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[考试辅导] 进出口货物名称中英对照辅导(32)

发表于 2012-8-16 08:28:34 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  caption signal generator 字幕信号发生器+ n& n8 k+ i7 j. U( b
  caption system 字幕系统$ K# @/ `5 k! I
  Captiva 凯普蒂瓦- {5 m* @- K! E  V8 H4 r8 i
  captodiame 卡普托胺) X6 w9 J! N) c" |: {9 a) I. Z6 d0 r
  captopril 卡托普利
) O( V1 g1 H+ d  capuchin cloth 僧侣外套呢
+ L; m; _$ p5 I- O5 @1 h  capuchin 连斗帽的女大衣) e+ W) h! V+ s& U0 ~" {
  capuride 异辛酰脲
, o( k1 f7 b+ O/ V  caputium 连帽短斗篷2 e( [' ~& E* s/ g
  car alarm system 汽车报警系统
8 ]1 ~# p& p, k% U" @4 S  car alarm 汽车报警器1 G* o- e' v) k1 Y6 {) h; t
  car belt 汽车安全带1 h* C& j8 \, S# C0 ~1 D/ `; A
  car body 车身
- A; L$ M* `7 e' m  car bottom electric furnace 车底式电炉% c- s& N7 P7 s7 s5 r6 L
  car charger 装车机
% t' C7 ^; u2 o9 H2 F  car cleaner 车辆清洗剂8 |0 H; h" n$ C1 w( U
  car dumper 汽车倾卸机
5 V. v9 J- g0 j+ J4 y: p" a) Z  car for meteorological observation 气象观测车5 K& Y; @( q8 S: L
  car gasoline 车用汽油
7 w8 H% ^5 ?, d/ U1 ?2 j$ S, }  car heater hose 汽车暖水胶管# W% P4 r3 ~8 R$ a" k# u: C
  car heater 汽车加热器
( O& D. s& l: c( x  car lift 车辆提升机
- y- B$ f2 s3 ]6 t" n* \7 N3 `  car loader 装车机
0 k7 U$ |# h- a- h0 ?  car telephone 车载电话
" B1 V! N% Y: y9 Y/ }  car tipper 翻车机7 N6 f& j1 ?0 @3 R5 B: e) D
  car tunnel kiln 隧道式窑/ w* H  G3 Z; m2 U" b
  car type furnace 车式炉- L6 P! g$ N: v! o; l- @
  car visor 车用遮阳板
  W& R; m( s; Q" Y5 p  car wax 汽车蜡# [4 A' y; J' M7 X( ^% O+ J
  car weigher 车辆衡器& t( T  ]% g7 B- d  [3 Y' l0 ]% a& w
  car 汽车9 O% x% [5 _6 t! X/ }% b
  car-kilometer 车辆公里计程表+ H' S# B, J0 o2 i
  car-mount radio telephone 车载无线电话机
+ s. t4 m- `1 w! M: b  car-type airless shot blasting machine 车式无空气抛丸清理机. p) ~; ^* N! p1 i
  caracal fur 猞猁毛& j" q% \- w8 a: c1 O- L6 \
  caracul cloth 仿羔皮呢
  q5 g# R' ?; s. r  c+ w  caracule 羔皮
' D- I, N7 S6 p8 E' Z/ v8 ^  carafe 玻璃水瓶5 S* Q$ b$ c2 T" a2 _
  Caragach cotton 卡拉加棉
2 n4 B1 {( @0 e9 n3 k: u8 P  Caragard 甲氧去草净
' _8 V1 R( u- \  caraguata fibre 卡拉瓜塔菠萝叶纤维
7 d5 N' ~; D) q# `  carambola in syrup 糖水杨桃: `; O9 M0 |& C9 ^
  carambola with lemon juice and laurel 柠汁桂花杨桃
1 G( m* d  z6 I  carambola 杨桃
8 Q% a$ C& _$ k- t4 i  caramel cream 焦糖膏6 i7 ~$ B/ @/ n  \
  caramel cutting machine 硬糖切块机
; B2 l% s) ~7 k' E  caramel 焦糖酱色
