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[考试辅导] 金融英语跟单信用证常见条款及短语7

发表于 2012-8-16 08:28:34 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  34)covering all risks including war risks as per ocean marine cargo clauses and air transportation cargo insurance clauses and ocean marine cargo war risk clauses and air transportation cargo war risk clauses of the People´s Insurance Company of China dated…
% X9 R9 Y, W( \+ U& G  按照中国人民保险公司×年×月×日海洋运输货物保险条款和航空运输货物保险条款以及海洋运输货物战争险条款和航空运输货物战争险条款投保海空联运一切险和战争险) V$ `5 S  |$ L# w( C# ?
  (35)covering all risks as per ocean marine cargo clauses and overland transportation cargo insurance clause (train, truck) of P.I.C.C. dated…0 O# F% T9 \6 s$ B; M
+ a9 S$ P4 @9 d! W4 m* o% D  (36)covering all risks including war risks as per overland transportation cargo insurance clauses (train,truck) and air transportation cargo insurance clauses and air transportation cargo war risk clause and war clauses (for cargo transportation by rail) of the People´s Insurance Company of China dated…
1 g; y  K5 r, d! S  按照中国人民保险公司×年×月×日陆运货物保险条款(火车、汽车)和空运货物保险条款以及空运货物战争险条款和铁路货运战争条款投保陆空陆联运一切险和战争险
' R1 Z, T9 S& W4 |- G2 J0 Y  (37)including shortage in weight in excess of 0.5%(with 0.5% franchise) on the whole consignment8 K! U& i- {1 ^/ Q
( p9 c$ ?( E& Q" E: ^" ]  (38)including risk of breakage and clashing 包括破裂或凹瘪险
8 U9 K6 l' ]" m2 G& B  (39)including risk of chipping & denting 包括碎裂或凹弯险. w: r; y" C) \2 [6 T; S( q
  (40)including risk of bad odour 包括恶味险% r: C" C# l  H0 i6 ~' M
  (41)including damage by hooks, oils, muds and contact with other cargo(insured value)' L* _1 m1 Z4 N( ?$ T
  包括钩损、油污、泥污以及和他物接触所致的损失(以保险价值为限)* t, |2 \! u, }* T- c
  (42)including damage caused by rain fresh and/or water, internal combustion(total or partial loss)7 K; v0 }" l+ O, ~$ J
  包括淡水雨淋,自燃所致的损失(包括全部或部分损失)+ u2 Y# N! c! M" [
  (43)including loss and/or damage caused by sea water, fresh-water, acid,grease# d  }" r% \1 Y, u7 I6 L  b
  包括海水、淡水、酸蚀、油脂所致的损失- Y( @6 @/ e9 `* v. F& k
  (44)including T.P.N.D. loss and/or damage caused by heat, ship´s sweat and odour, hoop-rust, breakage of packing% @$ Y& }$ f3 G8 s
  包括偷窃提货不着,受热船舱发汗,串味,铁箍锈损,包装破裂所致的损失/ s, n9 E" S' ~
  (45)including damage caused by infestation mould 包括虫蛀霉烂的损失) J+ n8 V+ [" {3 L+ \% e& y- i' G
  (46)including damage due to rough handling during transit subject to C.T.C.
& t. {& ?& q3 l% w  按照中国保险条款包括运输途中操作不当所致的损失8 b; M6 [2 r! S5 n4 T- c) i
  (47)including loss and/or damage from any external cause as per CIC( e  }9 V  E$ O. I
/ O- [* c, p+ R5 ?$ u1 L  (48)including damage by slings, stains, grease, acids
1 K& K( a( n2 I1 P  Y4 x+ E3 P2 N  包括吊具、斑污、油脂、酸蚀造成的损失1 O" d& z& D$ F* T8 X; I# ], S
  (49)excluding risk of breakage 不包括破碎险
' Q. L7 O" o1 h& d* F  (50)including the breakage does not cover the goods remarked in th invoice as originally damage6 H# e9 Z- b  }; i( q
  包括破碎险,但不负责发票所示之货物的原残损失# R3 z5 x5 R7 d& b% k8 V2 |5 J
  (51)excluding natural loss in weight 不包括途耗短量的损失
3 H! Z$ k/ X2 L  (52)including 60 days after discharge of the goods at port of destination (or at station of destination) subject to C.T.C.( C( _( F6 x$ g- c% r. i
; L1 G6 q" K3 N% |6 T  (53)including W.A. & risk of fire for 60 days in customs warehouse after discharge of the goods at port of destination subject to CIC5 V- }) n+ i1 g( p( a% M
! R# ^/ `1 ~% N9 o  (54)this insurance must be valid for a period of 60 days after arrival of merchandise at inland destination 本保险扩展到货物到达内地的目的地后60天有效
2 U7 M8 i2 L, d, `3 R  (55)insurance policy or certificate covering F.P.A. including the risk of war and risks of S.R.C.C. as per I.C.C. dated…and institute war clauses dated…and institute S.R.C.C. clauses dated…+ b/ q5 U6 v; w
  按照×年×月×日伦敦保险学会条款和×年×月×日学会战争险条款以及×年×月×日学会罢工、暴动、民变险条款投保平安险、战争险和罢工、暴动、民变险0 y; y/ s+ K7 R& b! G: _+ n6 E
  (56)the People´s Insurance Company of China investment insurance (political risks) clauses! U5 \3 u2 k: d! r% f( d! P
! }3 ^0 B3 M% M4 X7 y: a: X  (57)property insurance clauses 财产保险条款, c; |/ T; Y3 K4 ]* g

# ?- ?0 \& Z  J$ I5 b; K  (58)the People´s Insurance Company of China Erection all risks clauses

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-16 08:28:35 | 显示全部楼层


</p>  中国人民保险公司安装工程一切险条款
2 N8 |5 p6 [# n+ O+ s$ G  (59)the People&acute;s Insurance Company of China contractors all risks clauses
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