意思是因为大家都要横越整个城市到这儿。  阿诺:是的,有些人花了一个早上在路程上。  仑米先生:没有错。但我们干部的会议是很重要的,阿诺。  我不知道没有他们我们如何能运作。  阿诺:我也认为他们很重要。

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