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[考试辅导] 2011年金融英语学习专业词汇(19)

发表于 2012-8-16 08:28:34 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  X ; e9 d4 E% ?# b: N
  吸纳流动性 to absorb liquidity
. [  R  `8 S- |$ p7 G$ R# ^. F! `  稀缺经济 scarcity economy 8 W: [& j! H* F' W
  洗钱 money laundering ; ?# w3 a. H/ S- D5 k7 A2 _
  系统内调度 fund allocation within a bank
8 h7 b2 g2 R, w& c8 ~  系统性金融危机 systemic financial crisis
1 E6 B/ W. N- K. @  下岗工人 laid-off employees
2 V, K% Y8 @; S7 ]. _9 N- S' e  下游企业 down-stream enterprises / i% l7 Q- r  ]6 ?& b, k
  现场稽核 on-site examination 5 I, @' ^* K& f& U  }
  现金滞留(居民手中) cash held outside the banking system 3 K4 _! m8 ^; M7 }7 \
  乡镇企业 township and village enterprises(TVEs) 3 r  N" Z( t- @/ F
  消费物价指数 consumer price index(CPI) / i9 j( f: q+ J
  消费税 excise(consumption)tax
( D. ?5 H  D3 G4 J  消灭财政赤字 to balance the budget;to eliminate fiscal deficit 3 `6 T( Z4 g! x0 v
  销货款回笼 reflow of corporate sales income to the banking system . K9 d$ V2 Y) w8 b( M
  销售平淡 lackluster sales ( A6 E& n& U% e$ k* m
  协议外资金额 committed amount of foreign investment
1 p" N( j! A# b4 [: v  新经济增长点 new sources of economic growth $ k( u! d# a" D, G8 q2 P7 [
  新开工项目 new projects;newly started projects 4 l8 W: A+ o3 p( I0 M7 X) T2 i
  新增贷款 incremental credit; loan increment; credit growth; credit expansion : x: m9 W5 D3 W* c% V# I2 ]; V
  新增就业位置 new jobs;new job opportunities
: F8 Q6 C% `' ]8 ~  信贷规模考核 review the compliance with credit ceilings
2 n3 |5 \  L" r  信号失真 distorted signals
% U$ N' G- \7 ~# P' _6 t  信托投资公司 trust and investment companies
% k2 r6 Q$ H  h7 @  信息不对称 information asymmetry : b$ S: ~" g- o7 {. x9 {; N  P; a9 Y
  信息反馈 feedback(information) ! }0 @" {* u: ^$ `; e# `  C
  信息共享系统 information sharing system # ]' m( |( C* Q0 w; ~
  信息披露 information disclosure
6 q" ]! i* f4 v) C6 }  信用扩张 credir expansion
. K  H1 T/ B$ c  信用评级 credit rating / m3 r' T. t. j# g- R& j
  姓“资”还是姓“社” pertaining to socialism or capitalism;socialist orcaptialist
) w( P2 M8 X3 N% ]$ u8 C' G3 @  行政措施 administrative measures
7 ?" h2 ?( e5 ^  S  `  需求膨胀 demand expansion; excessive demand
/ s, n7 R& q1 B4 `  虚伪存款 window-dressing deposits % Q3 p& y, I0 n/ U1 y' L
  削减冗员 to shed excess labor force
1 l5 q* `7 Z( {! O  寻租 rent seeking

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