$ K+ x9 G, |+ P3 N/ h  caramelized sugar 焦糖
- X' i+ l/ M2 s# S; E  caraminiam carpet 卡腊迈尼地毯1 o) v5 C" r- r3 B1 m
  caramiphen ethanedisulfonate 咳美芬
- K( t0 Q, ~6 w  caramiphen 卡拉米芬
5 |$ b1 B* A, Y# h& p6 I  carana palm 卡拉纳棕榈纤维0 T( d- ^# ^+ W' e
  Carana 卡勒纳聚酰胺长丝
# G) [3 O% X+ [1 n# @  caranalyzer 定碳仪
1 c4 d! N4 V$ r0 K3 B& z9 L+ A  carane 蒈烷0 S9 u" X' f4 m5 h7 z
  carapax amydae 鳖甲0 N6 U3 D% Q! o/ _0 Q0 |0 @: s" h8 S
  caravan 大蓬车& O& B( m' ^+ N
  Caravan 商队牌汽车
2 g' {5 p5 Q" u! ~1 z- c' z  Caravelle 卡拉维拉牌汽车
( H% w+ v) T5 O5 ^- U  Caravonica cotton 卡拉温尼卡棉
- E7 \6 |& M1 k# P# k* y" ~. l  caraway oil 页蒿油
$ \8 E6 h9 f" i& K5 L+ l7 a# T  caraway seed oil 页蒿子油3 _9 F1 O* f6 Z( t4 B2 Z
  caraway seed 页蒿子  u6 B3 ?5 ]) z7 w( q
  carbachol 卡巴胆碱' [" ?" {  g) U8 F- `
  Carbacryl 丙烯腈" i$ h) p$ ?1 q7 x3 i# H
  carbacrylamine resin 卡巴明树脂" u" g9 l( C" M  I/ p5 Z* Z4 C
  carbadox 卡巴多司
8 j+ O* T0 v6 P0 B' `4 W) \  carballoy 碳化钨硬质合金
9 N( Q7 ^: V! c6 T! U; G  Carbam 威百亩
$ j3 T0 P7 z% F, x* D4 t  carbamate 氨基甲酸盐
) X" C9 h$ `+ T5 d, S0 b  carbamazepine 卡马西平4 z  t$ x, \1 O: D1 }
  carbamic acid 氨基甲酸
0 k* E1 R* r6 r0 r6 M) E  carbamide formaldehyde resin 异尿素甲醛树脂: z0 m7 u( y- j* q" X3 Z; R
  carbamide resin 聚脲树脂
0 P% g" a4 ?. d% j3 p  Y$ a! P  T3 j  carbamide 尿素
0 f% B) E, P0 H# s# J$ p  carbamidine 胍
& i, g6 u( y( l4 I0 w% }6 `  carbamido 脲基6 U* n+ E- t: m0 k! {
  carbaminate 氨基甲酸盐
( \! d% F% X$ N' R  carbamoyl 氨基甲酰基& l" `9 g& K/ g
  carbamoylphenoxyacetic acid 卡巴芬乙酸* K0 P6 T5 e  _+ j' \
  Carbamult 猛杀威杀虫剂
0 h. h9 b4 `& r6 q9 n8 j% E! W  K  Carbamysol 福美铵杀菌剂
! J; a; m% l' z. ?; w/ J1 ~4 [' R  carbaniloyl 苯氨基甲酰
4 b6 g; ~# K; F5 o0 S2 e1 a$ Y$ c  carbanolate 氯灭杀威
' F1 @, j4 t+ k+ A" l( @* K/ U3 a/ a  carbantel 卡斑太# P" N" B% V0 Y4 p0 w
  carbanthrene blue 卡朋士林蓝1 ]& O0 W" i' A5 v% l% ^( }
  Carbanthrene dye 卡朋士林染料
6 f# B9 V6 V" I" H$ b4 k& y( n  carbarsone 卡巴胂
% n0 m. U; L6 h: o6 G  carbaryl 西维因
$ ^5 C8 }9 W8 B# p) u  carbasalate calcium 卡巴匹林钙
) P( L6 F2 o0 p  carbaso 绢丝薄绸
! L& K6 R+ l* j( j  carbassus  西班牙亚麻布
! f7 L: B, c" ?  y  Carbatene 代森联杀菌剂
& d7 y3 H) k) P' t$ a8 f  carbazeran 卡巴喹伦- Y8 a+ T2 x) H8 k4 F- F3 v* h
  carbazochrome salicylate 卡巴克络水杨酸钠3 |9 U2 K0 u( D( d: A7 O$ L9 X
  carbazochrome sodium sulfonate 卡巴克络磺酸钠- b  ]/ M- o+ A
