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[考试辅导] 2011年金融英语学习专业词汇(2)

发表于 2012-8-16 08:28:34 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
收购公司 acquiring company
1 t: h$ K$ k/ |3 t+ m$ e  呆帐 bad loan
, F; x' x$ C6 Z* \- ]" E7 W8 E  现金流量表 chart of cash flow , I- ]1 _$ U, V! M) }: a
  产权清晰 clearly-established ownership # u+ A9 o( ~: Y; A! t! ]
  债转股 debt to equity 8 P# s6 z  G2 C5 p
  股权多元化 diversity of equities # T& ]2 G$ g4 p) c/ X) y
  规模经济 economy of scale 4 G- M- W( N: r" P4 F
  新兴经济 emerging economies - b" P7 }+ E/ T
  汇率机制 exchange-rate regime
! p4 H3 w9 m& P  筹资融资 fund and financing ; M  J) a4 J! d% m5 J0 w) k
  全球金融体系 global financial architecture / t" I, E) @" ^8 W6 g8 J  d; T
  全球一体化,全球化 global integration, globality
2 @5 [' f' }5 ~- A4 a  上市 go public
/ B! x' `) z- E  B  (经济的)急剧增长 growth spurt 7 h" W/ O8 m+ e- G1 C$ w1 M
  百万富翁 have one's "two commas"
+ x* j2 t' \9 f+ F% z* {: ^% c3 p  套期保值 hedge against
% e) T" v$ N% j7 ?, e# `% H  住房按揭 housing mortgage ; [% t5 N$ r: V! h1 i+ c
  控股,所持股份 holdings : D' d; y8 _2 ?; z4 e& `$ P9 g
  控股公司 holding company 2 J* L9 ^9 C9 X* l9 H
  原始股 initial offerings - p0 d, h6 M* z* P# y
  首次公募 initial public offerings
# s/ N0 X6 z0 D  V8 e% w( a4 J; `  创新企业 innovative business
, R4 K. i3 t& r% S9 _- V5 U5 x  智力资本 intellectual capital 4 ]1 v' m3 t0 n0 D7 f7 C
  拆借 inter-bank lending ' Z4 @+ b! F; ~7 e; f' C; n  P
  网上客户 internet customer
& O, {, v( q1 k+ t* B' l  u. l- Q  投资回收期 investment payoff period # O* d( d3 V- B( ]2 O
  参股 joint-stock
! a+ L$ N! b* X# N  爱逛商店的年轻人 mall rat 8 m) E! [4 o; L9 c
  生产要素 means of production ( d0 ~% S0 j9 S* L" F- H8 |
  大病医疗费用社会统筹 (the)medical cost social pool for major diseases
8 s3 o6 _! ]# F2 x  并购 mergers and acquisitions 9 M4 o' ~( j5 ~0 h  N% O' h- k( n
  移动电话银行业 mobile-phone banking

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