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[考试辅导] 金融英语备考资料口语篇-开立储蓄帐户

发表于 2012-8-16 08:17:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  Opening a Savings Account 9 G1 X, y; p. t- [5 @9 e/ e
( x6 w6 \8 X) ?8 b$ L  Situation 14
; M  p* r0 s; H0 ^  情景 14
7 }! e1 @- L. q0 p6 W! ~: s  Henry Samson is asking a clerk at the First National Bank aboutopening a regular savings account.
; S7 Q- J  Q6 @. g' ~& p  亨利·萨姆森在第一国民银行向一个职员询问有关开立普通储蓄帐户事宜。
6 D/ j6 C) V' Y1 C  Clerk:May I help you ,sir? & g& B2 u% a3 i9 |
* _# u4 K5 L. o9 V# j2 r* X  Samson:Yes,please .I’d like to open a savings account .Can you give me some information?
0 q4 v+ z5 k4 j& K( J+ ?  萨姆森:谢谢,我想开立一个储蓄帐户。请您和我谈谈这方面的事,好吗?
& A7 L6 \9 Y7 l  C:Yes,I’d be happy to help you .We call our regular savings account plan passbook savings. - Y) [6 n+ h. C! a
$ I: h( Y4 P4 Z  You may open an account in your name only ,or a joint account with your wife. + ^; }. W& e, U$ t; V6 _, o! l
7 p. i, S1 G8 r$ z) B7 s5 E  There is no minimum balance ,and you may make deposits or withdrawals at any time .
/ q) c& E1 O7 o4 ^  我们这里没存款最小余额的限制,而且可随时存款或取款。 * j/ l- O% M  `! j$ z+ A
  S:Do I earn interest on the account ?   h: r* q( k2 N4 {
  萨姆森:我能从帐户上得到利息吗? 4 a, K8 h6 \- t7 d% Z
  C:Yes,we pay the highest interest rate permitted for commercial banks .
& u( Y( S0 U* g; V! Z1 `/ o  职员:可以的。我们这里支付商业银行所允许的最高利率。 5 o6 M6 v* c) }0 T" e1 M( ]1 G
  We credit the earned interest to your account automatically every quarter.
7 K7 p) O' ~4 g9 g1 o  每个季度,我们会自动地把利息划入您的帐户的贷方。 * l! D; ^* D! _# s, T
  S:Is it difficult to open an account?I mean ,do I have to be a regular customer of the bank?
. Q+ t2 R( |' B8 z/ u! m  萨姆森:开立一个帐户难吗?我是说,我必须是银行的老客户吗?
% g' w+ y) X3 {( d% J  n0 |3 l' B. x  C:No ,sir.not at all.All that’s necessary is to fill out this signature card and make your initial deposit . / ~; s( J9 t2 l- d% p( o% V
  职员:不,先生,完全不必。您所需要做的只是填写一下这张签名卡,并进行首次储蓄, 8 t% d+ |, O. _5 ?& }; B
  Even a dollar is enough to open the account .
/ V7 p- M2 O4 S: @- S6 \  甚至一美元就可开立一个帐户。 ( T) [& O1 P1 r
  S:Let’s see .You want my name,address,occupation ,date of birth and Social Security number . 6 h9 {1 e2 q3 f" ^3 X; m% ?
7 X$ O- f) m' d7 A( {4 B" v  What’s this item here,"Mother’s Maiden Name"? 6 E5 |0 q, [# ^8 v; }8 k. ]4 @
  母亲婚前姓名这一项是怎么回事? ) q/ S8 N" X" C& B  [1 i/ q
  C:We ask that for identification purposes ,sir .It’s a code word we use to positively identify you incase you lose your passbook or there is some other need for positive identification .
7 r: R, S$ d- z6 ^  职员:我们要求这一姓名是为人便于辨别身份,先生。这是一个暗语,万一您丢失了您的存折,我们可以用它来确切地辨别您的身份,或者由于某种需要,用以准确地辨认身份。
8 L! G1 _6 v( W  S:I see.Well,let me fill this out and I’ll open an account. * R2 y; O) \7 L1 z

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