  carbazochrome 卡巴克络
$ C3 A! I  k" P* y  carbazole 咔唑: y- s+ M9 x2 Q
  carbendazol wettable powder 多菌灵可湿性粉剂& C4 W3 M; ]) g, a
  carbendazol 多菌灵$ _* s# L" ?! m1 q& e
  carbene 碳烯3 S2 Q3 j( x9 E) q  d2 W  j
  carbenicillin 羟苄青霉素
5 \3 m  B7 l! z  `. l( v  carbenoxolone sodium 生胃酮钠
/ T" G! P& C4 Q9 F& u  carbenoxolone 甘珀酸6 N+ V3 f3 w7 [8 J* m$ M
  carbenzide 卡苯肼* H$ _  `) u' q5 S2 ?( H
  carbetamide 长杀草
4 e3 m: v4 r# g% [- U6 w# S  carbetapentane citrate compound syrup 复方咳必清糖浆' Z9 Y. C, x- o6 C. c
  carbetapentane citrate tablet 咳必清片$ x' y2 ~0 Y# v- u( e. Q
  carbetapentane citrate 咳必清1 k4 v3 q& I; i* y/ B
  Carbicron 百治磷0 ^+ @5 Q$ M. O' ~
  carbide 45 cranked external turning tool 硬质合金45°弯头外圆车刀
3 ?, X* ~6 U  X" i- w5 \; e! V  d  carbide alloy 碳化物合金2 R3 P( D- ]0 B
  carbide bit 硬质合金钻头: C) k) ^$ ~& P' i! v5 I
  carbide blade 硬质合金刀片& W, {6 i' D% s* M; }
  carbide cylindrical surface cutter 硬质合金圆柱平面铣刀  d+ W/ \1 O* k5 s% ?% j
  carbide die milling cutter 硬质合金模具铣刀7 z( U$ u7 B* _! U) k
  carbide drawing die wire polishing machine 硬质合金拉丝模线抛光机2 ^; ?) ]! d. O3 C- R1 F6 g
  carbide drill 硬质合金钻" |5 S- s- r( `- X1 K  F
  carbide end mill 硬质合金端铣刀0 o7 b2 {. P0 b1 e0 U
  carbide end milling cutter 硬质合金端铣刀
: J* ]2 M! e( M  carbide face-milling cutter with indexable insert for fine tooth 硬质合金可转位密齿面铣刀
7 C+ `# T  R9 d7 J/ f* }  carbide fibre 碳化物纤维# E0 R; B+ n; w* R' O9 }. d
  carbide fine-pitch gear hob 硬质合金小模数齿轮滚刀# z3 [2 h0 o/ M
  carbide furnace 碳化炉( @! `  L4 _, y% \
  carbide gun drill 硬质合金枪钻# ?* `* b. V; V
  carbide gun reamer 硬质合金枪铰刀
) I* _: O( L. Y5 ^  ~  carbide helical end mill 硬质合金螺旋立铣刀5 E* a! {+ D$ F- D2 G
  carbide hob 硬质合金滚刀; |- [* a* c" X5 C- y; }2 I) j
) S% v  y/ ?9 E' F$ y
  carbide indexable face-milling cutter 硬质合金可转位面铣刀3 P7 g, Y5 B. U1 H$ }& k! ^' Y
  carbide indexable triple side milling cutter 硬质合金可转位三面刃铣刀: k5 L, g, z$ q/ q) N" O
  carbide key way mill 硬质合金键槽铣刀
: ]! O" F( C' H5 i& v, C+ c3 m  carbide lamp 电石灯

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-16 08:28:35 | 显示全部楼层


  carbide machine reamer with parallel shank 硬质合金直柄机用铰刀# p' r- }7 g2 T
  carbide machine reamer with taper shank 硬质合金锥柄机用铰刀
) |; p5 @% w/ I9 y$ |  carbide miner 硬质合金采矿机
1 R" E( S1 S& [' c: L  carbide rectangular threading insert for petroleum pipe 石油管螺纹硬质合金长方形刀片
