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[考试辅导] 金融英语口语辅导:银行与计算机

发表于 2012-8-16 08:17:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  Betty Rogers, a teller at the First National Bank,is explaining thebank’s computer system to one of her customers .
5 }8 p5 g; K* a6 D! `& B  第一国民银行的出纳员贝蒂·罗杰斯正在向一位顾客解释银行的计算机系统。 / y% l* G" z" h& \
  Customers:What do you mean by the term on-line system?
2 b" U# s' n$ b. q" S+ Y3 O  顾客:“联机系统”这个词是什么意思? + |: u4 `& u/ U- }4 e
  Rogers:Basically ,it means that all our branches are connected to our central computer system,Sir . # m2 {  q; F* j5 C1 c' W
  罗杰斯:基本上讲,它的含义是说,我们所有的分机都与我们的中央计算机设备相联系,先生。 " x- `8 B  C8 n/ R( I( `1 x- o; q% S
  This permits us to process transactions right away . + D/ q7 h& p" e3 l  a* j3 Z$ e/ H
  这就使得我们能当即处理各项业务交易。 1 L; G0 ?2 b% E& K2 `
  C:Do you mean that deposits and withdrawals are posted to my account immediately ?
- M5 `! Z5 e  m& y+ O* M) z8 |  o  顾客:您是说,存款和取款能够马上过帐到我的帐户上吗?
) d! j4 F8 D9 [* m- B  R:Yes,we process cash transactions as soon as they take place .Check deposits are credited,subject to collection .
/ o  A5 _9 P0 v" b  罗杰斯:是的,对于现金交易,我们当时就可以处理,而支票储蓄就要把款项经托收后才可划入货方。
, f  }; I' R9 o; R2 B  C:You mean that I can’t draw against a deposit by check until the proceeds are collected from thebank on which the check is drawn?   m) x  L" ]- r9 O6 t! \' Q( d
: u! f' i, j2 m0 _  R:Yes,that’s right .But it only takes overnight for any bank in the city and just a day or two forbanks outside the city . * }# o" R. @. P* v- A. Q
  罗杰斯:是这样的,但是对于市内的任何一个银行来说,这只需要花费隔夜的时间,而对于外地银行,也只需一、两天时间就可取回款项。 ! d$ G* d8 Z+ e4 d6 ^8 \6 L
  C:Do you keep all savings account records on computer?
$ D  E9 M! V% h/ o+ n0 A& ?6 G( b  顾客:你们把所有储蓄帐户记录都保存在计算机中吗?
" s  X9 ?! y5 G( R2 e  R:Yes,savings ,checking ,loan and installment credit accounts ,too.
3 y  Z  I% I) I& T2 |; Y( q  罗杰斯:是的,储蓄、支票、贷款和分期还款帐户也保存在计算机中。 % j. }! v+ b3 F# N4 \1 w- }
  On-line computer systems help us provide speedy and accurate service to our customers . ; L! B. k+ C; D0 e* A# a+ p& V) L
. Q# R6 M9 e+ L' p/ I: v  C:Oh ,that’s why we must use magnetically encoded checks and deposit slips . 1 C& n5 {  s9 a, J0 x3 }+ X0 f
  顾客:噢,这就是为什么我们必须使用磁性密码支票和存款单的原因。 2 C  a* K) F; e. N: m
  R:Yes,the computer at our data processing center can read all encoded items automatically .
1 ]8 ?! r  M; `1 @) {! k  k  U6 g  罗杰斯:是的,我们的数据处理中心的计算机能自动地读出所有的译码条目。
! ~5 c. U* }# t! e  Of course ,you ’ll notice that there are computer terminals at most teller windows ,too. ) \* O/ o. T# g# r2 d, Z
  当然,您会注意到大多数出纳员的窗口也都装有计算机终端, 6 M8 M& u. Z5 f1 d) H
  Tellers use them to provide immediate computer access for all transactions. 9 w, m" K; \& J/ ]

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