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[考试辅导] 金融英语口语辅导:Banking Operations (1)

发表于 2012-8-16 08:17:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  John Anderson’s girl-friend ,Betty Rogers ,is a teller at the FirstNational Bank. 7 l  z" Y& o* x6 C+ }
. j) x/ g# Z* [  A  She is explaining the operation and organization of the bank to John. , ^( }: i: j  H! h, x( y) X8 Q6 S1 a
4 o6 q& }" |; u- t* x# }8 N* C  Rogers:Our bank is organized into a number of departments ,each of which is responsible for aparticular area of business. 9 e. M0 }$ }8 m7 U: @' x
( X6 S5 }. R# I7 ~0 ]# v( Y' ?  For example ,the Trust Department handles investments ,the Collateral Department keeps loanrecords and pledged securities ,
" O- o) ]$ y: _  譬如说,信托部门从事投资,证券担保部门负责保存贷款记录和抵押有价证券, 1 ]& Z0 }' k5 ^& A
  and the Real Estate Department handles mortgage oans on real estate. 8 |  V. M/ e# e# M$ F4 l7 L3 z+ f
  不动产部门负责不动产方面的抵押贷款。 $ g9 ]; B6 `( A8 w6 }0 X& V
  Anderson:What department are you in ?You ’re a teller ,aren’t you? 9 o& H( I" k; z; }7 w
" h2 R4 E& J: Q4 }! Z: W% B  R:Yes,I am a paying and receiving teller .We are usually the people who have the most contactwith our customers .
) J8 Q# j& r6 |0 G7 D* z  罗杰斯:是的,我是收付出纳员。我们通常是和顾客接触最多的人。 9 d* k) p& Q; A; Q5 ]
  We are part of the Operations Department ,the department which takes care of most of the day-to-day business of the bank .
/ x& J# {5 L( l1 `: M" K  l  我们是营业部门的职员,这个部门负责从事银行大多数的日常业务。
9 `! Q! C4 c5 |; P+ h7 d! k: v8 {  A:What’s the Auditing Department ?Isn’t that where your friend Alice works?
- o" q8 E4 v' p) R& O9 M  安德森:什么是审计部门?您的朋友艾丽斯不就是在那个部门工作吗? ! n6 q1 ?! e7 R2 w6 |
  R:Yes,Alice is an assistant auditor .The Auditing Department has the responsibility of checking andsupervising all of the bank’s activities to be sure there are no errors or improper procedures. 1 @, x9 T' c- j0 Z7 E- e
  罗杰斯:是的,艾丽斯是助理审计员,审计部门有检查和监督银行所有活动的责任以确保这些活动中没有差错或不恰当的程序。 & s. U: O* [# }: v9 v8 P
  A:Does the Auditing Department keep the main records of all transactions? 4 H' e, }" M: T
2 X1 E6 G8 C* L: ?  R:No,that’s the job of the General Ledger Department .That’s the department that is the centralbookkeeper for the bank . + R( r5 t9 N4 U. I5 r+ E7 M
  罗杰斯:不,那是总帐部门的工作,那个部门就是银行的中央簿记处。 2 y- r) ^) z0 X# s
  Of course ,modern banks keep such records in computers instead of in ledgers. $ {7 i- k& a/ ]  @

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