* e, c3 }/ Z/ K/ Q# t- N  carbide refractory 碳化物耐火材料
- Y3 c1 Z6 ^* x+ a1 l  carbide rotary tool 硬质合金旋转锉3 \" y7 |& ?+ p# y' V
  carbide scraper 硬质合金刮刀& \" ]: T4 k2 k9 _
  carbide segment threading insert for petroleum pipe 石油管螺纹硬质合金扇形刀片
% x$ g! D7 @; a2 {2 Q+ m& z  carbide shaver for wood working 木工硬质合金铣刀( [4 P3 g+ n& ~: a5 l& H1 T
  carbide shell face milling cutter with spiral teeth 螺旋齿套式硬质合金平面铣刀) c. e7 s+ {5 D1 H
  carbide side cutter 硬质合金侧铣刀+ D. K+ N2 B3 x1 s
  carbide skiving gear hob 硬质合金刮削滚刀6 m" C8 V: U& v
  carbide skiving hob 硬质合金滚铣刀( ~6 X% r+ f9 U0 H, e% w7 h
  carbide slotting cutter 硬质合金槽铣刀+ x8 \( s% \" C7 I# [4 w& r
  carbide slotting saw 硬质合金槽锯4 m( a( F7 M6 x7 f
  carbide square threading insert for petroleum pipe 石油管硬质合金方形螺纹刀片1 Z7 Y1 E3 W7 G5 P
  carbide T-slot milling cutter 硬质合金T形槽铣刀6 v) T( C8 w/ b% A6 x5 p
  carbide taper shank endmill with helical teeth 硬质合金斜齿锥柄立铣刀# ]2 `: H3 i2 |: J7 r. p; t
  carbide taper shank endmill with spiral teeth 硬质合金螺旋齿锥柄立铣刀
6 X8 j/ V' V2 p4 X( M  carbide taper shank twist drill 硬质合金锥柄麻花钻7 X5 h' s' J  [( ~% c  t
  carbide tip 硬质合金片
, M/ h6 I; t* Z. y: ?3 j: h  carbide tipped drill 镶硬质合金钻头" _; c3 Z# c# ^. U
  carbide tipped valve seat reamer 硬质合金气门座铰刀4 i; L* @( q0 `+ p! J
  carbide to water acetylene generator 电石入水式乙炔发生器7 e& _$ m& T) X( o
  carbide tool blade grinding machine 硬质合金刀片刃磨机床
8 @/ z& ?0 {% O1 M) i# c- }  carbide tool blade 硬质合金刀片
4 V2 C  y' @5 B( p# ], n  carbide tool grinder 硬质合金工具磨床! _- C, n$ B4 W* a+ E( S
  carbide tool shank for petroleum pipe external threading 石油管外螺纹硬质合金刀杆" u- s- b6 `6 ]" I' p
  carbide tool shank for petroleum pipe internal threading 石油管内螺纹硬质合金刀杆* d/ j5 f9 N1 ~1 x& A+ S% Y' y+ j
  carbide triangular threading insert for petroleum pipe 石油管螺纹硬质合金三角形刀片& V( X, R( B+ ~2 X0 f; }
  carbide welded side and face milling cutter 硬质合金焊接式三面刃铣刀* F) l' M+ U* y9 r! K1 F( X6 Z
  carbide welded straight shank twist drill 硬质合金焊接式直柄麻花钻+ U& ]( i$ J* ]0 D( ~7 g; }
  carbide welded T-groove milling cutter 硬质合金焊接式T形槽铣刀
5 \- h2 f0 e( o% i  carbide welded taper shank core drill 硬质合金焊接式锥柄扩孔钻  j; S; V9 O  ]+ c+ w
  carbide welded taper shank end mill with bevel teeth 硬质合金焊接式斜齿锥柄立铣刀
- \% O2 @& @3 U) ?# y  carbide welded taper shank machine reamer 硬质合金焊接式锥柄机用铰刀
