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[考试辅导] 金融英语备考资料口语篇-定期存款

发表于 2012-8-16 08:17:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  Time Deposits(1) % j$ h- M& h: P  e$ j! s3 b7 `4 e
: e* }9 X" Z* \. J, n# E. d  Situation 15
) A( L  t5 F2 X/ ?3 A  情景 15
# Y  O; V5 W$ C2 }  Judy Taylor is asking a clerk in the New Accounts Department atthe First National Bank about time deposits.
- y; s) S* d# g& M, ^  裘德·泰勒向第一国民银行新开帐户部门的一个职员询问定期存款有关事宜。
' m- F1 \; D3 E1 F6 A1 e  Taylor:Can you tell me something about time deposits? + f6 c, }. f& w# C
  泰勒:请您同我谈谈有关定期存款的事情,好吗? - {9 S1 c; X4 T* w. H1 C5 t- E
  I understand the interest rate is much higher for time deposits than regular savings accounts. 9 q4 u% e$ V4 h2 D6 M: ^
* J6 V2 G$ b+ I! `- {  Clerk:Yes,Miss Taylor ,that’s correct.We offer Time Certificates of Deposit which pay a higher rateof interest than regular deposits do .
" R+ c! `, Y. U  x' e1 k  职员:是的,泰勒小姐,您说得对。我们这里提供存款的定期存单,它们的利率高于普通存款。 . g' [( J# @- E: N9 k) w
  T:How long do I have to keep the money in the account? 8 ^% `6 m9 J5 V  F& {
+ x+ q/ L3 P# B  b$ ~7 b6 a  C:We offer a choice of three,six-or twelve month maturities in most cases. 2 |( f* W- M( X- T  y
  职员:大多数情况下,我们提供为期3个月,6个月和12个月的存款期限,您可以从中选择。 - ^% R: O' @  ?
  Of course ,we have two-,three-,five-and ten-year plans ,too. 5 j8 s/ y9 D: ]( j
  当然,我们也有为期2年、3年、5年和10年的存款期限。 " O0 _% m2 T  m5 b
  T;Does the rate go up depending on how long you keep the certificate?
0 `& ]$ m9 C( r( f' t  泰勒:利息是多少是不是取决于存款时间?
2 n! E* o- e% Z& P  C:Yes,that’s right .But you must determine what maturity you want in the beginning .
7 q% ]4 i9 G' D: V5 C5 f0 e* ^  职员:是这样的。但是您必须事先确定您的存款期限。
3 N7 Q7 N$ d! ^& R( m3 r  Naturally ,certificates with the longer maturities bear a higher rate of return .
; G7 k0 ^6 \; X* P) @; X! y6 J  当然,存款期越长,利率就越高。 & M- S7 ?" h3 u4 j! R9 i5 D6 p
  T:What maturities are the most popular?I assume that not many customers invest for the verylong terms . ; O; Q7 X# T; e  A; z: B* Y, V
  泰勒:哪一种期限是最受欢迎的呢?我估计不会有很多顾客选择很长的存款期限。 : v8 q( [8 j5 n* b1 }: Z* G* o
  C:No ,most of our customers use the six-or twelve-month plans.Of course ,you may renew thecertificate on maturity if you wish.
9 H" u/ y' ~, a$ v% G  职员:您说得对,我们的大多数顾客选用6个月或12个月存款期限。当然,如果您愿意的话,当存款到期时,您可以把存单转期续存。 ' U+ c: x0 K) u7 U0 L) k
  T;How come the rate is so much higher than the regular savings rate?
( W  w+ O. Z, Q  泰勒:定期存款的利怎能怎么会比一般存款利息高出那么多呢? ! z9 j' k, ~  g% Z/ B2 G* ^! @9 q
  C:We can offer a more attractive rate of return when we know that the client will maintain thebalance for a set period of time .
( P. L  y' \" u+ r4 b8 ~  职员:当欠确知顾客将一笔钱储存一定时期,我们就能够提供更具有吸引力的利率。

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