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[考试辅导] 2011年金融英语考试国民经济词汇辅导(26)

发表于 2012-8-16 08:28:34 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  statement of change in stockholder equity 股东权益变动表
# H7 u8 \/ b9 e3 k  statement of owners‘ equity 股东权益表
) D1 v; n5 f. h1 A5 y1 B) |  statement of profit and loss 损益表, M* O, l0 L) E8 S  r# P* L/ X
  statement of profit distribution 利润分配表
; |# M: s6 d2 p- i  Statistical 统计的  G" b# y3 y# A8 v- R+ X3 J
  statistical analysis 统计分析
) I: l4 v7 S' I% I( s# d  statistical error 统计误差8 K' ]' z* ~. s+ b
  statistical yearbook 统计年鉴" T! A1 \" k! h6 k* ?
  Statistics Law 统计法- S3 b6 r6 G* n9 w) o! H
  Statutory 法定的) _- @4 U! L6 {! @1 \% _; @' \
  statutory audit 法定审计0 i4 a. \* _1 H9 O+ d
  statutory agent 法定代理人
" F& ?5 i& E2 W" i  statutory capital 法定资本! B- A- i4 l* t9 X* v7 G
  statutory financial statement 法定财务报表
/ J5 j' [3 a0 Z. L% x  statutory merger 法定兼并9 w4 S, v6 p. U5 [
  statutory tariff 法定关税
3 ^9 S2 g* n$ f/ }0 M$ m  Steady growth 稳定增长9 k" y0 M- K- A9 v2 ]) T* Y
  Step 步骤
  x$ F' ~' B0 y: y* Y  steps in the acquisition process 收购的步骤8 w, p2 ^+ ?( ?2 @1 O: g- R
  Stimulate 鼓励,刺激% f& F+ r: f# u3 Z5 i$ T
  stimulate economic development 刺激经济发展
1 V( I- B9 {+ D9 n; |8 q) D  Stimulation 鼓励,刺激
% N  X2 y3 K- G% b9 Y: i  Stock 股票,股份,存火4 U6 w: B# a3 |$ V3 D
  American Stock Exchange(AMEX) 美国证券交易所0 S1 G' E4 P% Z1 l8 {
  New York Stock Exchange(NYEX) 纽约证券交易所
/ I- `! O" {* E" \  stock acquisition 股票收购# O% U- Y) r( v2 q& b2 S1 f
  stock and bond 股票和债券
8 V8 \$ x6 I  @+ o4 ^! U# P  stock authorized 额定股本  I: ~, L- q0 r& N
  stock averages 股份平均指数5 Y+ r/ P. D. G* q- }0 E
  stock bonus 股份红利
- \1 R) [& h4 Y! l) V$ u" Z  stock capitalization 股份资本化
) c. o, S. w# R6 x  stock certificate 股票0 S- X9 ?5 O3 y4 ^9 M* ?
  stock common 普通股4 U7 g0 {' w4 W6 O$ n
  stock dividend 股利,股息( r) g9 T! L+ r% D5 g& u
  stock equity securities 股权证券
% O% [. R2 G9 K* ]9 [  stock exchange 股票交易所
9 u4 y' r( c+ O4 w/ j# W/ j/ \  stock exchange firm 证券公司8 `$ R- u# A2 k: c. Z
  stock index 证券指数
" V7 J, [( z1 _9 F2 Q% {/ c0 m9 @+ K$ G  stock index futures 股票指数期货  r3 ~/ o# O: X5 U( w  F
  stock insurance company 股票保险公司5 r% f9 e+ L% Y
  stock ledger 存货簿,股东名册
" y, ^* {8 z# P# `' y, k  y. }  stock market credit 股票市场信用% i$ h6 ^0 C7 y% H  R+ Y5 X, j3 u) c+ ~
  stock market quotation 股市行情
2 K6 K" `/ a, q- Y* G  K% G3 `8 a6 J  stock merger 股票兼并
+ ?0 ?2 Y, C3 l0 l' P  U/ v  stock option 股票购买权) U% S: w  f$ [. M; B$ a
  stock ownership 股权

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