; l1 J6 i1 M5 m- n  carbide welded taper shank twist drill 硬质合金焊接式锥柄麻花钻
  B8 F" S; ^4 w" @( v9 J) N  carbide welding insert 硬质合金焊接刀片
. [, C2 {( a6 \) D: F  carbide whisker reinforced metal 碳化物晶须强化金属
2 s# y! I+ H* h% B* y  carbide zerol gear cutter 硬质合金弧齿锥齿轮铣刀: k) d2 t& t. o/ D/ o
  carbide 碳钙石8 h( H2 q( ?5 {5 \' Q/ D) U6 q
  carbide-tipped circular sawblade for wood working 木工硬质合金圆锯片
( s7 b- h* Q6 ?& G. g% a2 Z  carbide-tipped cut-off turning tool 硬质合金焊接切断刀
7 [' Y! ]& ]2 C3 t/ F: n' ~7 w  carbide-tipped dovetail planing tool 硬质合金焊接燕尾刨刀7 i6 P9 @6 \  S9 P* U, g
  carbide-tipped gear hob 硬质合金镶片齿轮滚刀( F" h9 Y! I  f2 U$ z
  carbide-tipped internal turning recessing tool 硬质合金内孔切槽焊接车刀! k: z7 p; z* {5 ^. O2 F2 N5 R# `
  carbide-tipped internal turning tool 硬质合金内孔焊接车刀
7 _3 L. K+ Q& Q  carbide-tipped masonry drill 硬质合金石工钻5 P" z7 u, G: r: G/ L
  carbide-tipped multiple-rotating cutter 硬质合金多头转割机- G3 Y9 x* Z. d3 N+ ?# `; }9 a' a
  carbide-tipped offset planing tool 硬质合金焊接偏刨刀: C: `& X. k! a( ^4 w* F5 G
  carbide-tipped planing tool 硬质合金焊接刨刀
7 Z: b$ k& _+ ^( A* c& Z  carbide-tipped pulley grooving tool 硬质合金焊接皮带轮切槽车刀
# [; b0 @9 O# a: R  carbide-tipped reamer 硬质合金绞刀
! V( ?9 D3 u# G: I  carbide-tipped tool 硬质合金刀具2 m8 B- C; i% T9 a8 m8 \; i
  carbide-tipped turning tool for external threading 硬质合金外螺纹焊接车刀* N% x2 K0 J* s* d0 m0 B" S
  carbide-tipped turning tool for internal threading 硬质合金内螺纹焊接车刀0 X0 G# [  f5 c# A1 E' }9 e5 O
  carbide-tipped turning tool 硬质合金焊接车刀
% A+ j% L, j0 \0 Z# U1 v; R$ ~0 B  carbidopa 卡比多巴
" {5 W7 X/ y: C# L  carbifene 卡比芬
, z7 n7 d! t. U8 B2 y7 q4 K  carbimazole 卡比马唑
) Z# `8 e* Y, w' y/ }1 h7 O8 z, Y  carbinol 甲醇- r; g: ?7 t  V/ c+ v7 k! v9 `# N# i
  carbinoxamine 卡比沙明; A2 e0 k3 G. |: M' s; X
  carbitol 卡必醇
# ]( m# B0 X$ g! m  B  carbmino acid 氨基甲酸2 M, \4 O) v$ F1 B) g  m7 u
  carbo medicinalis 药用碳' e# }/ S- b' s' _
  carbobitumen 焦油沥青2 T  P2 X+ B/ h/ _  W
  carbochain fibre 碳链纤维! ?; }, S) M" `' U7 h* f  S4 e
  carbocisteine 羧甲半胱氨酸
0 S4 d+ O7 b: a0 t" O" }+ l  carbocloral 卡波氯醛1 g' b6 ^- e3 }
  carbocromen 卡波孟. Q/ X4 S- ~5 y
  carbofrax 碳化硅( G, p' p! P( }! q" n/ a
  carbofuran 虫螨威
2 M1 G( Q; p; A$ Y4 R8 B$ p  carbohm 电阻测碳仪</p>
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